250,000 illegal votes found in Arizona!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I believe some of them will start looking at social media posts to determine voter fraud, if it serves their purposes.

Oooops! They already are!

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
i picked up another follower to my flock on twittybird.



That is true. I never said such things were a one-sided occurrence. But Trump did have plenty of his own--and still does. Sadly the RWW Trump Zombies continue to be blind in one eye.

COVID will disappear in April. Of 2019. There is nothing to worry about. There's one to start with. The whole election fraud is another--but that is beyond the knee-jerk RWW ability to accept, even when Rep after Rep has said Trump is delusional. The Senate should not confirm SC justices if there will be an election within a year--but to do so within a month is peachy hypocritically keen. Reps are steadfastly for every legitimate vote counting--but only in gerrymandered districts they have created--and NEVER if the voter has been given a drink or water!

Both parties create fiction. Both parties only see lies in what the other side creates. The most blatant hypocrisy I can think of. Originally Posted by Old-T

a few points of retort shall we? you do know that Saint Fauci the flatulent himself said the exact things you remarked that Trump said. minus the "over by April" part. but Trump could have been right. the point is Fauci who was advising Trump was saying pretty much the same things. people don't need to wear masks, it's not a major concern for the US, etc. so Trump and Fauci were publicly saying a nearly identical message early on. consider that before you claim Trump underestimated this.

besides .. do you think Trump as President should have come out like Chicken Little screaming "we're all gonna die!"? of course not. it would have caused all kinds of panic. even if Fauci and others were telling Trump privately a different story. they probably were.

i won't bombard or bore you with example after example of Fauci doing that because you already know he did. Fauci and others were telling this to the public as Trump did.

Fauci has been all over the place. one minutes it's no big deal then "millions might die!". no wonder Trump stopped listening to that asshole.

"Rep after Rep has said Trump is delusional"

which ones? Republican or Democrat? i think you know that the Democrats will and have said any horseshit they can think of to undermine Trump. so that point is pointless.

both sides gerrymander. both sides say they want want fair elections until they lose. again i won't bother to post article after article up to 2020 where the DEMOCRATS cast doubts about election integrity. they even directly wondered about the security of Dominion's system as recently as 2018. now they act like they never heard of voter fraud. there's a phrase for that .. two-faced hypocrite. but you could say that about all politicians, right?

drink of water. i'm sure you know what a red herring that is, yeah? to claim that is somehow "voter suppression" is ridiculous. in every state it's always been against voting laws for political operative to offer anything .. from a bottle of water or a pen with Trump's smiling face on it to a voter at the polls. yet another pointless point.

do you think that mandating an id to vote is voter suppression? racist? both? how so?

and best for last .. since you want to stick yer wick into the Supreme Court .. two words ..

Harry Reid.

did you think that after Reid's bullshit over judges prior to a presidential election to hamstring the Republicans that they wouldn't do the same given the opportunity? of course they would and did. possibly the biggest fuckup of Georgie Bush II was the supreme court nominee he had the constitutional right to nominate but let himself get bitch slapped by Reid and the Demonrats to "give to" Obama.

they paid the Dems back in 2020. see how that works?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-27-2021, 11:12 PM
a few points of retort shall we? you do know that Saint Fauci the flatulent himself said the exact things you remarked that Trump said. minus the "over by April" part. but Trump could have been right. the point is Fauci who was advising Trump was saying pretty much the same things. people don't need to wear masks, it's not a major concern for the US, etc. so Trump and Fauci were publicly saying a nearly identical message early on. consider that before you claim Trump underestimated this.
Let's see: new virus, what know in month 1 we learn more in month 3, more in month 8, etc. So the intelligent person adjusts the plan. As you say, EARLY ON, both were saying the same thing. The problem is Fearless Leader ignored months of learning and almost to the end kept pretending it wasn't anything real or significant.

besides .. do you think Trump as President should have come out like Chicken Little screaming "we're all gonna die!"? Of course not. How about a measured, calm bit of leadership, not lies contorted to serve his own benefit.
Was Churchill limited to a choice of "Hitler isn't a serious problem, he'll be gone in a couple months." or "We're all going to die!"? Nope. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" was accompanied by actual steps that addressed the Nazi threat.
But not Fearless Leader. Actual thinking just wasn't his forte.

"Rep after Rep has said Trump is delusional"

which ones? Republican or Democrat? "Rep" as in "Republican". Didn't think that one was so hard. I must have overestimated your comprehension. Sorry.

both sides gerrymander. both sides say they want want fair elections until they lose. again i won't bother to post article after article up to 2020 where the DEMOCRATS cast doubts about election integrity. they even directly wondered about the security of Dominion's system as recently as 2018. now they act like they never heard of voter fraud. there's a phrase for that .. two-faced hypocrite. but you could say that about all politicians, right?
Did I claim Dems (that's short for Democrats) were outstanding examples? No, I have repeatedly said otherwise. Too bad the Trump zombies can't see the flaws in their demigod.

drink of water. i'm sure you know what a red herring that is, yeah? to claim that is somehow "voter suppression" is ridiculous. in every state it's always been against voting laws for political operative to offer anything .. from a bottle of water or a pen with Trump's smiling face on it to a voter at the polls. yet another pointless point. Political voting operative, yes. (Though interestingly the polling place I worked at this last time we had to chase 4x the number of Reps (that's short for Republicans) as we had to chase Dems (that's short for Democrats.) Non-political entities, no. But the point, as I am very sure you know, is that when you couple:
--drastically reducing voting locations & hours, especially in certain areas
--thus increasing the wait times, very unevenly (the site I worked had wait times for early voting that were typically 2 to 2.5 hours, but in the two most heavily Hispanic areas they wait was 6 to 7.5 hours because poling places & machines per 1000 registered voters were much less)
--With 8 hr+ lines reported in places on election day
--And then you push to make food and water, and transportation, less accessible to those voters
--You still do not see that as voter suppression.

