Biden Says if You Can't Figure Out if You Support Him or Trump, 'Then You Ain't Black'

HedonistForever's Avatar
SR, still waiting to hear why a "higher education" would lead one to vote Democrat other than being brain washed by Socialist/ Marxist/ Progressive professors. Educate me.

And I believe I proved that the majority of illegals from Central America have less than a high school degree and they would probably vote Democrat if given the chance. There goes that theory.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 12:38 PM
I could be wrong but I don't remember saying exactly what you think I might have said. The Democratic party seems to be heading vocally further left with new voices like AOC. But the Democrat's victory in the 2018 midterm elections in the House was by primarily moderate Democrats. And those moderate Democrats who won ion 2018 did not want Sanders as the nominee. I am sure I said that it seems like younger Democratic voters are moving more to the extreme left than in previous years. I am definitly NOT far left wing and I hope the moderate wing of the Democratic party wins out.

Biden is being pressured by those further to the left to embrace the Green New Deal. I'm sure he embraces parts of it but does not embrace all of it.

Biden's plans

Biden's actual platform calls for the United States to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions — which would leave little room for fossil fuels — by 2050.

He calls the Green New Deal "a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face" but stops short of endorsing or embracing it.

And while he appeared to endorse a fracking ban in a March debate, his campaign staff later walked it back. He has said elsewhere he wouldn't support banning the oil and natural gas production process.

Biden has labeled Sanders' Green New Deal as "impossible." Sanders, in turn, said Biden's platform is "nowhere near enough," while the Sunrise Movement, which backed Sanders, gave Biden a grade of F-minus on climate.

But Biden told reporters last month he saw an "opportunity" in the debate over coronavirus recovery legislation "to use my green economy — my Green Deal — to generate both growth, consistent with the kind of infusion of monies we need into the system to keep it going."

That hasn't stopped Trump's campaign from seeking to tie the two together, betting that voters would find the Green New Deal off-putting enough to sway key swing states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to Trump.

"President Trump has been a stalwart champion of American energy workers, whose hard work and ingenuity resulted in the U.S. becoming the world's No. 1 producer of oil and natural gas. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has openly pledged to 'sacrifice' energy jobs and ban fossil fuels in pursuit of his extreme environmental agenda," Trump campaign spokeswoman Sarah Matthews said, pointing to Biden's Green Deal comments.

As discussed before, my opinion is the 2017 tax plan gave too much to corporations and the rich and gave little to the middle of the middle class and below who really needed the money. And the deficit grew by a trillion dollars due to the tax cuts. Biden would raise taxes on people making $400,000 and above by a little. And he also supports raising the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%. I thought 25% was a fair rate.

Finally, as stated above, I don't think the far left will take control anytime soon. They will make noise but, just like most Republicans are not far right, most Democrats are not far left.

And like you, I prefer to not have one party control the presidency and the House and the Senate. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Thanks for the substantive reply SpeedRacer. You're right, we've discussed the 2017 tax plan backwards, forwards and sideways. A cut in corporate taxation was long overdue, and 25% might be a fair rate. Wealthy people didn't necessarily benefit disproportionately from the tax cuts. Some were hurt, like people who were paying lots of state income tax and could no longer use it as a deduction. An exception was those who own significant sized businesses that have a lot of labor or depreciation expense. Trump fits into that category with his rental real estate and his clubs and hotels. That part of the cuts struck me as crony capitalism. I would have much rather they simplified the tax system and brought down rates more. And cut spending so we weren't running up the national debt.
Secret Trump voters Speed, secret Trump voters.

The Trump base contributed heavily to Trump getting elected but he would not have won without support from other groups such as suburban women who heavily supported him in 2016. Suburban women seem to have moved to support Democratic candidates since then. Maybe that is due to Trump's name not being on the ballot in 2018. But the point remains that Trump will not win in 2020 with just the support of his loyal base. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR, still waiting to hear why a "higher education" would lead one to vote Democrat other than being brain washed by Socialist/ Marxist/ Progressive professors. Educate me.

And I believe I proved that the majority of illegals from Central America have less than a high school degree and they would probably vote Democrat if given the chance. There goes that theory. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Here is my statement (red) and your response (blue):

Trump's base will get him just so far. Evangelical Christians and old, white men with less than a college education will get him a lot of votes but will not get him elected. I didn't say, or even imply, that they were less educated than others regarding policy. For whatever reasons these demographics supported Trump, just as blacks, Hispanics, and Asians voted for Clinton.

I'm curious what you thing a "higher education" gets you if not a "better" understanding of policies? I mean, isn't the whole narrative that if you didn't go to college you didn't get a "broader" world view by coming into contact with a broader base of people? I didn't go to college but I was in the military like many old White men of my generation, where I got that broader view of diverse persons. While I didn't study sociology or today's "feminist studies", I did see the world and have always considered it to be a "higher education" in some ways, more than anybody could get from spending 4 years on the same campus being taught by the same politically biased "educators" who IMHO brain wash more than they educate.

