Americans Are With The Republicans on Debt...

None of that changes the fact that you lied about Obama's position. He is not for only raising taxes. That is what you implied and that was a lie. Originally Posted by WTF
obama for spending cuts is like saddam husseins minions who stood and applauded at the specailly called meeting in the auditorium when saddam was purging those he didnt like, so they wouldnt be next.

he is not for spending cuts, he is trying to survive, but he still cant bring himself to agree on anything boehner said...the dude is jello, cant pin him to the wall on real agreement
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 10:36 AM
obama wants to close tax "loops holes" like he was so rightgeous and the repubs are for the rich.

well the corporate jet write off "loop hole" is on he "stimulate" the economy. to encourage corporations to buy planes so the workers would have jobs he shortened the write off life for new planes purchased...its all so sick.... his obfuscations and blubbering

everything except his droning on and on is a talking point to him, which he, being the only adult in the room, never narcissist

and this is not to even mention, the corporate jet thing will only raise about 3 billion over ten years if that (even assuming a static tax resonse) while our fkn deficit is like 140 Billion a damn month! Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

No, he was for it to get us out of the recession. We are out of the recession. He (rightly) ,is now for closing it. What idiot would be against closing that loophole. Take the 5th if you must.
No, he was for it to get us out of the recession. We are out of the recession. He (rightly) ,is now for closing it. What idiot would be against closing that loophole. Take the 5th if you must. Originally Posted by WTF
its not the "loop hole", (which isnt a real loop hole) its the fake impression he tries to give while not addressing our real problem of spending

now airplane workers might be idiot enough to be against that closing however
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  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 10:42 AM
obama for spending cuts is like saddam husseins minions who stood and applauded at the specailly called meeting in the auditorium when saddam was purging those he didnt like, so they wouldnt be next.

he is not for spending cuts, he is trying to survive, but he still cant bring himself to agree on anything boehner said...the dude is jello, cant pin him to the wall on real agreement Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What more do you and that sun baked Boehner want......

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama formally acknowledged on Friday that he would support a plan to means-test Medicare as a part of a deal to raise the nation’s debt ceiling.
“I have said that means-testing on Medicare, meaning people like myself -- I’m going to be turning 50 in a week, so I’m starting to think a little bit more about Medicare eligibility -- but you can envision a situation for somebody in my position, me having to pay a little bit more on premiums or co-pays would be appropriate. And again, that would make a difference,” the president said at a press conference. “What we are not willing to do is restructure the program in the ways we have seen coming out of the House in recent months.”

He renewed his pitch for a major package of some $4 trillion, about three-quarters of which would be spending cuts along with about $1 trillion in new revenue.
"We have a chance to stabilize America's finances for a decade or 15 years or 20 years if we're willing to seize the moment," the president said, adding later that everyone must be "willing to compromise."

Again, Do You think it fiscally responsible to start two wars and give the country a tax break ? Can you answer that simple question?
I B Hankering's Avatar
What more do you and that sun baked Boehner want......

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama formally acknowledged on Friday that he would support a plan to means-test Medicare as a part of a deal to raise the nation’s debt ceiling.
“I have said that means-testing on Medicare, meaning people like myself -- I’m going to be turning 50 in a week, so I’m starting to think a little bit more about Medicare eligibility -- but you can envision a situation for somebody in my position, me having to pay a little bit more on premiums or co-pays would be appropriate. And again, that would make a difference,” the president said at a press conference. “What we are not willing to do is restructure the program in the ways we have seen coming out of the House in recent months.”

He renewed his pitch for a major package of some $4 trillion, about three-quarters of which would be spending cuts along with about $1 trillion in new revenue.
"We have a chance to stabilize America's finances for a decade or 15 years or 20 years if we're willing to seize the moment," the president said, adding later that everyone must be "willing to compromise."

Again, Do You think it fiscally responsible to start two wars and give the country a tax break ? Can you answer that simple question? Originally Posted by WTF
When you show up with a budget that is full of spending increases? Well, you know what they say, "Actions speak louder than words."

