Mia Love says Trump should say he is sorry about ShitHole comment

Ambition...a great trait towards self reliance.
lustylad's Avatar
This is not that hard a concept to grasp. Originally Posted by WTF
Keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, you lying twatwaffle.

The dimotards were and remain racists, through and through.

Calling their KKK supporters "Social Conservatives" rather than racists is a ludicrous and pathetic attempt by you to whitewash your party's history.

No wonder you keep bitching and whining about Dinesh D'Souza. He holds a mirror up to your real past.
Dinesh...speaker of the truth.
bambino's Avatar
Snitchy seems to be obsessed with Caddyshack like he was with Bobby Magee. Maybe his next handle will be Spaulding. Fits doesn’t it?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2018, 12:28 PM
Keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, you lying twatwaffle.

The dimotards were and remain racists, through and through.

Calling their KKK supporters "Social Conservatives" rather than racists is a ludicrous and pathetic attempt by you to whitewash your party's history.

No wonder you keep bitching and whining about Dinesh D'Souza . He holds a mirror up to your real past. Originally Posted by lustylad
Jesus , they can be both Social Conservatives and Racist as fuck, which they were.

The GOP has taken on the mantle of Social Conservativism. They have been the party against Gay and Transgendered Equality .... not progressives.

Dinesh D'Souza is holding up a mirror and smoke.

The Progressive Party back in the day was the GOP.

The Racist and Socially conservative Party back in the day wad the Democrats.

That has changed.....so the progressive party back in the day was the GOP and is now it is the Democrats.

The racist party back in the day was the Democratic Party full of Social Conservatives, they did not want interracial marriage. Now it is the GOP with it's Social Conservatives that are the party of inequality.

Dinesh D'Souza gets it half right....what he fails to mention is that the GOP used to be the party of Progressive thought that had empathies on equality. Now that is the Democratic Party....the Social Conservatives have migrated to the GOP.

Social Conservatives are hostile to change, they care more about continuity than equality. The school system has failed you lustlad. Folks like Dinesh D'Souza trade in your ignorance.

WTF...awesome image...Thanks.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2018, 12:39 PM
WTF...awesome image...Thanks. Originally Posted by Mandeville1964
You are welcome....I knew it would go over a few of your heads.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2018, 12:40 PM
Snitchy seems to be obsessed with Caddyshack like he was with Bobby Magee. Maybe his next handle will be Spaulding. Fits doesn’t it? Originally Posted by bambino
You got me...I guess. IDK. But I do like the image and caption.
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  • WTF
  • 01-16-2018, 12:56 PM
You got me...I guess. IDK. But I do like the image and caption. Originally Posted by Mandeville1964
That lying cocksucker needs to be shipped back to Bombay where he is from!

We should have revoked his naturalized citizenship after he was convicted of lying.

You seem to actually think a bit. So seriously CNN making a connection between Trump being a typical American at a football game, kinda sorta singing the National Anthem, and connecting that to racism...does that really connect to the liberal mindset? I mean, for me it is a big reach. Makes me feel that some Democrats can't go that far...they see the farce in it? IDK. Just wondering. All things aside, does the liberal media need to dial it a back a bit...is it me or what.
You Know the life of pi. The Kite Runner. Opinion???
I mean seriously all this S word shit dominating the news cycle...isnt it a bit over the top.
Ambition...a great trait towards self reliance. Originally Posted by Mandeville1964
Self Reliance is the greatest gift one can give to himself. You surly won't get anywhere else especially the Government.

JCM800's Avatar
Huh? Do I really need to explain this to you? The connection is obvious.

You said no further confirmation of Trump's comment is needed since it was "common knowledge" after the media spread Durbin's claim everywhere.

A widely disseminated lie is still a lie!

I don't know if Trump said it or not. I'm saying your "logic" for dismissing other first-hand accounts is flawed and laughable.

Get it now? Originally Posted by lustylad
After enough people confirm what was said then yes it becomes common knowledge. Trump was advised to walk back the statement, which he did, which is why supporters like yourself are now doubting the original report.

Like I said previously ...Trump has his supporters trained well.