Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

travelling_man's Avatar
Seems like this thread has hit upon a few common threads that seem to be a consistent problem - 1) availability, 2) accuracy in the ads, 3) price.

1) Last weekend I unexpectedly has some time free on Sat. I went through the "weekend" ads and called every single girl on the first page that I was interested in (that amounted to 6 girls). All of these girls claimed to be available on the weekend. I called starting at 10am and gave up and went home at 2pm. None of the girls answered when I called. Only a couple had voicemails set up. I also sent text messages to all of the girls. Finally around 2pm ONE girl texted me back saying that she "just woke up" and would I like to see her....but she wouldn't be ready for a couple of hours because she just woke up. So work is slow? But you're too lazy/etc to bother answering your phone? Sorry but I don't feel the sympathy for you.

2) If you don't write your own ad the at least read what it says. If you don't answer your own PMs or emails then at least get a copy of it or have your "screener/pimp" read them to you before I show up. It is a severe bother to have a lengthy conversation through PM or email with a girl about likes/dislikes/expectations to show up and she asks what my name is. Within 2 sentences I can tell that this girl has no clue who I am or anything that we talked about.

3) Check your ego at the door if you want to make money. The rate that you pick doesn't determine what you're "worth". You don't pick what you should charge, I don't pick what you should charge - the economy does. If you're not getting enough calls, then your rate is too high - plain and simple economics. Lower your rate until you start to get the right number of calls then leave it there. Be willing to offer something to guys that you like to avoid seeing newbies or guys that you don't like. If you want YOUR ATF to come back and see you, make him an offer he can't refuse. Would you rather make a bit less and have a great time with a guy you already know or see some rich guy that pays your full rate but treats you like shit? I won't say who of course, but I have a couple of girls that have made me offers I can't refuse by locking me in at a rate that is literally half of their normal rate. And they don't watch the clock - that hour session always turns into much longer and they keep asking me back. Now if I have a choice of a girl that is gorgeous and dynamite BCD or another girl on ECCIE with GPS (golden pussy syndrome) that thinks she should charge the sky and moon just because some other girls charges that much, who do you think I am going to call? It's not hard to understand. If you want a new guy to come see you - do the same thing - make an offer that can't be refused. I also see girls from sugardaddy sites - I always ask them what they want from me in exchange for their time. One girl had just lost her job at a doctor's office where she made $8 an hour for an 8 hour day. That's $64 pre-tax for the math challenged. She thought it was absolutely GREAT that I would spend a couple of hours with her and she would have a blast (and countless orgasms). She thought she was practically robbing me blind by asking for $80 (yes eighty) since that was more than what she made in an entire day at her old job. So many providers get jaded into thinking that they "deserve" $200, $225, $250 or more for just a single hour just because that's what other girls are asking when in the real world most girl are delighted to make $80 or $100 in an entire 8 hour day. You are not only competing with the other girls on THIS site, but every cute hot girl out there that needs some money. So think about that the next time you post that ad for $250 and wonder why the phone doesn't ring.
Introuble's Avatar
Travelling Man hits the nail on the head. The sad part is even after all these suggestions, after all the whining about no money, after all of this help that one person asked for...........Come Monday morning EVERYTHING will be back to status quo. Nothing changes except names and phone numbers.

And for the record, I have had others comment on how cheap Dallas men are, how we have driven down the prices, how no one wants to work in Dallas because you can't make money. It is not the men that drive down the prices, it is the over abundance of providers that want to work and has driven the price down due to Supply Side economics. The demand is there, and not counting the few assholes that want to negotiate everything down, the men are willing to pay what the market says pay. Get rid of half of the providers, let the prices go up by $100 an hour and guess will still be seeing providers but there will be fewer men. Then we switch to Demand Side economics, and when the men can't afford the providers then the providers will drop their price back down and the cycle repeats.
Eklutna's Avatar
I am surprised at the lack of participation by providers on this thread, either agreeing or disagreeing.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
I know a lot of gals in this business. The most successful ones cultivate their regular clientele. Ladies, you cannot count on seeing a new guy every time. Make the guy feel special and not just a fistful of cash. Remember the little things about him. His name, likes/dislikes. Light some candles, put on some music, etc. It's the little things that can set you apart.

As many have noted above, keep your appointment!!!! If you don't there are "hundreds" of other gals who will.... You can't swing a cat in north Dallas without hitting a hooker right now. Supply exceeds demand and if you want a bigger piece of the pie, you better set yourself apart from the crowd!

That YMMV crap will kill your business quicker than anything. If you say GFE you better be and not just when you feel like it! Not trying to be harsh, but these are just criteria for success in this business.
PODarkness's Avatar
Maybe I missed something, but it seems like there's an argument, and somehow it keeps escalating... starting to get personal... then getting a little more heated... well populated with exclamation points now... but as Eklutna pointed out, there's no providers in the discussion, nobody disagreeing, nobody to argue against the points being made, so I'd like to ask, why is it escalating? Getting heated? Turning into a rant?

