....certainly wouldn't want to be accused of over-moderating again. After so many of these with the same old comments over and over it does become comical. Please do carry on everyone. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Now who would accuse YOU of over-moderating?!? That's nonsense!! Foolishness!! Ridiculous!!

I do have to apologize to the OP (who, by the way, has not returned to this rather lively redundancy).....who knew people would have such interesting things to say on this topic....again!!

I'll just sit back and observe (Chica, can I get you a beer while I'm up).... In a few more days, I think I will have committed the whole discussion to memory!!
gimme_that's Avatar
i think this post link was so funny, yet true. ole ray
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-09-2011, 12:56 PM
Just thinking of the other topics we could do the same with! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I likey!!
The NBA Thread To End All NBA threads...
The BareBack Thread To End All Bareback Threads...
The Provider Charges To Much...

I think the "Huge Stickies" could clean everything up nicely!
Randall Creed's Avatar
It's obvious that a few people are just HELL BENT on being the way they are, no matter how WRONG it is. I guess that's the way some people were raised.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't see you changing....
Randall Creed's Avatar
No need to change when you fight for truth and justice.

[heroic pose]
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Truth and justice? On an shmb board... really....

EDIT: LOL I missed the "heroic pose" comment lol
Get over here Rambro... I'll make it all better.
I understand both sides of the topic. If providers don't want to sleep with a black man because you don't like black men, that is your choice and I don't blame you. What I have a problem with is providers, no matter what their race is, that won't see black men because of BS reasons (the whole pimp, thug, disrespectful thing). When I have asked providers these are some of the reasons I have gotten.

I feel that some providers use these negative reasons as a crutch, versus just saying they don't want to sleep with black men. Let's be honest, pimps, thugs and asshole come in every color.

If providers have constantly encountered black men that have been thugs, pimps or assholes, then it is understandable to a point that they have a NBA policy. But the question comes into play if they would not see other races if they encountered the same negative treatment. For example, I have never seen any providers that have no white or no hispanic policy. Just an observation.
You covered all the bases with that one. +1

Again with this?

Here, I'll do all 15 pages of the future of this thread just for you:

NBA = pimp/racist/fear of the big dick
Providers with NBA policies get pissy
Man of color says "Well if they don't want to see me I just move on"
Man of color says "Fuck those bitches"
Various white knights chime in
Various explanations given
Providers without NBA policy get holier than thou
Stories of experiences with black guys, half positive, half negative
Thread closed by mods

Did I miss anything? Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Randall Creed's Avatar
Get over here Rambro... I'll make it all better. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Yes, dear.
Shea Jonesy's Avatar
The hobby is for everyone!!!!
The hobby is for everyone!!!! Originally Posted by SheaJonsey
lets move on ty
WOW well clients that ask me this usually get a umm because i dont see how the color of a client i have previously seen have anything to do with if the new client is attracked to me i mean can u feel or see the difference in my face and body if i have seen a colored client......................ladies and gentlemen its 2011 life is too short.
Just wondering if you go to the grocery store and see something you have been craving for a yr or less whatever and see a "colored" man grab one are you gonna say hell no a colored man grabbed the same thing i wanted.......................
How bout the owners and mods stop all this shit before it even gets started. Before members are even allowed to post, they should have a waiting period of x amount of days. New ladies can't post ads until they become a VP. So make all members unable to post until they, oh I don't know....educate themselves? Quiz their asses before they get "posting status."

Then sticky all the effin NBA threads, who has the best xxxx threads, and the CBJ vs BBBJ threads and make it required reading. And tell them if they start another one of those stupid ass threads, it's cause for immediate banning. PERIOD! Sticky at the top of every damn forum what threads are not allowed to be started. Yea yea, I speech and shit right? Yea well it's not a right to be here-it's a privilege. Enough of all the drama and shit. Can't we all just get laid and have a good day?

Just sayin....


p.s. C'mere Soulman...I got something to whisper in your ear. Oh wait, nvm....I don't go near black guys