The Death of All Americans is Trump’s Doing....

HoeHummer's Avatar
Kung Flu!


Good one, but I don’t think any health systems recognizes this virus by any of the pet names.

But that’s a good ones!
...along with Republican hack politicians who do not counter his incompetence, along with the media outlets like Fox, along with every single person, on the streets and on sites like this one, IF YOU STILL WILL NOT STAND UP, ADMIT YOUR MISTAKE!!Yes, the death of every American is on you all, and the count grows daily! Those who voted for this shell of a man, you can cop an excuse by saying you wanted a voice in there who would tilt against the status quo! You and America were duped and admit it! But should you still blindly support this thing, dead Americans past, today and in future weeks - their deaths are on YOU! Own it! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Are you really stupid enough to think it would have been better under Hillary or any other Democrat? She would never have cut air travel as soon as Trump did.

The Europeans have it worse then we do. The 5 biggest European countries add up to about 324 million people compared to the US population of 330 million. Yet they have about 30% more CV cases and more than twice as many deaths than us?

Who exactly do you think is doing better than we are? The countries with single payer national healthcare are just as fucked as we are.
L17 - u are entitled to your opinion.

Could u please provide references and articles regarding ur opinion.

Enquiring minds would like to know:

L17-Viruses aren't living things therefore you can't catch a virus.

Ever caught a "cold"???

L17-The body produces viruses in response to the bodies level of toxicity. The virus acts as cleansing agent to cellular toxicity.
Please forward your authoritative references to support this statement.

L17The only way you can catch a virus externally is if it's injected into the body
Ever caught a "cold"??? How was the "codl" coronavirus ( most likely viral cause) - injected into Ur body????
Please supply references to support this statement.

L17If the body isn't overloaded with toxins you're not going to get a virus. I am not worried about getting a virus.

Please support this statement with references in support.
I cannot disagree with your statement as to what u R or R not worried about.

L17I am far more concerned about Bacteria.

Evidently True - I suggest One should be concerned with both viral and bacterial diseases.

Unless L17 wishes to go work in an ICU with ventilator dependent Wuhan virus patients. U could certainly clean ventilators and patient tubing "unprotected" and save the nurses and respiratory therapists doing a risky job by performing it for them. Since "viruses cannot infect U without being injected" - no need for PPE's for L17.

Meanwhile - beginning a post with questioning qualifications which U know nothing of - is a Fascist DPST method of avoiding Facts in a debate. U must be going over to the "Dark side"! Originally Posted by oeb11
What you you don't understand is if Viruses were like Bacteria, Protozoans and other pathogens that posses essential systems necessary for metabolic functions which is a characteristic of all living things then there would treatments for them. Vaccines aren't treatments but only preventatives which really don't prevent it all the time. You need to do your own research. One poster did post a video on this subject. The best way to prevent or lessen your chances of getting a viral infection is to detox the body since a virus isn't alive you can't kill it. I detox my body a few times a year and I don't take a Flu Shot nor do I get the flu. The only thing I may experience is a sinus infection which is mainly bacterial. If I was to work in a ICU Unit cleaning ventilators and other contaminated equipment I would certainly wear protective clothing for the possible contact of Bacteria such as Staph, Pneumococci ect.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Some dude in Finland came back to life.

HAHA, there are approx 230 million residing in USA this DEADLY virus has killed 15,000. Mostly old or disabled to begin with. I suppose you are implying brain dead Biden could do better.
Kung Flu!


Good one, but I don’t think any health systems recognizes this virus by any of the pet names.

But that’s a good ones! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Well, using RNA they recognize it originated in Wuhan, China in some way.

It has not been established whether it was from sloppy practices in the laboratory studying bat viruses or poor sanitary practice in the wet markets.

Wet markets don't have to be closed down but they do need honest and competent health inspectors.

Fuck, I have gone into Chinese restaurants in the DFW area that have fucking chickens hanging from hooks.

Red Lobster even has live lobsters in a tank for the kids to look at while waiting to be seated.

In Texas, cows get slaughtered by the thousands - it just has to be done in a matter proven to prevent the spread of disease.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So if oebsy was to put “Wuhan virus” on his timesheet at his doctor job, would the health insurance companies pay him?

Yous get it?
  • oeb11
  • 04-09-2020, 09:03 AM
What you you don't understand is if Viruses were like Bacteria, Protozoans and other pathogens that posses essential systems necessary for metabolic functions which is a characteristic of all living things then there would treatments for them. Vaccines aren't treatments but only preventatives which really don't prevent it all the time. You need to do your own research. One poster did post a video on this subject. The best way to prevent or lessen your chances of getting a viral infection is to detox the body since a virus isn't alive you can't kill it. I detox my body a few times a year and I don't take a Flu Shot nor do I get the flu. The only thing I may experience is a sinus infection which is mainly bacterial. If I was to work in a ICU Unit cleaning ventilators and other contaminated equipment I would certainly wear protective clothing for the possible contact of Bacteria such as Staph, Pneumococci ect. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Thank you - L17.

I am done with this Quixotic foolishness.
So if oebsy was to put “Wuhan virus” on his timesheet at his doctor job, would the health insurance companies pay him?

Yous get it? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
No, but code it COVID - 19 and generous reimbursement is all but assured.

Hence we get we we got here...a clusterfuck...