Would it surprise you to know...

dearhunter's Avatar
A whore can't hide her potty mouth outing ways when she serves a 6month or year ban. If a whore goes all potty mouth and gets 30days, she flies right under the radar. Hobbyists keep right on giving her their information none the wiser.

A 30day ban allows whores to out fucktards multiple times.......some whores carry a grudge like that......ijs

Where is WTF when we need him to post a long essay on why you don't give whores your real life information........NEVER...... .how long has he been banned?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Where is WTF when we need him to post a long essay on why you don't give whores your real life information........NEVER...... .how long has he been banned? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Just over the whorizon?
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-06-2017, 09:17 AM
The lifers on here who never write reviews, who never try to help anyone, who only participate in these forums so they can try to get you banned are the last people you should ever think are doing something to help you.

You all know this D-bag. You all know his attitude. Do you think he all the sudden started caring whether any of you were outed? He'd just laugh and say you were a dumbass for telling a whore anything.

He has an agenda, and you can be sure your best interest is not being served. Originally Posted by citizen44
Repost for Accuracy (and I can't believe I'm saying that)

Why is the superior mod troll above everybody on this board asking for the popular opinion on his menopausic full of lies rant?

If it really bothers you that much that the OWNER approved Fancy's ban reduction, (in fucking 2015) why don't you go question HIM about it? Why don't you go present the "facts" and have him correct his decision, maybe even the rules on this? Isn't he supposed to be one of your bffs ? Haven't you claim to be a shareholder of this board? Why haven't YOU handle it already?

Could it possibly be because you're Full of shit in everything you claim?

It is sad and unfair that you are using as collateral someone who is respected and has given a lot of her time to help the community.
When you have done nothing but bring negativity and insult people, falsely accused people of things they haven't done (like you've done with me) not to mention subliminally leak info from private forums for your own entertainment, possibly and most likely even personal information too.

You give no fucks about anybody on this board being outed, cut the bs.
If anybody is malicious with the information he posses at any given moment is YOU. Hence why you even started this retarded thread in the first place.

Fancy may like me or not, but regardless I respect her, and it is simply WRONG that you and company are picking and harassing her this way for your own amusement.
If I was her I wouldn't have even acknowledged this bs.

Edit: you're welcome for the extra views.

  • pxmcc
  • 02-06-2017, 10:37 AM
Well said. ^^^
About the worse thing that can happen to someone here...guy or girl...is to be outed. Since it is the worse thing...it should receive severe punishment and that punishment should apply to both equally.
Wakeup's Avatar
...not to mention subliminally leak info from private forums for your own entertainment, possibly and most likely even personal information too. Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
"Subliminally leak info"???

Fancy may like me or not, but regardless I respect her... Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
You respect potty mouth outing whores? Why does that not surprise me? Pardon me while I disqualify your comments from consideration concerning the punishmentments for outing...
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-06-2017, 01:55 PM
You ain't got the answers boo boo !!!

You're a FRAUD. My point has been made here.

Why don't you post a different angle of your barely average size dick, to make yourself feel better now?

Wakeup's Avatar
I got all your answers...I don't deal with lying potty mouth outing whores...

It's pretty funny that we're sitting here talking about punishment for potty mouth outing whores while so many guys are getting away with it too. Ask Lucas McCain about that...
LexusLover's Avatar
... but why sully anyone's reputation without knowing the whole story? Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
The list of perceived justifications as to "why" is almost endless all the way to "just because"! And as someone who has a reasonably extensive history of dissecting "stories" I can say with a decent level of reliability that RARELY ... IF EVER ... is "the whole story" known by the person relating the alleged events.

And the REASONS are rather extensive, but not as long as the list for the motivation (the "why"), and the continuum is from an outright fabrication of an event that never happened to a failure to be in a position to know EVERYTHING that happened and/or EVERYTHING that was said at the time.

It is "interesting" though the lip service paid to the "purpose" of the board as being a forum to find INFORMATION about people upon which a decision can be made involving the exchange of consideration for companionship ... as opposed to the reality!

EVERYONE, including you Fancy, who does not speak up each and every time false and/or misleading information about members on here is published is complicit in the dissemination of that false and/or misleading information, which encompasses the baseless and speculative allegations about posters in here.

So don't get all Ms. Mother Hen and "holier than though," because when you keep quiet for your own personal gain, status, or whatever reason on this board you are contributing to that culture, whether the allegations are made in a public forum or the sinister environment of a backroom where the subject of the accusation is unaware and unable to respond.

If I were to come and visit you and in that process of getting your "acceptance" (screening) you obtain "necessary" and/or "appropriate" information (RW) as you deem fit to make the arrangements, regardless of the outcome, you should keep your mouth shut (or fingers still on the keyboard) with regard to the personal information (RW) you learned either before or during the appointment, EXCEPT to the extent that LE would need that information to prosecute a crime of which you were a victim by that person during that contact.

I have the same obligation back at you, particularly when it is the type of information that anyone with 1/2 an ounce of common sense would KNOW, or ought to KNOW, might reveal your real world identity OR information you have specifically asked not to disclosed for any purpose. No exceptions.

I learned in junior high guys talk shit about their sex lives, and then I learned in high school the girls did also! Then they whined when their "reputation" was "tarnished"! It's called "immaturity."
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-06-2017, 02:31 PM
@ lameup

You don't.

And with that lame ^ "chess move" you just prove once again why you have no credibility. But I'll let Lucas take care of your phony ass on that one.

Anywhoo going to my spa appointment now. Catch you later, not here though

Wakeup's Avatar
I'm so misunderstood...starting to think that English isn't the first language for potty mouth outing whores...I need to learn how to speak Mexican...
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm so misunderstood...starting to think that English isn't the first language for potty mouth outing whores...I need to learn how to speak Mexican... Originally Posted by Wakeup
..... write it?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Its very simple.

Would you be ok with a portion of your name or real life phone number or email or work information posted.. even if masked?

If not-- then don't fucking do it to others.

People who are so blase' about this do not know what it is like to have your life turned upside down and ripped apart because someone couldn't keep their damned mouth shut.
Or how about the ones that see your license plate when you park in view of their room at the Patel Palace? and have their 'security guard' friend/ driver run the plates for them.

Oh... is that too over the top on this thread?

Take nothing for granted. When you commit a 'crime' with other 'criminals', your ass comes in second.....every time!!!

dearhunter's Avatar
but but but it is for the whores safety.......never mind that she did it in a moment of rage........thinck of it as therapy