No, Beta just sealed his landslide loss by acting like a complete ass. Beta deserved nothing but a good cursing out for that stupid stunt.
Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Not from here. I appreciate a Politician who has real passion to act. Unlike the sanctamonious Fools on the podium who are predictable, don't do shit, and used their bullshit Press Conference as an excuse to gather and pretend to feel pain.
They whine that families and law enforcement were present. So? The Cops want fewer guns available. The families I bet, will want gun control. The hard right never thinks a protest is proper.. Civil Rights, Vietnam.. It's always ''those bad people protesting''. Oh, except if you want to call January 6 a ''protest''.
I wouldn't trade baseball cards with an 18 year old guy, let alone sell him an assault rifle and hundreds of ammunition rounds.