Susan Rice to Serve as Obama’s National Security Advisor

LexusLover's Avatar
hell no! and IM not making up anything either ..

.... and has NO power over anyone or anything Originally Posted by CJ7
I was hoping you were drunk or otherwise impaired ...

......... at least you would have some defense.

#1: You weren't there.
#2: the people you are quoting were not there.
#3: the people you are quoting had a motivation to LIE, and did.
#4: the National Security Advisor (see that word) .... carries the mail to the POTUS.

You want the NSA to "sort the mail" to suit the POTUS?

She "sorted the mail" to the U.S. voters .............

....................... "to suit the POTUS"!!!!!!!!

I care about this country. She doesn't.

She cares about staying on the taxpayers' tit.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 03:47 AM
I was hoping you were drunk or otherwise impaired ...

......... at least you would have some defense.

#1: You weren't there.
#2: the people you are quoting were not there.
#3: the people you are quoting had a motivation to LIE, and did.
#4: the National Security Advisor (see that word) .... carries the mail to the POTUS.

You want the NSA to "sort the mail" to suit the POTUS?

She "sorted the mail" to the U.S. voters .............

....................... "to suit the POTUS"!!!!!!!!

I care about this country. She doesn't.

She cares about staying on the taxpayers' tit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
sonds like youre drunk as hell

I wasnt there ! lol so you were?

Im not quoting anyone... have another beer

here, this suits you to a T
LexusLover's Avatar
.... and later escalated to small arms fire? Originally Posted by CJ7

"Doherty and Woods were killed at around five the next morning by mortar fire."

Like I said: You are full of shit. Typical LIBERAL Obaminablist.

After you heard Rice's "talking points" did you little mind close?
flghtr65's Avatar

"Doherty and Woods were killed at around five the next morning by mortar fire."

Like I said: You are full of shit. Typical LIBERAL Obaminablist.

After you heard Rice's "talking points" did you little mind close? Originally Posted by LexusLover
From the link that you have provided, CIA operatives were counting on a local militia that fought against Kadafy for support, but they failed to show up during the attack. This whole incident was caused by poor intelligence. The republicans just want to make it political. A full investigation was conducted. Normal protocol was followed. You say that you love this country, were you this upset when the embassy's were attacked under Bush? There were 3 congressional hearings, nothing evolved from them. There was a demonstration in Cairo, Egypt on Sept 10, the CIA employees on location put that into the Talking points. The state department made some changes and gave that to Rice to go on TV with. You can go google search any link you want, you won't find anything different. The only way to prevent this is to staff every embassy with troops and they are not going to do that. From your link two paragraphs down.

The CIA has been singled out for praise because of the heroic rescue performed by its security contractors at the Benghazi annex. On that evening, two former SEALs—Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods—helped lead a team that rescued all but two of the U.S. personnel at the Benghazi mission that evening. U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and Sean Smith, a communications specialist, died of smoke inhalation after the attackers set the U.S. compound ablaze with cans of kerosene the raiding party found after breaching its gates. Doherty and Woods were killed at around five the next morning by mortar fire.

While CIA operatives showed heroism during the rescue, the agency failed to properly vet beforehand the February 17 Martyr’s Brigade, a local militia comprised in part by Islamist fighters who had fought against Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi during the 2011 revolution. The State Department’s own Accountability Review Board (ARB) found most members of the brigade—one of the best armed militias in eastern Libya, with a membership in the low thousands—failed to show up on the evening of the attacks, despite agreeing to be the compound’s “quick reaction force,” intended to perform the role of the Libyan state in a city that lacked mature security institutions
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 11:31 AM
LL doesnt get it and never will, dont waste your time
LexusLover's Avatar
From the link that you have provided, CIA operatives were counting on a local militia that fought against Kadafy for support, but they failed to show up during the attack. Originally Posted by flghtr65
We don't "out source" our security. Yea, I get it. It's called "pass the buck"!

I was pissed with the Iraqis plotted to kill ole man Bush, when they OBl tried to down the WTC in the early 90's, when the embassies were attacked, the Iraqis ignored warnings in the 90's, when the Cole was attacked, when the U.S. was attacked on 911, when the reporter got his head sawed off on world TV, on and on ... with lots of attacks in between those events, all the way up to the most recent bombing of the Boston marathon.

Yea, I "get it." We are at war. Start acting like it.

Quit looking for excuses to avoid it.

So why do we want someone who is in "denial" about it ...

....... to "advise" a blind and ignorant President.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL doesnt get it and never will, dont waste your time Originally Posted by CJ7
Rhodes is spelled with an "s"!

"small arms fire" training (according to CJ7):
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 02:02 PM
start actin like we are at war ???

scream a little louder ... theres a few cut spending rightwingers that cant hear you

House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012....Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected.
Ryan, Issa and other House Republicans voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions. Under Ryan’s budget, non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding, would be slashed nearly 20 percent in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security

Rhodes is spelled with an "s"!

so's IDIOTS .. and youre an idiot road boy
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I refuse to lower myself to this level of ignorance, so will somebody tell this stupid sob Obama said and is on record saying ,it was AN ACT OF TERROR, not terrorist attack

hes so fucking dumb he forgets the rifgtwing raised hell because they are too fucking dumb to seperate terrorist attack and act of terror Originally Posted by CJ7

The following are quotes from the Obama administration in reference to the attacks on Benghazi during the night of 9-11-12:

September 13 -- A senior U.S. official tells CNN that the Benghazi violence was a "clearly planned attack"
"It was not an innocent mob," the official said. "The video or 9/11 made a handy excuse and could be fortuitous from their perspective, but this was a clearly planned military-type attack."

