Trump to gain billions!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Hmmm... Watched The Rifleman on the telly a few times
and didn't see Lucas bein' a crybaby not one time.

Reckon there's a first time for everything.

The expression "If you say so" when used by Waco or Bambino
or Me-self is a rather polite way of saying:
"You're full of shit!" ... If nothing else, we Aussies are polite.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

my less blunt response is "disagree" but close enough mate!

There's no crying about it, homeboy. Let's not be overly dramatic. I'm just saying it's lame and wack. It's not like I need to go seek therapy about it. Don't be so salty. It's not that serious. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

who's cryin' .. ? not me or salty.

you're missing the point. in this context it means you disagree with what someone said. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

i'm surprised an "Ivy Guy" like yourself even as a finance CPA geek doesn't know the art of debate and rhetoric .. didn't they give that precious "well rounded education" everyone thinks is so important?

i get you didn't major in political science or go to law school but surely you've heard of refuting your debate opponent's comments in flat terms then put them on the defensive to reply.

it's rather effective isn't it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
my less blunt response is "disagree" but close enough mate!

who's cryin' .. ? not me or salty.

i'm surprised an "Ivy Guy" like yourself even as a finance CPA geek doesn't know the art of debate and rhetoric .. didn't they give that precious "well rounded education" everyone thinks is so important?

i get you didn't major in political science or go to law school but surely you've heard of refuting your debate opponent's comments in flat terms then put them on the defensive to reply.

it's rather effective isn't it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

i'm TWK and i double liked this post. because i can.

bambino's Avatar
i'm TWK and i double liked this post. because i can.

BAHHAAAAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I triple liked it. However, I don’t agree with your assessment that he’s a “finance, CPA geek”. I’m not buying it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LOL. Leave it to the Trumpsters to stay unfocused on the subject of the thread. I love it. That's why I love this stock. It's so easy to take the money from ignorant Trumpster investors. Fortunately for people like me, they have no fucking clue how the market works so I just continue to make it work for me by taking advantage of them.

Now you guys can continue talking about my degrees and my licenses while I continue to take advantage of your people.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I triple liked it. However, I don’t agree with your assessment that he’s a “finance, CPA geek”. I’m not buying it. Originally Posted by bambino

well .. that's what he claims .. on the internet.


LOL. Leave it to the Trumpsters to stay unfocused on the subject of the thread. I love it. That's why I love this stock. It's so easy to take the money from ignorant Trumpster investors. Fortunately for people like me, they have no fucking clue how the market works so I just continue to make it work for me by taking advantage of them. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

if you say so
Lucas McCain's Avatar
well .. that's what he claims .. on the internet.

BAHHAAHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Only one way to prove it. You live in Dallas, right? Like I told the other guy, I'll make you a simple bet - $100K bet and I'm more than to happy to show anything you want me to prove. If I can't, I'll give you a $100K. It's that simple. Money talks and bullshit walks in my world. Funny how people are smart enough not to take that bet because who wants to lose $100K to an asshole like me?

It doesn't really matter because I doubt Trumpsters have access to that amount of cash on this board. It's a lot easier to talk shit behind a keyboard than to put up or shut up about my "claims" about myself. I just want an easy $100K because I'm a greedy fucker.
bambino's Avatar
Only one way to prove it. You live in Dallas, right? Like I told the other guy, I'll make you a simple bet - $100K bet and I'm more than to happy to show anything you want me to prove. If I can't, I'll give you a $100K. It's that simple. Money talks and bullshit walks in my world. Funny how people are smart enough not to take that bet because who wants to lose $100K to an asshole like me?

It doesn't really matter because I doubt Trumpsters have access to that amount of cash on this board. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If you say so. BTW, who’s the other guy?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why would you have 100k in cash, though?

That's gonna be worth like 80k over the next 2 years.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Only one way to prove it. You live in Dallas, right? Like I told the other guy, I'll make you a simple bet - $100K bet and I'm more than to happy to show anything you want me to prove. If I can't, I'll give you a $100K. It's that simple. Money talks and bullshit walks in my world. Funny how people are smart enough not to take that bet because who wants to lose $100K to an asshole like me? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

i've already told you. the "bet" with the other guy .. Fred the friendly .. is me showing up and holding your 100k cashier's checks and posting who won. then giving the checks to the winner.

other than that .. i really don't care whether you went to an Ivy League school or not.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
i've already told you. the "bet" with the other guy .. Fred the friendly .. is me showing up and holding your 100k cashier's checks and posting who won. then giving the checks to the winner.

other than that .. i really don't care whether you went to an Ivy League school or not. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's his name, friendlyfred. Man, I went blank on his handle. I was going to call him by his original handle but I knew he changed it. Geez, I wonder what happened to that guy. He went from a regular poster to just disappearing. Maybe he is still waiting to fight me outside of a police station after his morning jog. LOL
VitaMan's Avatar

Love you all

Love you all Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Hmmm... cooler heads do prevail, Vita.

Maybe we can all dance-about the room and
sing "Koom-bi-ya"...

And get the thread back on track.
uh.. Is THIS the Halloween one??

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Truth Social coming soon!!! I’m 150,044 on the waitlist. It’s #1 on the app list.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 10:23 AM
Truth Social coming soon!!! I’m 150,044 on the waitlist. It’s #1 on the app list. Originally Posted by bambino
You do realize that is Trumps version of the Clinton Foundation.... of course not, you're not that bright.

Now pound the rtm
Precious_b's Avatar
Only one way to prove it. You live in Dallas, right? Like I told the other guy, I'll make you a simple bet - $100K bet and I'm more than to happy to show anything you want me to prove. If I can't, I'll give you a $100K. It's that simple. Money talks and bullshit walks in my world. Funny how people are smart enough not to take that bet because who wants to lose $100K to an asshole like me?

It doesn't really matter because I doubt Trumpsters have access to that amount of cash on this board. It's a lot easier to talk shit behind a keyboard than to put up or shut up about my "claims" about myself. I just want an easy $100K because I'm a greedy fucker. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
They're too chickenshit to do that.
All they can afford is lip service on a hooker board.

How is that stock doing? Soaring like and eagle or like another log or two dropped tweeting?