A college education gives a student a taste of fields unrelated to their major. As a business major, I took courses in chemistry, biology, English composition and literature, anthropology, political science, a foreign language, etc. I don't know if such requirements exist in college today.

No course in college, unless a student is a Politial Science major, discusses detailed political issues. Actually, issues like that might be discussed by college students outside, rather than inside, the classroom. just as you may have discussed them with your peers while in the service.

All I said is that exit polls after the 2016 election indicated which demographics voted for which candidate, Trump or Clinton.
If you believe the exit polls, Blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. White men voted overwhelmingly for Trump. College graduates favored Clinton by a wide margin and non-college graduates favored Trump by a wide margin.

At no point have I tried to explain why the voting demographics were what they were.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I share your concerns that suburban women may not wholeheartedly support our President in the next election.

Hopefully, they will equate the Democrats with lockdowns and taxing the shit out of their children, and will vote to protect their children from the tyranny of over taxation coupled with undue restrictions on personal freedom. Originally Posted by friendly fred
As I responded to Tiny, the only tax increases proposed by Tiny are on people making over $400,000 a year and an increase in corporate taxes. And I'm interested in what you mean by "undue restrictions on personal freedom." That is a rather vague statement.
this Guy just isn't going to hold up.. he looks okay in a carefully scripted environment, but this was minor heat compared to what's coming.. what will he do and say, when Hunter's shenanigans are put in his face?

.... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You're just now coming around to this? The conservatives and moderates on this forum have been saying it for months. I don't know why the more progressives haven't been saying it other than they've been banned.

Both of those old fuckers should not be president. Give me a break. That job requires a lot of work obviously. Neither are qualified in my opinion. I hate to be guilty of ageism but I will with those two old motherfuckers. 73 and 77 years old; give me a fucking break. That's ridiculous. They're both out of touch with reality and I blame neither one. They are both old and set in their ways.

Let the insults come my way from the elders in here. Like I remotely give a shit about any of your opinions about the fact that I am right, but vent as you must. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So why even post this? Did you learn this antitroll troll technique at Harvard, Yale, or Princeton? Please don't say some second tier school like Dartmouth, Penn, Brown or Cornell.

  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 01:21 PM
As I responded to Tiny, the only tax increases proposed by Tiny are on people making over $400,000 a year and an increase in corporate taxes. And I'm interested in what you mean by "undue restrictions on personal freedom." That is a rather vague statement. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You've got a typo in that SpeedRacer. I'm not proposing to increase taxes. And my man is Vermin Supreme, not Joe Biden.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 01:26 PM

400 for AOC
200 for Ilhan Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yeah, once you took her clothes off, Ilhan might not be worth it just based on physical beauty. And who knows, she might have had a cliterectomy. But I bet she's a tiger in bed. And I'd pay $500 just for the bragging rights.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You've got a typo in that SpeedRacer. I'm not proposing to increase taxes. And my man is Vermin Supreme, not Joe Biden. Originally Posted by Tiny
I was saying in MY respons to you that Biden was proposing raising taxes on some, not that you proposed it.
SR, still waiting to hear why a "higher education" would lead one to vote Democrat other than being brain washed by Socialist/ Marxist/ Progressive professors. Educate me.

And I believe I proved that the majority of illegals from Central America have less than a high school degree and they would probably vote Democrat if given the chance. There goes that theory. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That is a good point - poorly educated immigrants love the Democratic Party and its giveaways.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 02:05 PM
I was saying in MY respons to you that Biden was proposing raising taxes on some, not that you proposed it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Right, you wrote "proposed by Tiny" in the reply to Friendly Fred when you intended to write "proposed by Biden." I felt the need to correct that as higher taxes are totally out of whack with the Libertarian platform that Vermin Supreme is running on.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Both of those old fuckers should not be president. Give me a break. That job requires a lot of work obviously. Neither are qualified in my opinion. I hate to be guilty of ageism but I will with those two old motherfuckers. 73 and 77 years old; give me a fucking break. That's ridiculous... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The US Constitution set the minimum age limit at 35 years old.
Given any thought to what the average life expectancy was at the time?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Some were hurt, like people who were paying lots of state income tax and could no longer use it as a deduction... Originally Posted by Tiny

Had a pretty long conversation with a friend from Chicago area about this very topic. They were cheezed off about that increase, aka reduction in deduction. (Full disclosure, they have Stage 5 TDS) My response was: maybe your State could tax you less. (Deer in the headlights look)
Anyway, by the time we finished of the bottle of Mcallan 15 yr old, we had moved beyond it and covered some other TDS topics as well. I believe they retained that concept pretty well, as it came up another time when they mentioned that their taxes were too damned high in Illinois.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Right, you wrote "proposed by Tiny" in the reply to Friendly Fred when you intended to write "proposed by Biden." I felt the need to correct that as higher taxes are totally out of whack with the Libertarian platform that Vermin Supreme is running on. Originally Posted by Tiny
Ouch! Sorry.
LexusLover's Avatar
SR, still waiting to hear why a "higher education" would lead one to vote Democrat .... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
.. he believes it.