"Do Not See" list

FunInDFW's Avatar
Any provider that is akin to a nagging and/or bitchy wife/gf.
blowmypop23's Avatar
If I were a guy in the hobby, I believe I'd rather be on someone's DNS list than someone's OID list (only if desperate). Originally Posted by LovingKayla

The good ol OID list. I call that plan H.
I can't think of too many ideas worse than posting a public list of providers you won't see or hobbyists you won't see.

Maybe a stick in the eye?

No, that's probably a better idea than this one.

Is it odd that some people are proud of being douche bags?

blowmypop23's Avatar
Most guys on a particular provider's DNS list, are on there not from any known danger/alert, but from either a disagreement from posts or they reportedly have had sessions with providers she does not like. IMO, the guys on a DNS list because of that or because they rely on second hand info from another provider with an agenda tells you how shallow she is and those guys probably have that provider on his DNS list as well. Thank goodness for the number of providers here in the metroplex alone.

There is not anyone that is going to openly come out and say exactly who is on those lists, but when a provider refuses to reply back to an initial contact within a reasonable time, one may think that she is avoiding him and on her DNS list and so she in turn is put on his DNS list, even if he is not on hers.

Providers on my list (no names):

Donation is too high for my budget

Her incall is too far away

Reported service(s) (non-services) in her ads or reviews

Physical attraction is non existent for me

Talked with or seen her for a session in the past and she is a conniving drama queen

Seen her for a session and she is all talk about her great service, but ultimately, no action (dead fuck) Originally Posted by davidfree986

I'm gonna add the way the add comes off. When I visit a showcase or see the add some of them come off as more bossy and straight business and it's a turn off.

It's harder to explain but I feel it when I read it so they are added.
blowmypop23's Avatar
I can't think of too many ideas worse than posting a public list of providers you won't see or hobbyists you won't see.

Maybe a stick in the eye?

No, that's probably a better idea than this one.

Is it odd that some people are proud of being douche bags?

Vic Originally Posted by Vic Kosslovich

That's the great thing about life, we are not all the same. Different strokes and all.

I do agree that it seems as if eng's entire Eccles life is based on stirring up shit. He's probably yanking it to every reply.
Poor Eng, I guess he just could not resist. Banned
blowmypop23's Avatar
From V!

i have close to 320 people on my DNS list, by handle or number

saved in my phone and in a special location....

because in reality it's not hard to end up on my DNS list and safety is worth much more then money to me...

1. any guy that if i google search a provider ad pops up

2. any one who only types in slang... "i gurl wat yu doin", "ey ma i juz wan 2 get at u"
- i mean please.... for the love of sanity i get typos... but don't text like you have no upbringing...

3. anyone who has contacted me before and flacked or done something stupid before

these are post screening

4. anyone who has a reference that when i called them sounded really ratchet... just prefrence

5. after receiving your eccie handle and i found you harassed me at any point for what ever reason
- if i know this i will most likely not be able to honestly give you my best, because honestly part of me is wanting to choke you...

6. you have seen 2 specific providers in past (8) months, not name dropping just to me sex is intimate and i'd rather not imagine having sex with either of these two ladies...

7. ANY eccie troll, period, if you are an asshole online (this one has been proven wrong by a few) i may not see you, unless i feel you are just a dick online.

8. any one when i do see you are drunk or ****, just don't wan't to deal with it

my ladies dns is a very short thing

1. ladies who obviously have pimps... just don't feel like dealing with that gun fight (I found this one interesting based on some of her reviews, I guess her's doesn't want another in the room

2. those same 2 providers from above

3. and in reality no girl i know is faking it...if i know you are not into girls i will honestly walk out on your ass fast, don't fake it to make it, i want you to make me squirm .... remember you can't fake real sex...

I brought V's post over here so I could reply here and not where she misplaced it, and it didn't fit.


Damn this girl is a little out there. I just read some of her reviews. I'm guessing if it wasn't for the creampie service it's would be crickets over there (literally, I hear its a pig sty).

You know everyone going to see her is going for the bb, common wtf else would anyone pay her rates with the level of reviews she's had and the BSC attitude, texting, rushing, continuous drama bs etc......

I didn't go thru all of them but even some of the yes ones were written by peeps with no other or only a few other reviews.

Drama girls, they are also on the DNS list. You know the ones that are always associated with drama and alerts (both ways) etc..... and that are plain out and out BSC.
blowmypop23's Avatar
Poor Eng, I guess he just could not resist. Banned Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Yay, we get a 90 day reprieve
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 08-17-2015, 10:53 AM
Poor Eng, I guess he just could not resist. Banned Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Thank you Jesus.
Boltfan's Avatar
and short, ugly, skinny, and a small penis, I hear Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Hey, I don't have a small penis
Boltfan's Avatar
Poor Eng, I guess he just could not resist. Banned Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
He posted something he shouldn't, again, after being told not to do it.
Nah he shared private area info via pm. I RTM'd that shit.

......annnnnnnnnnd you're welcome.

I look at it like tough love. Some people absolutely refuse to learn in the absense of consequences.
Boltfan's Avatar
Wooo hooo.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
So, it's ok to post it and ban the poster of private PMs, but they just leave the privately shared info out in the open? That's kinda odd. LOL If it's ok for everyone to see, why ban the poster, even if it was eng?
I have decided to put the blow up fuck dolls made from animal byproducts on my dns list...dammit someone in the hobby has to make a stand for the animals!