Raise the Minimum Wage

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Wow.. you really believe that stupidity?

Then here's a simple answer.. make minimum wage $100/hr and then index it to inflation, everyone is happy and you can go tell the 16 year olds working at McDonalds they can now get married and raise a family and never worry about finishing school or improving themselves. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Hey Redleg, I hate liberals as much or more than anyone here, but mainly because they are a bunch of faggots who support guys sucking other guys dicks. But, if a family man (a real family, not a faggot family) works forty hours a week at 12 bucks an hour, that will put him at the poverty level for a family of four. That is the standard I advocate. If you work you are contributing to society, so you ought to have a little better life than all the democratic voters who get free shit from the government.
Plus, I advocate E-Verify so fuckers like WTF can't substitute illegal alien labor for native born labor. Fuck do I care if it makes some millionaire pay more for his McMansion or his McRib sandwich?
You really believe that nonsense? I've been working for the better part of 26 years, for 2 different employers. Never once did i not get a yearly raise. Not once. I've got $1000 that says you and pretty near almost everyone in here can say the same thing. Businesses give yearly raises not because the employee's value increases, or because they become more productive, but because, unless they have a bad year, that's what businesses do, period.
Originally Posted by Doove
There is not a salesman in the country, that ever got a "yearly raise". We get paid a commision and eat what we kill. We have bad years, like the past 5 your GOD Obama the "POT LICKING DOG" has given us.
Hey Redleg, I hate liberals as much or more than anyone here, but mainly because they are a bunch of faggots who support guys sucking other guys dicks. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Then why don't you hate IBHankering? He falls into that category.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-28-2013, 06:09 PM
Wow.. you really believe that stupidity?

Then here's a simple answer.. make minimum wage $100/hr and then index it to inflation, everyone is happy and you can go tell the 16 year olds working at McDonalds they can now get married and raise a family and never worry about finishing school or improving themselves. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Lamest. Reply. Ever.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-28-2013, 06:11 PM
There is not a salesman in the country, that ever got a "yearly raise". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What part of "pretty near almost everyone in here" was confusing to you?
What part of "pretty near almost everyone in here" was confusing to you? Originally Posted by Doove
I'm sure it's just you. Now listen carefully. Salesmen do not get a salary or hourly. We get paid a commision on what we sell. No Raises! When we have a good President we make money. When we have a SHIT President like Opotlicker the ladies of eccie suffer. Now go back to eating your chicken nuggets.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Then why don't you hate IBHankering? He falls into that category. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I do not believe he does.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey Redleg, I hate liberals as much or more than anyone here, but mainly because they are a bunch of faggots who support guys sucking other guys dicks. But, if a family man (a real family, not a faggot family) works forty hours a week at 12 bucks an hour, that will put him at the poverty level for a family of four. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
How do you expect anybody to believe a word you say when it is dripping in hatred? Which, I might add, obviously stems from your blatant homosexual tendencies and the shame they cause you when you can't get it up with a woman (Asian slave hookers notwithstanding.)

You're a simple read, Goyishe Janitor.

Please just go away.
You're a simple read, Goyishe Janitor.

Please just go away. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They are fueling the plane to Tel Aviv. Hopefully he has only a one-way ticket.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How do you expect anybody to believe a word you say when it is dripping in hatred? Which, I might add, obviously stems from your blatant homosexual tendencies and the shame they cause you when you can't get it up with a woman (Asian slave hookers notwithstanding.)

You're a simple read, Goyishe Janitor.

Please just go away. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I note in your list of reviews you once went to an AMP. Are you confessing she (he?) was a slave, and you are guilty? I don't see any slavery in the places I go, you fuckhead shiteater. So take your accusations, put them on BigTex's dick after you lick it a few times, then have him shove it up your fagotty ass.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
They are fueling the plane to Tel Aviv. Hopefully he has only a one-way ticket. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I will return from time to time, mostly for charitable causes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I note in your list of reviews you once went to an AMP. Are you confessing she (he?) was a slave, and you are guilty? I don't see any slavery in the places I go, you fuckhead shiteater. So take your accusations, put them on BigTex's dick after you lick it a few times, then have him shove it up your fagotty ass. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

I'll admit to having visited a few AMPs in my day. But when I came to understand what they were about, I stopped. I don't see any girls with pimps either for the same reason.

Your imagination is surpassed only by your deep understanding of the human condition...

"Shove it up your fagotty ass?"

You sound more and more like IBIdiot, Marshall, IFFY and every other stupid redneck fuck who ever polluted this board with foaming sputum!

I stand by my theory that you are neither Jewish nor a member of the bar.

Just another wannabe playa!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

I'll admit to having visited a few AMPs in my day. But when I came to understand what they were about, I stopped. I don't see any girls with pimps either for the same reason.

Your imagination is surpassed only by your deep understanding of the human condition...

"Shove it up your fagotty ass?"

You sound more and more like IBIdiot, Marshall, IFFY and every other stupid redneck fuck who ever polluted this board with foaming sputum!

I stand by my theory that you are neither Jewish nor a member of the bar.

Just another wannabe playa!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are an arelim Philistine, unclean and unworthy of being among real Jewish people, who despise faggots like you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please provide support for your outrageous insults, asshole. Please show how many official Jewish organizations oppose diversity. Please prove anything, you closet queen.

You're a sick, schizophrenic puppy, who is a blight upon on our stupid little company.

How much CRED do you really think you have around here, fraud?

At least you're leaving the Goyim alone right now. I suppose we can be thankful for that.
When you leave, nobody will grieve.

(we all know you're not leaving, btw, psycho.)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Please provide support for your outrageous insults, asshole. Please show how many official Jewish organizations oppose diversity. Please prove anything, you closet queen.

You're a sick, schizophrenic puppy, who is a blight upon on our stupid little company.

How much CRED do you really think you have around here, fraud?

At least you're leaving the Goyim alone right now. I suppose we can be thankful for that.
When you leave, nobody will grieve.

(we all know you're not leaving, btw, psycho.) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Officially, Jewish organizations accept "diversity" because it helps break the back of the Goyim. Unofficially, you know we do everything we can to stick together, instinctively and without much discussion. You, I, and everyone without his head in the sand knows that Israel, while publicly embracing diversity for everyone else, unofficially uses every policy, procedure, and excuse to bias immigration and powerful government positions toward white Europeans. Sometimes, they admit what's up, see article below.
Look at all the famous Jewish people in and out of government here and in Israel. You know the truth, you can even handle the truth, but I doubt you will admit it.


80 refugees are rounded up as Israel’s Interior Minister declares, ‘this country belongs to the white man’

In a wave of door-to-door police searches over the weekend, the Israeli government cemented anti-migrant sentiment into a mass deportation program by rounding up 80 refugees. The arrests come days after a Jerusalem court legalized transferring all of Israel’s 1,500 South-Sudanese migrants back to their home country.
The roundup is part of a larger policy to deport all of Israel’s asylum seekers, drafted by Interior Minister Eli Yishai who said earlier this month that Israel is for “the white man.” Speaking to Maariv on June 3, 2012 the minister said: “Muslims that arrive here do not even believe this country belongs to us, to the white man,” continuing that he is prepared to use “all the tools to expel the foreigners, until not one infiltrator remains.” The program was also endorsed by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu