****:( so slow ****

Raider Power's Avatar
Yes, I have been very slow lately!!
bojulay's Avatar
12 17 32 40 54 57

The next winning lottery numbers.

I just gave yall $40 million worth of game.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
It is interesting to read how you guys interpret what I say. I never said any one guy would hand over 50k at a bar. It is almost retarded to assume that is what I meant.

Professionals explore all aspects of this job and do not rely on any one website to earn a living. Going to an upscale hotel bar was only one of the things I suggested, and it was at the bottom of the list.

I wish the girl that started the thread, and all of you all the best.
whitechocolate's Avatar
SexyStacy, it is definitely hotttt being under you