Moving on:
f. Took kid gloves off with Israel - Successful ally and democracy in an unstable region. I have no idea why Obama is trying to humiliate them. I don't agree.
g. Healthcare bill - Other nations have tried this with failure (UK, Canada, Portugal). Some of our states have tried and failed (Hawaii, Tennessee, Mass is about to fail). I have no reason to believe this will be anything other than a failure. None of the major votes on this legislation happened on a normal business day, or even during the daylight hours. Most of the people who voted for it are not proud of it.
h. Federalizing student loans - I have no strong opinion...except the fact that it was wrecklessly tossed in with the healthcare bill, without even going to committee, is very disturbing.
i. Cig tax - I don't like sin taxes (don't smoke), and I don't like
j. Planned expiration of Bush Tax cuts - look up the Laffer curve. Where do you think we are on it? Is it a good time to take money out of the economy? It really isn't.
k. Cap and Trade - This one has been a sleeper. It already passed the house. Obama claims it will cost less than a postage stamp a day. Every independent institute that looks at it estimates it will cost an average household $1,500 a year in house energy alone, not counting gasoline. Want to run moderate income communities into the ground? Make it impossible for people to sell a house...and you get a sea of rentals. Embedded in the bill is language requiring a homeowner to upgrade appliances before selling a house...and submit to a DOE energy audit. Here in Topeka, vast areas would instantly become not viable to upgrade...and will be rentals forever. Not a good idea.
Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
We need to stand up to Isreal- sure Isreal is an ally, but if Isreal wants peace with the Palestenians that have to be the bigger man and meet them halfway- Isresal under Bush did what they wanted- it's time someone stood stern against Isreal- as long as Obama is being stern and fair to both sides I have no problem.
Healthcare- I don't love the bill, but it's better than the status quo- you say it failed in many countries- a lot fo countries have great health care- albiet they pay higher taxes but still it's run a lot better than ours- we are currently 19th in the Indiustralized world in health care and we are the richest nation in the world- there's something wrong with that picture.
Federalizng student loans- good move Obama eliminates the middle man helps students
Cig Tax- I support sin tax- nuff said- sucks for you smokers but hey...
Roll back of Bush taxes- long overdue- yeah I really think that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates deserves a tax break over the avg middle class worker- where is the tax break for the middle class. if you make a pie and see who is paying what and who is getting taxed- it's clearly the middle class that is keeping the economy running- at one point during the Reagan era - trickld down economics was working- the wealthy were creating jobs- now they are sitting on their money- and than the rich got richer- the poor got poorer and the middle class got fucked- roll back those taxes- and also impose a luxury tax.
Cap and Trade- I am still neutral on this issue- on paper it looks like a solid idea but I am seeing various reports where it could backfire