Fisting. Tabu?

Have never tried it. Would never try it.
Can't stomach to watch it. Looks to dangerous to me.
At the most I have stuck my big toe up a man's ass. That's as far as I will go.
I couldn't imagine doing it, and sure couldn't imagine any fun after doing it, then...

First time I got close was a rub & tug gal a few years ago. She was extremely loose and I found myself with four fingers in her and feeling like there was room for more, much more. She stopped me short however.

A few years later I saw a certain lady here in DFW aera. Had seen reports of fisting with her, so I thought I might try. I would rate my handsize as medium or mid-size. She lubes herself and my hand up pretty good, nothing excessive, and we slowly slid me in. It was an odd feeling, in a good way. She never exhibited any pain and she gave instructions as I entered and once I was inside on what she liked. We bounced from that to FS to anal and back to fisting (vaginal only). It was pretty interesting to be inside of her that way, I was very slow and gentle, did not want to hurt her. She seemed to like it. FS was not what I would call tight, but not loose either.

I would do it again, but the lady has to be willing and first sign of pain, we stop.