Is Wakeup a Mod?

rooster's Avatar
P.S.-How can you expect to make any headway with this at all if you don't have the slightest idea how this board works? Your last post is full of things that are rendered useless by how this board operates... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I don't know...or care....what you are trying to ask...

But by "last post"....didja mean this one?

Wakeup's Avatar
Gonna make us all guess again? Prove to us how smart ya are? Or just do what you always do....make simplistic threats by implication. Originally Posted by rooster
No. No. No.

I ask again, why would I give you points for that?

P.S.-Is it better to threaten you by implication, or threaten you directly? You saw what happens when a moderator threatens someone directly...didn't you? During that brief moment, you still didn't learn how this places works...if you had, you'd know your ultimate gambit was unwinnable...
rooster's Avatar

I ask again, why would I give you points for that? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Yer stallin fer time, ya cuck. And anyone paying the slightest attention realizes that by now.

I gave you an easy way to prove yourself. If you give me points, it will say on my infraction page who gave them to me. can get someone else to BAN me...and no one will know that you didn't do it. So they will implication (yer fav tactic)...that you did it...and be....oh so impressed.....

I am saying that you haven't given me points by now because you can't.

Prove me wrong. Or STFU. I'm calling BULLSHIT on your "third option." There ain't nuthin else but a ban, and you can get someone else to do it. Do that later, after I admit I was wrong. Or...keep stalling. Because you need to wait.

jokacz's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm calling BULLSHIT on your "third option." Originally Posted by rooster
And therein lies the reason you fail...In your brief time as a moderator, you never understood the basic rules that govern most moderators on this site, or how the fundamental processes of the site work. That definitely contributed to your extremely short tenure. I'm going to help you out, just this one time, because I'm feeling magnanimous...

The owners of the site don't want moderators doing "drive-by" moderating. They've made it very clear that moderators are not to moderate actions outside their assigned forums except in the most extreme case, such as nuclear rule violations. Outing, children, etc. In those cases, all moderators are encouraged to step in as quickly as possible, rather than wait for local intervention.

When I asked you, "why would I issue you points for that", the emphasis wasn't on points, but rather on I, as in "why would I put my modtardship at risk by doing something the owners specifically don't want?" Unfortunately, you're so out of your depth here, that you could never see this third option.

I won't issue you points for your infraction here, not because I can't, but because it's the local moderator's job, and I'm discouraged from doing so. So those two points you will be getting are all for naught...
jokacz's Avatar
There you go again, your modtardship, limited as it is to basically nothing, is not something of value. It is a joke.

See sycophant and lick spittle above.
Loki Pk's Avatar
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

Rooster check your PM's

Whispers's Avatar

This link is totally open and free for any member to access.

Now a couple of ass covering dumb fucks are trying to say it's privileged information.

Get a life, Trolls! Originally Posted by jokacz
Could you screenshot the results for us so we know what you are talking about please. I don't think we are both seeing the same results.
rooster's Avatar
And therein lies the reason you fail...In your brief time as a moderator, you never understood the basic rules that govern most moderators on this site, or how the fundamental processes of the site work. That definitely contributed to your extremely short tenure. I'm going to help you out, just this one time, because I'm feeling magnanimous...

The owners of the site don't want moderators doing "drive-by" moderating. They've made it very clear that moderators are not to moderate actions outside their assigned forums except in the most extreme case, such as nuclear rule violations. Outing, children, etc. In those cases, all moderators are encouraged to step in as quickly as possible, rather than wait for local intervention.

When I asked you, "why would I issue you points for that", the emphasis wasn't on points, but rather on I, as in "why would I put my modtardship at risk by doing something the owners specifically don't want?" Unfortunately, you're so out of your depth here, that you could never see this third option.

I won't issue you points for your infraction here, not because I can't, but because it's the local moderator's job, and I'm discouraged from doing so. So those two points you will be getting are all for naught... Originally Posted by Wakeup
NAH. That ain't workin....

You ain't a real Mod. You have no Regional Authority. I know I said it before, but I mean it now....I'm done.

My Custom User Title stays.

PEACE to Loki. And Free Franklin

jokacz's Avatar
Could you screenshot the results for us so we know what you are talking about please. I don't think we are both seeing the same results. Originally Posted by Whispers
Probably not, unless you are among the chosen few.

And I'm not so stupid that I would post a screen shot of "classified information". LMFAO!

Especially to a Texan who may be sucking Wakeup's dick.
I've already got a massive erection .... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Do yourself a favor, so you don't end up saying something else moronic....I'll cum so hard I may pass out... Originally Posted by Wakeup
And therein lies the reason you fail...In your brief time as a moderator, you never understood the basic rules that govern most moderators on this site, or how the fundamental processes of the site work. That definitely contributed to your extremely short tenure. I'm going to help you out, just this one time, because I'm feeling magnanimous...

The owners of the site don't want moderators doing "drive-by" moderating. They've made it very clear that moderators are not to moderate actions outside their assigned forums except in the most extreme case, such as nuclear rule violations. Outing, children, etc. In those cases, all moderators are encouraged to step in as quickly as possible, rather than wait for local intervention.

When I asked you, "why would I issue you points for that", the emphasis wasn't on points, but rather on I, as in "why would I put my modtardship at risk by doing something the owners specifically don't want?" Unfortunately, you're so out of your depth here, that you could never see this third option.

I won't issue you points for your infraction here, not because I can't, but because it's the local moderator's job, and I'm discouraged from doing so. So those two points you will be getting are all for naught... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Carlos Danger's Avatar
P.S.-I didn't give myself the mod title above my avatar... Originally Posted by Wakeup
He's not an avatard, his name is Valerie. Let's not diminish the spouses role based upon gender orientation whew