I'm not disagreeing with the basic concepts, just the un-provoked change in delivery.

It's not our livelihood, its our hobby, but it's starting to sound like we're the ones circling the drain.
Would I like to be the Punani Czar and dictate how it should all be run? Hell yea, but then again, Hell No! Any way, as far as I can tell, nobody's offering. All I heard was an opinion that all is not well in the land of Oz, paired with a request for advice on how to keep us happy and coming back. It seems to me that the second part at least, is a good thing, and maybe even a new approach, making this a really bad time to go on the attack.

I'd guess that there's no providers here because they stopped reading when it turned into a rant. For whatever part I may have played in making it that way, I apologize.

I'm out.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i took the time to read all of this and i actually got a lot of good tips from a lot of you. i like to be the best at whatever i do so thanks for the help guys
I know a lot of gals in this business. The most successful ones cultivate their regular clientele. Ladies, you cannot count on seeing a new guy every time. Make the guy feel special and not just a fistful of cash. Remember the little things about him. His name, likes/dislikes. Light some candles, put on some music, etc. It's the little things that can set you apart.

As many have noted above, keep your appointment!!!! If you don't there are "hundreds" of other gals who will.... You can't swing a cat in north Dallas without hitting a hooker right now. Supply exceeds demand and if you want a bigger piece of the pie, you better set yourself apart from the crowd!

That YMMV crap will kill your business quicker than anything. If you say GFE you better be and not just when you feel like it! Not trying to be harsh, but these are just criteria for success in this business. Originally Posted by TheGiftedOne
One of the best posts on this thread, I couldn't have said it better.

There are hundreds of ladies in DFW. You can't just post an ad, have an incall, and just go through the motions BCD if you're going to be successful at this. You have to consistently set yourself apart, as though your income depends on it.
Int3rested's Avatar
Bottom line take care of your business and it will take care of you...
hwygnome's Avatar
My response is personal as others have hit upon a whole host of very good responses both business wise and reality wise.

Sorry ladies I have not been doing my part to keep the current crop of providers from going broke. Among other reasons listed shortly, Its because I am currently keeping former providers from starving. No joking on that. I wish I was.

Among the other reasons is that I no longer get paid to take working vacations. Its just work now and not as much as it once was so just like you I am living on less.

I do try get a hold of a number of you, keep in mind I tend to be picky, but for some reason I can't get a response back. When I do manage to make it all the way to an appointment well, I shall just say that lots of good advice has already been given on that front. Should I try to schedule another appointment I run into that wall of silence once again and I just move on.

Hence I end up giving money to people who at least say;"Thank you"
It has turned into a rant.......what happen?

A few ladies responded to the thread when it was still pleasant.

I am truly sorry if some of the gents have experienced bad times with providers, please do not box all of us in the bad behavior corner. We all are not like that. As a few gents have said, its hundreds of ladies out there, who will be happy to see and treat you right.

I assume a percentage of the ladies you gents seems to rant so personally about on this thread, are not even reading this thread. And could care less, because the next victim is at their incall right now.

The rest of us providers here are reading, but I think the few who have posted already have our acts together.

Can you please stop bashing the providers.......pretty please.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
The gents here have given lots of good advice and some conflicting advice...LOL

We can't/won't answer the phone if we are in a meeting with another gentleman. Know the peak times, gents. The lunch hour (11-2) and immediately after work (4-6). I'm not saying don't call during those times, but if we don't answer, leave a msg if you can. The reputable ladies will get back with you if you ask. Others won't....mark them off. Why do you keep subjecting yourself to disappointment, unless you really enjoy it, and if that's the case, let me know and for a small fee, I'll start offering that service as well...

You gents KNOW who the dependable providers are if you read the reviews. I can almost guarantee, at least one or more of your fellow hobbyists has given up those who are being flaky at some point. Ya'll do like to tattle on us...LOL

Personally, I do not text, PM or email any gentleman that I do not know specifically would like to hear from me. Some of you do, and some of you don't like it. How are we supposed to know unless you tell us outright, and then if you do so on an open board, what if I'm not the type of lady you'd like to hear from initially? I don't want to be a bother to anyone in any way and I'm sure there are others who feel the same way. There is at least one thing my mother taught me about men that has stuck, always wait for him to contact you. It shows he has interest. I know it's an old fashioned notion and probably the only one I have, but it works for me. :-)

Price Points: it or not, this is always trying to be directed by the cheaper gents. If ya want it cheap, it's out there cheap. If you want to spend time with a reputable lady who has proven to give a great experience, save your pennies, contact her ahead of time to ensure she has time open for you when you want it. It's a matter of Quality vs. Quantity. If ya just want more for less...take your risks. If you want a proven and better experience, do what ya gotta do. I have yet to hear of a lady who dropped her prices, actually state she had gained business....not sure why that is, but it is and I don't think it's great advice, as I've even heard of it hurting a ladies biz when she did so trying to gain more biz. I know it doesn't make sense....I'm just relaying what I've been told and have learned. A discount for return visitors is an awesome thing and seems to work best when offered individually.

