
WyldemanATX's Avatar
you and common sense haven't collided yet in the same post yet, but keep trying Originally Posted by budman33
If you knew what common sense is you would have recognized it and not made such a fuss of nothingness!
budman33's Avatar
If you knew what common sense is you would have recognized it and not made such a fuss of nothingness! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
are you ever going to reply with substance instead of this " I know you are but what am I" juvenile shit?

If you didn't like what I said, step up. this is boring.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
are you ever going to reply with substance instead of this " I know you are but what am I" juvenile shit?

If you didn't like what I said, step up. this is boring. Originally Posted by budman33
What I find humorous is that you say there is no substance and that you are tired of the juvenile shit all the while you keep on having about the same amount of substance in your own material. It is not that I do not like what you said it is just you make very little sense in all your arguments. I have to explain things over and over again so that you can understand the obvious. I think it is funny how you just can't help yourself with all your rebuttals and how you are determined to get the last word even after you say you have become bored with it.

Yes I am laughing at you not with you, but at you. You say I am juvenile lets see what you got to serve up next. Do it Do it you know you want to.

Thanks for playing.......
7th grade I tell ya
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ahem. Just when you thought things couldnt get any more trivial...


sixxbach's Avatar
I guess we have more new mods in Austin?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
budman33's Avatar
no response at moderators request.'s Avatar
..... 30 min sessions. Anything beyond that is not p4p. Do I have to spell everything out for you 33 different ways..... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
+1's Avatar
hardly, I am just trying to stay on the moral dirt road that you missed. Hunting strippers on rent day isn't exactly reviewing escorts Originally Posted by budman33
Budman 33:
p4p is p4p
no need to get righteous
play what ever game you can or want to
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Well by the rules of this board reviewing of strippers you score BCD due to late car payments, cell phone outtage, or electricity soon to be cut off that usually don't provide ... and don't till they fall behind on things again is a Pointable review here. More power to you and keep on doing what you do. Originally Posted by budman33
Strange, that’s what you think all the stripper reviews are. There are many strippers who are a BP ad short of providing. If they didn’t strip, they would be considered UTRs.

some of us however don't see much value in this other than to know what day the landlord, Electricity worker, or repo man shows up. A tad too predatory for my taste.
It would be a rare woman who would make the choice to provide if she had other viable options. Maybe not having her shit together is managing her money, not having had education, or not picking up skills suited for a resume. Whatever the reason, a case can easily be made that if getting together with a stripper in time of need is predatory, so is frequenting providers.

I don't review currently but I do exchange PM's on ladies I have known who are UTR and do not want reviews and only then PM if they say its ok to.

I'm not trying to stir up shit but I am just calling it as I see it.
Why are your UTRs UTR? Why don’t they post ads, get websites, or find other ways of marketing their services? Surely, there aren’t UTRs who only provide to a few guys or certain times a month to meet certain needs?

Just as stripper reviews are of little value to you, the prospect of finding a UTR, then making the decision to ask about her on the board, then the chances that she’s one of the ones you have information about seems…pretty remote. So there may be many here who see little value in what you contribute.

hardly, I am just trying to stay on the moral dirt road that you missed. Hunting strippers on rent day isn't exactly reviewing escorts that the rest of us can expect to call, untill you give them a new cell phone after a BBBJ. Im just sayin.

these strip club reviews are of value, but not to most of us. So it's annoying when these 'review' counts are used as collateral worthness. Originally Posted by budman33
I do agree that review counts aren’t necessarily reflective of someone’s contributions to this “community”, nor post count alone without considering the contents of those posts.

And yes, preying upon strippers too young to have gotten their shit together is perfectly acceptable here, just not to me. Can't do it...

edit: try more than a 30 minute blow and go, or a 30 minute 5 position circus... in that open door.. drop trouser. race, there's no way to know if they like you or not. My sessions go 2-3 while I admit they may be emmy award winners ... by that time I dont care so much I am so damn happy. Originally Posted by budman33
That's the point i guess i didnt make. you have your preferred sessions, I have mine, everyone else has there's. So some people need to get off the x-number of posts, x-number of review bandwagon. we're all just here trying to get laid. the only difference is some of us are paying for the privilege, some are getting paid. Originally Posted by budman33
I agree with you that we all have our preferred sessions, but I don’t think that statement really matches what you’ve been posting in this thread.

18, 19 20, 35, 40.. regardless of their age, we’re all contributing to someone’s rent, electric bills, phone bills, groceries, diapers, etc.. The fact that some have the foresight to get that money before it’s past due while others wait till it’s overdue doesn’t change the fact that they are in the adult service industry and willingly take money to perform said services. Some would argue that it’s more symbiotic to see those girls who are in dire need. Would you think it predatory to see a provider who is running an “End of the month special”? The fact that some advertise here, on BP, Eros, Yellow Pages, or in a club designed to bring in horny guys who are willing to spend money on girls for imagined affection also makes little difference. Whichever way you decide to look at it, objectively, each niche is as predatory or symbiotic as the others.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
...and down we go again, reminds me of 7th grade. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
And you're already getting nostalgic about last year...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
What I remember about the 7th grade is I kicked the biggest bullies ass and broke his nose. I also went to a christian school at the time.

Since then I recently contacted the guy on FB and he apologized for being a bully and said he had told that story about how not to treat people while he was youth counselor. The story being he had picked on me and he got what he deserved. He actually said he had thought about me all these years and wanted to know if I would forgive him. I could hardly believe it when he said my FB friend request meant more to him than any other request he had ever received.

Comparing this to the 7th grade is just down right absurd my friend. This may be adult humor at its worst at times, but I would not compare it to grade school. Do not judge unless the be judged.

Thank you very little....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Budman 33:
p4p is p4p
no need to get righteous
play what ever game you can or want to Originally Posted by

I think p4p is anytime you pay to play, whether that's for 5 minutes or 5 months. Don't think the length that someone hobbys or the money he spends should determine whether his contribution is worthy of discussion.

After all, not everybody has the same level of disposal income, free time or patience for trysting ... not to be confused with fisting.
budman33's Avatar
Why are your UTRs UTR? Why don’t they post ads, get websites, or find other ways of marketing their services? Surely, there aren’t UTRs who only provide to a few guys or certain times a month to meet certain needs?

Just as stripper reviews are of little value to you, the prospect of finding a UTR, then making the decision to ask about her on the board, then the chances that she’s one of the ones you have information about seems…pretty remote. So there may be many here who see little value in what you contribute. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
i completely agree. My point was that some roll out the argument that post count/review count are a measurement whereby you either can post here or not. Like that weigh's any value into the argument/debate/mudslinging.

As for my UTR, I can't answer the question about her. She asked me to not review so I don't. my particular kink on the other board was LMT's, RMT's that did more but couldnt be reviewed per board policy or risk their cert's. Yes, i'm sure plenty don't see where I add much valuable info, but I don't claim to...

The argument can probably be made either way about SC reviews. They drive people to premium access so that's value. But this board doesn't require premium and since mine expired after over a year of pony'ing up I haven't had the urge to renew it. On a regular review I can still drive money to a provider because i may not have the play by play but I have her name, contact info, list of activities, description and recommendation. That's enough for me right now.

In SC reviewers defense They can't put much that isn't BCD, but to a non premium member I see a First letter name, a description, and a recommendation. that's it, and not enough to go on without PM'ing people some of which i don't care much for.

My point was I don't cart out the my-value-to-board is better than yours so STFU, which I see here over and over and over and over.