Ladies, what are your two biggest client problems?

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Debate is not hate speech. The fact that I don't agree, with you, doesn't imply disrespect. It simply means we don't agree. If I thought what you were saying was nonsense, I would have accepted that, without challenge.

Never said it was hate anything. You're welcome to diagree, just try not to sound so hateful, or even suggest I have serious faults. I understand the difference, hon.

Zero effect on your self image? Wow, you must think I'm a mean person. Now, that really takes me by surprise.

You were fairly snarky to me. What would you have thought, had you been me?

I'm sorry that you took my "debutante" comment, personally. I guess I failed at my attempt at humor.

I don't think I, or anyone else, took it wrong. You were suggesting I'm a hooker, so I shouldn't have a problem with getting cursed at. Know that I do. Wanted you to know it wasn't necessary for me to comprehend, so I said so. How else could I have stated that without getting those kinda implications thrown around?

"said the Debutante to the tongue twisted frog! LOL" Now that was funny. Originally Posted by EZ.
When I looked at your avatar, it made me laugh! So, I had hoped it would lighten the mood. I don't wanna spend time defending myself or other ladies, so, let's agree, we'll learn to be a little kinder to one
If and when I ask that question, it's always human interest. I don't see anything wrong with a simple, "So how did you find your way into the hobby?" I always preface it by saying, if you'd prefer not to answer, that's fine too.

To me, it's no different than when a lady asks me, "So what do you do for a living." Or, "What brought you to the hobby?" Originally Posted by Billy Babitt
It's too personal. Don't ask. I think this question would make most ladies very uncomfortable. I'm not sure cuz I've never asked. If they get to know you and you have visited several times, they may volunteer this information. But until then, resist the urge.

After about 3 visits with one provider I took care of business rather early so we just talked for about 40 mins. (Yes, I was done in under 15 mins. Whoops) I really seemed to connect with her. Probably why my short duration. LOL. Not sure if real or she had great IOP, but she just started telling me her story. Her story was very interesting but a little sad. I think I actually saw a tear. Really, don't ask. Let them tell you if they want.
OK now that is even more terrifying to think that it isn't sweat...but in fact...BUTTHOLE!! NOOOO!!! LOL. But yeah, I seriously cannot stand the "so how did you get into doing this?" question, or the "so why do you hobby" or "what do you need the money for?" Why ask? If I tell you my answer, will it not make you want to give me the money because you don't feel that i need it?

If you wanted to get more personal with someone, then pick a lady up at a bar after sharing drinks and hearing her life story. That's not what this is about.

I get that you want the IOP, but that doesn't mean asking intimate details about my life. Questions like, "Did you watch to Cowboys game?" or "What are your plans for the weekend?" are fine.

IDK, usually when someone asks me why I got into the hobby, it follows with, "you could be doing something SO much better for yourself!?' Don't talk to me like I've been forced into this and am living a terrible, miserable life. This is FUN and I'd like to keep it that way, please! Originally Posted by Slim.
The asking of personal questions doesn't seem the highest complaint ( Time wasters and hagglers top it) but I would offer the other side to that you know how many times I've been asked by a provider if I'm married? Have you, out of curiosity, ever asked a client that? Why do you girls want to know this?

I am hearing you ladies though and hope to be a good customer....oh and Slim, to hear such a beautiful woman say Butthole makes me almost as giddy as hearing someone fart in the elevator....I LOVE IT!!!
< thinks the following would help providers cause they could kick the unwanted to the curb and have time to try to fill the spot of need.
LOL @ nicholas!! Well, I say that word on a regular basis, along with "Slap-ass" so you would love me! And actually, I don't ask clients if they're married. Because I could careless. I ask 3 questions:
1. When do you want to see me
2. Do you have refs?
3. Can you please put my donation over there?
Gnostalgia's Avatar
Slim. I like straight forward abd honest too without brutality.
Bob McV's Avatar
little late to this discussion, but I have a rate haggling question of my own.