It is because you don't want to see it.

do you think that mandating an id to vote is voter suppression? racist? both? how so? Not at all--I am very much pro voter ID. Also against same day registration & voting.

and best for last .. since you want to stick yer wick into the Supreme Court .. two words ..

Harry Reid.

did you think that after Reid's bullshit over judges prior to a presidential election to hamstring the Republicans that they wouldn't do the same given the opportunity? of course they would and did. possibly the biggest fuckup of Georgie Bush II was the supreme court nominee he had the constitutional right to nominate but let himself get bitch slapped by Reid and the Demonrats to "give to" Obama.

they paid the Dems back in 2020. see how that works? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
More BS. Reid is an asshole. I am not arguing that point. But this is not Dems doing something, then Reps doing it back. This is the hypocrite McConnell's actions contradicting the hypocrite McConnell's impassioned words. Even admitting he is being completely hypocritical and not caring.
LexusLover's Avatar
More BS. Reid is an asshole. I am not arguing that point. But this is not Dems doing something, then Reps doing it back. This is the hypocrite McConnell's actions contradicting the hypocrite McConnell's impassioned words. Even admitting he is being completely hypocritical and not caring. Originally Posted by Old-T
So it's ok if the DumboCrats steal an election, but the other side can't? You are "Old School"!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So it's ok if the DumboCrats steal an election, but the other side can't? You are "Old School"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Is that how you read that?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
From USA Today...today

"Fact check: No evidence Maricopa County election audit has found widespread election fraud"
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I love that “widespread” disclaimer, like it’s ok if they just cheated a little. Tell your old lady it’s ok, you just fucked her sister a little.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I love that “widespread” disclaimer, like it’s ok if they just cheated a little. Tell your old lady it’s ok, you just fucked her sister a little. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Is this supposed to be a rebuttal to my post?

If so, you failed miserably.

The election (especially in Arizona) was valid.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s called an observation. Like I’d waste my time reading USA Today tripe. From what I understand they’re keeping a tight lid on that recount. Anything out atm is pure speculation, propaganda, wishful thinking or some combination thereof.
bambino's Avatar
That’s called an observation. Like I’d waste my time reading USA Today tripe. From what I understand they’re keeping a tight lid on that recount. Anything out atm is pure speculation, propaganda, wishful thinking or some combination thereof. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Didn’t the WaPo discontinue their “fact” checking segment? They didn’t have to stomach “fact” check Biden. Maybe USA Today will claim Kerry’s conversion with Iran as FALSE. They may have to check with the NYT first.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this supposed to be a rebuttal to my post?

If so, you failed miserably.

The election (especially in Arizona) was valid. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

if you say so
APRIL 26, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona, one of the worst Governors in America, and the second worst Republican Governor in America, is refusing to provide security for the American Patriots who are hand counting the Rigged 2020 Arizona Election Ballots.

### Originally Posted by bambino
You believe anything Trump says.

You didn't even get the fake headline right. You start bullshit thread after bullshit thread.
Your level of desperation is a bonus for your lack of true information.
Your panic suits you well.
I love that “widespread” disclaimer, like it’s ok if they just cheated a little. Tell your old lady it’s ok, you just fucked her sister a little. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Just more guessing on your part. No evidence of cheating at all.
Since you don't understand, the term "widespread" is used for amount of cheating needed to change election. Who is saying a little cheating is okay?

No one is
Stop pretending they are. Don't act like that sister hasn't fucked all of her sister's boyfriends before.

After multiple recounts, who will believe one by a company owned by a conspiracy theory believer? Trump and friends are stealing Trumpys blind. Their gullibility is well known. Both politically and economically.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Didn’t the WaPo discontinue their “fact” checking segment? They didn’t have to stomach “fact” check Biden. Maybe USA Today will claim Kerry’s conversion with Iran as FALSE. They may have to check with the NYT first. Originally Posted by bambino
They need to start with themselves. Years of planted stories all proven wrong and THEY’RE the ones doing the fact checking? Sounds legit.

The media and politicians are a fucking disgrace, this Sicknick story is the cherry on top. You tell me how TF those psychopaths, weeping on his coffin and giving solemn speeches of how the white nationalists bashed our hero’s head in, didn’t know it was pure fiction, a solid week later. They did, they just didn’t care.

I mean, I’m no doctor, but head bashed in vs having a stroke seem pretty easily distinguishable. Yet every news outlet POUNDED that story, it was just to good to even be concerned with if it were true.
So it's ok if the DumboCrats steal an election, but the other side can't? You are "Old School"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What do you base your claim of a stolen election on?

Actually I don't give a shit. If there was any proof of a stolen election it would have already surfaced.
You believing something or claiming it is true when everything points to the opposite is a high likelihood you're lying again.
One of signs things are returning to normal.