September 19 -- Matthew Olson, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, responding to a question by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Joe Lieberman on whether the attack was a terrorist attack
"They were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy. ... At this point, what I would say is that a number of different elements appear to have been involved in the attack, including individuals connected to militant groups that are prevalent in eastern Libya, particularly the Benghazi area, as well we are looking at indications that individuals involved in the attack may have had connections to al Qaeda or al Qaeda affiliates, in particular al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb." Olson also said U.S. officials had no "specific evidence of significant advanced planning."

September 20 -- Jay Carney
"It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. Our embassy was attacked violently, and the result was four deaths of American officials."

September 21 -- Hillary Clinton
"What happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack, and we will not rest until we have tracked down and brought to justice the terrorists who murdered four Americans."

September 27 -- Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
"It was a terrorist attack. ... As we determined the details of what took place there and how that attack took place, it became clear that there were terrorists who had planned that attack

September 27 -- A senior U.S. official tells CNN that it became clear within about a day of the Benghazi attack that it been the work of terrorists
Separately, CNN National Security Analyst Fran Townsend reports that a law enforcement source told her that "from day one, we had known clearly that this was a terrorist attack."

September 28 -- Statement by Shawn Turner, spokesman for Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
"In the immediate aftermath, there was information that led us to assess that the attack began spontaneously following protests earlier that day at our embassy in Cairo. We provided that initial assessment to executive branch officials and members of Congress, who used that information to discuss the attack publicly and provide updates as they became available. Throughout our investigation, we continued to emphasize that information gathered was preliminary and evolving. As we learned more about the attack, we revised our initial assessment to reflect new information indicating that it was a deliberate and organized terrorist attack carried out by extremists

November 16 -- Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified on Capitol Hill
Petreaus said that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was an act of terrorism committed by al Qaeda-linked militants.

January 23 --- Hillary Clinton
"We continue to hunt the terrorists responsible for the attacks in Benghazi and are determined to bring them to justice."
"There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic and pre-coordinated but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning

So it is clear that within a few days of this attack, that members of this administration were starting to acknowledge that this was a planned terrorist attack. Even at the same time that Obama and other members of his administration were still clinging to the video lie.

And it is hilarious that you are now trying to say that when Obama used the words "act of terror" in the Rose Garden the morning after the attack, that he was not referring to the Benghazi attack as an act of terrorism. You were arguing just the opposite a few months ago. You can't have it both ways, CBJ7!

On 10-17-12, you posted the following:

"once again

now think real hard, bear down, concentrate, focus, this is VERY difficult ..

what do you call someone that commits an act of TERROR?

a ... Preacher
b ... Grocery Clerk
c ... Terrorist

need some time? ..."

You can't even keep your own BULLSHIT straight!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 02:06 PM
oh look road boy, you have company
flghtr65's Avatar
We don't "out source" our security.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Apparently you are not aware of all the procedures that the Agency has. That failure to vet the local militia, came from the link that you provided. So, you want to use your link for some of your argument, but not all of your argument? Yes, we are at War, but congress is not going to allocate more funds so that all embassy's will be supported with troops. We are in the Sequester, and money is very tight. You remember the Sequester don't you, the budget process that took over because the "Super Committee" could not come to a agreement with the budget. Last thing, the closest fighter Jet (F14 or whatever number their at now) that could have been used to scatter the attackers was in Italy, and Panatta did not send it because he did not think it would get their in time. You, like the other republicans are just playing politics. This is not about how to better protect our embassy's.
LexusLover's Avatar
Apparently you are not aware of all the procedures that the Agency has. Originally Posted by flghtr65
And YOU are? Join CJ7 for all the "inside" scoop!

If you all don't know ... you just make shit up.

The Jet Jock reported only "small arms fire" ... but 2 got killed with mortar fire.

Then we have the "CIA" thought it had trained "local security" to guard the Ambassador!

Opps .. on that one too.

Then we have a video.

Now we have a riot ala the Jet Jock.

So enlighten ... what are the CIA "policies" .... for guarding U.S. Ambassadors?

First: Pre-attack.
Second: For the talking points.
Third: For the news releases.
Fourth: For the congressional testimony
Fifth: For post congressional nontestimony
Sixth: To cover the "real" reason they were in Libya.

And since you two clowns are "connected" ("in the know) ...

... enlighten on what happened to the Brits weapon cache in the U.S. Consulate.

"The June 11 attack on British Ambassador Sir Dominic Asquith as he drove through Benghazi is among a list of 230 security incidents, 48 in Benghazi alone, that U.S. officials compiled to show how dangerous Libya had become. Two of Asquith’s security guards were wounded in the attack. In contrast to the Americans, who remained in Benghazi, the British determined that the city was too dangerous and closed their offices.

"Before withdrawing, however, British officials reached an agreement with the U.S. consulate to leave their weapons and vehicles at the poorly guarded U.S. compound."

Yea, I "get it." So did the Brits.
June 11, 2012.
September .... 11th 2012.

You two clowns don't have a clue. Does it take 3 months to secure the ... errr....

"poorly guarded U.S. compound"?

So, where was Ms. Rice when the Brits were getting hammered and leaving town?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 02:52 PM
The Jet Jock reported only "small arms fire" ... but 2 got killed with mortar fire

bullshit, you cant comprehend what what I type can you?

post #75

heres exactly what I said ..

he vast majority of the small arms fire took place after the initial attack between the consulate and the annex directed at the motorcade, the mortar fire took place hours later, and for a very short period of time ..

now go get drunker than you already are ... Hic Hic.... Burrrrrrrrp
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 03:16 PM
and BTW every foreign US embassy in the world outsources its security team

look up Embassy LGF in between drinks and learn something
bojulay's Avatar
I saw an Anti-Islamic video about her nomination.

I'm going to send it to Al Jazeera and get their opinion.