Libs to blame for fires, not global warming or Trump

Now Jerry Brown has had to admit that Trump was onto something. He is talking about managing the forest better by allowing some cutting and clearing. The radical left is absolutely against this. They'd rather burn people and animals than trees. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
When I was in Yosemite a few years back they wanted more forest fires because that's what triggered the Sequoias's seedings.

As I've said before the whole climate change thing is a Zero Population Growth political program.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
When I was in Yosemite a few years back they wanted more forest fires because that's what triggered the Sequoias's seedings.

As I've said before the whole climate change thing is a Zero Population Growth political program. Originally Posted by gnadfly

ZPG.... was reading some story by 2 guys from 1943 who claimed to have time traveled to the 25th Century. I'm skeptical of their claims.

I don't know much of their stories as they used to hang around in the UFO circuit in the 1980s. they claim in 2437, as a result of a great war, the world was reduced to 100 million. U.S. had 50 million. U.S. was at war with Europe, Russia was at war with China. They also said that all of Florida and parts of Georgia and Louisiana (southern LA's mississippi river was a lake) was underwater as a result of climate change.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I'll said it again, You guys should read The Really inconvenient truths by I Murray it explains a lot with empirical proof and research. Based on the polices in place now that have caused more harm then good.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lib-retards are a vile, spiteful lot. They'll lie in a minute if they think their hypocritical lie will hurt Trump.