What or Who do you think about while you...

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Omg 2 guys max !!!hel yes , new thread !! Lol
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Omg 2 guys max !!!hel yes , new thread !! Lol Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I'll tell ya another secret I've never shared, so don't tell anyone....I also like to watch that kind of porn. I never really fantasized about doing DP until I saw a porno that had that kind of action.... OMG! Great masturbation fantasy, but in reality...one man at a time is the best I can do. However, add another lady and SHAZAM! LOL Is that TMI?
Naomi4u's Avatar
I took yours & londons advise Naomi , now I'm alone Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Pm me please? What's up?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Max I love u!!!
Pm sent naomi All good, love u
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Damn I love a lot of girls!! Lol
U would think I'm gay, hence the term bi fun
jughead1171's Avatar
Wow Michelle like the new avi pic

I'll tell ya another secret I've never shared, so don't tell anyone....I also like to watch that kind of porn. I never really fantasized about doing DP until I saw a porno that had that kind of action.... OMG! Great masturbation fantasy, but in reality...one man at a time is the best I can do. However, add another lady and SHAZAM! LOL Is that TMI? Originally Posted by M A X
Max I think that type of porn (well most any porn with women) is pretty hot too but that is probably not all that unusual for a guy LOL
All I could think about last night was Lil Michelle. Unfortunately there is only one pic to look at but oh what fantasies one can have with a sexy ass like hers. I hope she takes the step to get her feet wet soon. I'm dying over here!
lil_michelle's Avatar
[quote=jughead1171;1068864]Wow Michelle like the new avi pic
Why thank you... you mean that old thing? I only wear that when I don't care what I look like! 10 points if you can guess the movie that line came from

All I could think about last night was Lil Michelle. Unfortunately there is only one pic to look at but oh what fantasies one can have with a sexy ass like hers. I hope she takes the step to get her feet wet soon. I'm dying over here! Originally Posted by Red Bull
... you know how to make a girl feel good, thank you
Wow Michelle like the new avi pic

Why thank you... you mean that old thing? I only wear that when I don't care what I look like! 10 points if you can guess the movie that line came from

WoW... you know how to make a girl feel good, thank you Originally Posted by jughead1171
You gotta beware of the men on this board: they're all shameless flirts looking for some tail.
lil_michelle's Avatar

You gotta beware of the men on this board: they're all shameless flirts looking for some tail. Originally Posted by lil_michelle

Thank you for the warning lol

Still, I will take all the compliments I can get...its good for a girl my age
easily_amused's Avatar
Why thank you... you mean that old thing? I only wear that when I don't care what I look like! Originally Posted by lil_michelle
"Violet" said that to Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life, of course...
Can I use the 10 points to get access to the pics on your website?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

You gotta beware of the men on this board: they're all shameless flirts looking for some tail. Originally Posted by lil_michelle
I'm shocked.....I thought they all loved us for our witty repertoire, charm and over all awesomeness! Come to find out they just want "tail". Reality bites! LOL
All of this and then some:

My ATF of course

Originally Posted by boardman

Does that p stand for pesos??
lil_michelle's Avatar
"Violet" said that to Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life, of course...
Can I use the 10 points to get access to the pics on your website? Originally Posted by easily_amused
Yeah! You win!!!

Sure.. if you want to just PM and I'll send you the info. I took it off public until I find out about my job offer...crossing fingers!!
I'm shocked.....I thought they all loved us for our witty repertoire, charm and over all awesomeness! Come to find out they just want "tail". Reality bites! LOL Originally Posted by M A X
Yeah, given the chance, I'd bite your tail. lol