When I see a posted rate of 200/hhr 250/hr (fairly common no?) but I am looking for 2hrs is it out of line to ask if 350 is acceptable? (200+50+50+50) or is there a better to ask what is your rate for 1.5 hr and 2hrs? Then point out the flawed math when I get a reply of 300 and 500?
Bob, just ask whether they offer multiple hour sessions and if so, inquire for more information on them. Ladies set their price points the way they see fit, so some may get offended if you assume what the price is...although that is a fair assumption, but it's always better to ask rather than suggest or assume. Just keeps everyone happy
LOL @ nicholas!! Well, I say that word on a regular basis, along with "Slap-ass" so you would love me! And actually, I don't ask clients if they're married. Because I could careless. I ask 3 questions:
1. When do you want to see me
2. Do you have refs?
3. Can you please put my donation over there? Originally Posted by Slim.
Slim we've met! You walked out and I was stretching my leg on the tailgate, I told you how beautiful you are...granted you probably hear that last one alot!

Favorite movie quote of the day:
Deadwood Calamity Jane easing into a hot tub and exclaiming, " Burned my snatch!"
i agree with what has been posted. but we knew the job was dangerous when we took it. i address any issues acutely, directly and gracefully. thanks for the discussion, xo
I rememver nicholas! we had a really great time together too.
Hi benssin! *waves back* Okay, so as far as the specials and such...Maxi is right. We have the right to give gifts to clients when we choose to and I know I can't speak for the rest of the ladies on here, but I don't get mad when someone asks me about a special when I have something posted.. It's just the haggling, especially right before an appointment, that is annoying. The "I get your rate is XX but would you take YY because that's all I have in my pocket." So basically you assumed I would accept the less rate because that's what you show up with, since you assume we think all money is good money, right? Well it's not. It's not just about the money. It's the lack of respect that's tagged with it. You didn't respect me enough to bring the full donation because in your mind, I'm not worth as much as my rates stated, so you decide that you are going to measure my worth yourself and give me what you think I deserve. Originally Posted by Slim.
A client haggling at the last minute seems like a recipe for a low IOP. (LOL) That is straight up rude no matter the reason.

I do like it when a provider will send a clarifying text about donation with date verification. Sometimes a provider will have multiple sites with varying donation schedules. Or post a special but not change site. I know some providers will not discuss or text anything about the donation. That can be a bit frustrating.

This doesn't happen anymore. I do my research now. But the only time I've "haggled" is when I've showed up for a date and the provider misrepresented on her site. For example states in ad "mature provider over 40", and she's about 75 years old. I walk that ticket. Another instance, a provider I had a date with looked at least 60 lbs more than stated on her site and barely recognizable from her pics. I just smiled and tilted my head sideways and said, "It's been a while since you updated you pics". She said something about her hair color seemingly oblivious to what I was getting at. I told her I could not see her for what was originally planned but I offered something for about half the expected rate for a standing BBBJCIM. I wasn't going to take my clothes off just unzip and let her on it. She refused said she doesn't do CIM. So I start to walk then she says, "Wait! Ok since you don't want FS, I can do CIM." She then said something about charging more. I just stared at her for a sec with a blank look on my face, then she TCB.

After she mention her weight and a couple of days later I noticed she updated pics. But very shadowy, covered and at hard angles to get a clear picture of her.
LOL! damn, 65 years old and posted "over 40"?? I mean, she isn't lying, but she could have said "WELL over 40" or "Old enough to receive the Texas State Fair senior citizen discount" or something of that nature. There's nothing wrong with being a more mature provider, as long as you are honest about your age! Same goes for the picture thing. Posting pictures that are 5+ years old is misleading.
"I've been asked by a provider if I'm married? "

as a provider, girls like to know this because our ideal clients are married with their own independent lives. I cannot speak for everyone...and for my beloved divorced clients, I enjoy you just as much as my married ones)-so I guess its not so much the ideal client is married, it's that the ideal client has an independent life with goal oriented hobbies and goals. This prevents stalkers or what I have learned trolling. *hope I am using that term correctly. -Avery
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I don't have too many problems with the gents

1. Time waster / Tire Kickers
2. Not a fan of "RIGHT NOW" requests. I understand for some people it's hard to know when you'll have free time, but geez giving a 90min notice isn't asking too much imho