Gentlemen, as has been said....WALDT. You might be pleasantly surprised if you stepped outside the box of what you already know you like. Re-contact the reputable ladies you tried in the past, but who were unable to see you. We are reputable for a reason.

Ladies....try changing your ways a bit. New ads, new pics, and new ways to market yourself. I know it's hard when you're dishing out two ads or more each week. Only You can build your own reputation and if other ladies don't do the gents right, at some point they will turn to the more reputable ladies or come back to you after bad experiences with those who can not provide what you provide, which is dependability and in some cases a real, as well as, sexy friendship. Thanks to the OP for bringing this to the gents attention. Thanks to the gents for their input. We are always striving to know what we can do for you to keep you coming back to us.

Best of luck and Best of Experiences to all.
we can have banter back and forth repeatedly but in the end, it is the buyer whom controls the market when it is flooded by options.

in an area with many choices, the buyer doesn't have to remain 'loyal' to any particular purchase. aspects of this hobby are based on the interest of the new/unknown/non-consistent....a debate could be prosed on the merit of variations of loyalty, in a world where many men are going outside of their SO to get into the hobby to begin with!

with the rapid rise of market share going to 'managers' on this board and their girls, whom are starting to understand price management and service will probably just get more competitive over time.

if the 'managers' can have their employees provide satisfactory service, and their employees aren't the ones posting in the powder room...ahh, market dynamics.
PODarkness's Avatar
we can have banter back and forth repeatedly but in the end, it is the buyer whom controls the market when it is flooded by options.
. Originally Posted by beercan
Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive.

Truth be told, if we control the market, there's three pages of text above outlining exactly how bad we are at it.
This is a great thread.

I've had a number of regular friends who I was sad to see move or retire. I have had far more that didn't hold my interest past a first or second visit.

I think to key thing is to manage your business just like anyone else in any other sales related business:

1. Manage your image. This is a business and like any other business, you are competing for scarce customer dollars. Every interaction with your customer is an opportunity to build a better relationship or make them consider taking their business somewhere else. EVERY INTERACTION. Every add you place, every comment you post, every e-mail you send, every call with a client, and of course, every session. In every industry customers who are very satisfied with the product they get begin to look around if their vendor is not easy to do business with or does things that appear unprofessional.

2. Every customer defines “special” differently. I think finding out what each customer's value proposition is key. For me, a friend who it is eager to please me. I think I am not alone when I say my life is filled with events where I take care of the needs of others. In a professional friend, I am looking for someone who makes it about me. For example, by the time I see you a second time, I will have mentioned that I dig black garters or thigh highs. That's not trivia, that's me saying I'd like to see YOU in black garters or thigh highs. Remember, you may have already had three encounters that day, but your customer many only have one this month. It should be special and by the third date, you should know how he defines special.

3. Your place of business should be a place I want to be. An apartment you get a great deal on is not a great deal if you have to worry about parking a Lexus or BMW there or if the bathroom is tiny, dark, and has a gross tub. Once inside, décor matters. A recently retired local provider provided GREAT service at reasonable rates, but her in-call was four undecorated walls with a mattress in the middle. No chairs, no glasses in the kitchen, and a bathroom I dreaded going into. It had all the charm of a cheap motel. It cost her business with me and probably others.

To really differentiate yourself, pay attention to the little things. Guys appreciate little things, like cold water in the frig, maybe some beer or wine, and glasses to go with it. Even if he never takes advantage of it, the fact that you are making the effort gets noticed.

4. Check what’s going on in your personal life at the door. Sales people have to be on top of their game every day. We want the passionate kissing, the eagerness a girlfriend greats her boyfriend with, the effort in the bedroom to keep him smiling the entire next day. Once again, this may be a once a month thing for him, so you need to be an eager and passionate girlfriend every time. (If I am having a tough day at work, my customers never see it.) BTW…We don’t want girlfriend drama and we sure don’t want girlfriend jealousy. If you have been a good girlfriend, you really don’t have to worry about a reference check…we’ll be back. I could expand on that, but I think you get it.
Introuble's Avatar
I have yet to hear of a lady who dropped her prices, actually state she had gained business....not sure why that is, but it is and I don't think it's great advice, as I've even heard of it hurting a ladies biz when she did so trying to gain more biz. I know it doesn't make sense....I'm just relaying what I've been told and have learned. A discount for return visitors is an awesome thing and seems to work best when offered individually. Originally Posted by M A X
In many ways you are correct. When an established provider drops her price it "suggests" subliminally that she was over-priced to begin with, now desperate, not "good" anymore, or is nearing retirement due to age issues or other cosmetic problems. I think the problem today is the entry level pricing of people with no reputation. Providers who are not established price themselves many times below market. IMHO they are the reason many established providers are having a difficult time. Many hobbyists like the aspect of NEW providers as opposed to established providers and that further aggravates the problem. The new providers hopefully learn where the pricing needs to be and their adjustment up or down is less noticeable. An established provider however quickly raises many negative flags by dropping THEIR price which exacerbates their problem.