CBS! Charlie Rose Shocked That Marco Rubio Called Hillary A Liar.

You buffle-headed queer. Ran out of words didn't you? Normal?

You should have just left it at three, it would have worked better.

Learned, cultured, gentrified, normal

Which one of these is not like the others

Get thee to the basement, you ridiculous shit. Because I come to a hooker board to display my gentrified and erudite side Originally Posted by WombRaider
And you FAIL miserable in TRYING to do so ! Keep swishing woomby !
I'm only spic on one side, you fucking moron. Nice try, dipshit.

Goddamn, you are one dumb motherfucker. You keep sticking it out there, just to have it burned every single time. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Is that what happens to tu LENGUA when you " stick it out there " for all of those jalapeno dicks that YOU so love " just to have it burned every single time " ? YOU get burned when YOU stick it out whe you're doing rim jobs woomby ? Tu gente claims tu eres el campion para lambale el culo con sus lengua ! How 'bout you " stick it out " and put it on a metal pole during a snow storm woomby the friggen genius ?
And you FAIL miserable in TRYING to do so ! Keep swishing woomby ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I love it when someone fails miserably... while pointing out someone's failure.

Way to go, Gay Rey, you're well on the way to being DOTY. I wrote in a vote for you and I'm sure there are many others who will be doing the same. If you win DOTY, you will NEVER live it down, you dingleberry-eating cocksucker.

Is that what happens to tu LENGUA when you " stick it out there " for all of those jalapeno dicks that YOU so love " just to have it burned every single time " ? YOU get burned when YOU stick it out whe you're doing rim jobs woomby ? Tu gente claims tu eres el campion para lambale el culo con sus lengua ! How 'bout you " stick it out " and put it on a metal pole during a snow storm woomby the friggen genius ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You have a tenuous grasp of english... and spanish. Pretty hard to be a dumbass in two languages, but Gay Rey does it with aplomb. You should be busy picking, seeing as how it's dingleberry season and all.

I love it when someone fails miserably... while pointing out someone's failure.

Way to go, Gay Rey, you're well on the way to being DOTY. I wrote in a vote for you and I'm sure there are many others who will be doing the same. If you win DOTY, you will NEVER live it down, you dingleberry-eating cocksucker.

VOTE GAY REY for DOTY! Originally Posted by WombRaider
We wouldn't won't to deny YOU YOUR rightful ASSesion to the throne that YOU'VE so cherished and worked for as assup's protégé now woomby ! Did you AND UNDERCONSTRUCTION cast a ballot in the poll ? That way YOU can split the vote between yourself and your mentor assup and still be on good terms with him ! I'll be you've already picked out a spot for your "Golden Toilet " DOTY trophy to proudly be displayed down at the 'holes ! You're just the man to keep that trophy filled woomby and a credit to your mentor ! Your Momma /SEEster must be SOOO proud that you'll finally be getting an award that you EARNED with your efforts as opposed to getting it just for your participation !
We wouldn't won't to deny YOU YOUR rightful ASSesion to the throne that YOU'VE so cherished and worked for as assup's protégé now woomby ! Did you AND UNDERCONSTRUCTION cast a ballot in the poll ? That way YOU can split the vote between yourself and your mentor assup and still be on good terms with him ! I'll be you've already picked out a spot for your "Golden Toilet " DOTY trophy to proudly be displayed down at the 'holes ! You're just the man to keep that trophy filled woomby and a credit to your mentor ! Your Momma /SEEster must be SOOO proud that you'll finally be getting an award that you EARNED with your efforts as opposed to getting it just for your participation ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You continue to astound with your lack of language skills. Our education system has failed you miserably. I think you're going to win DOTY though. I've got a grass-roots effort going that should put you in the lead real soon.