Obama's "promised" spending cuts are "promises" for "down the road" savings, and all that "smoke and mirrors" nonsense is BS. He ran on a "Hope and Change" BS platform, and that's exactly what he is delivering.

And, again, just in case you missed it twice before WTF, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) stated position: “No way. No how. Not now. Not on my watch. No cuts to Medicare and Social Security.”

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  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 11:00 AM
Again, Do You think it fiscally responsible to start two wars and give the country a tax break ? Can you answer that simple question?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Again, Do You think it fiscally responsible to start two wars and give the country a tax break ? Can you answer that simple question? Originally Posted by WTF
Spending is the problem.

In his first two years in office, President Barack Obama will increase annual federal welfare spending by one third from $522 billion to $697 billion. The combined two-year increase will equal almost $263 billion ($88.2 billion in FY 2009 plus $174.6 billion in FY 2010). After adjusting for inflation, this increase is two and a half times greater than any previous increase in federal welfare spending in U.S. history. As a share of the economy, annual federal welfare spending will rise by roughly 1.2 percent of GDP.

Under President Obama, government will spend more on welfare in a single year than President George W. Bush spent on the war in Iraq during his entire presidency. According to the Congressional Research Service, the cost of the Iraq war through the end of the Bush Administration was around $622 billion. By contrast, annual federal and state means-tested welfare spending will reach $888 billion in FY 2010. Federal welfare spending alone will equal $697 billion in that year.

While campaigning for the presidency, Obama lamented that “the war in Iraq is costing each household about $100 per month.” Applying the same standard to means-tested welfare spending reveals that welfare will cost each household $560 per month in 2009 and $638 per month in 2010.

Rector, Robert, Katherine Bradley, and Rachel Sheffield. “Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare: Uncovering the Full Cost of Means-Tested Welfare or Aid to the Poor.” Heritage Special Report SR-67. 16 September 2009.
Again, Do You think it fiscally responsible to start two wars and give the country a tax break ? Can you answer that simple question? Originally Posted by WTF
WTF---It appears that I B H is doing his best to keep from responding to your question!
I B Hankering's Avatar
WTF---It appears that I B H is doing his best to keep from responding to your question! Originally Posted by bigtex
Actually, it appears WTF’s question is based on a false premise.
TexTushHog's Avatar
What false premise would that be?
I B Hankering's Avatar
What false premise would that be? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
And that would be that Bush "started" two wars.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-15-2011, 06:52 PM
And that would be that Bush "started" two wars. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's the false premise that you're hanging your hat on?

Ok, let's rephrase, if i can stop laughing long enough.

Do you think it fiscally responsible to cut taxes while involved in 2 wars?

Does that work better for your simple little mind?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
was it not WWII the got us out the great depression?

back to JFK was it not he cut taxes to stimulate the economy? and Reagan modeled his tax cuts after JFK's
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 10:04 PM
And that would be that Bush "started" two wars. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LOL....OK, go with Doove rephrase.

That's the false premise that you're hanging your hat on?

Ok, let's rephrase, if i can stop laughing long enough.

Do you think it fiscally responsible to cut taxes while involved in 2 wars?

Does that work better for your simple little mind? Originally Posted by Doove
While you are at it, we are now in Libya, even more reason to hike taxes. If we were to start paying for things we want, we just might start taking a hard look at how bad we wanted them. Nation building is a fool's gold. Bush got us into that stupid exercise. Obama is an idiot for doing the same but he is not wrong to want to increase taxes to pay for these wars.

Please just try and answer Doove's rephrased question.
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  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 10:13 PM
was it not WWII the got us out the great depression?

back to JFK was it not he cut taxes to stimulate the economy? and Reagan modeled his tax cuts after JFK's Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
You sir do not understand taxes.

If taxes are to high and you cut them, you can spur economic activity but if they are already to low, you do not increase tax revenues. If that were in fact a reality then cut them to 1%.

That is WTF is wrong with you righties. You think cutting taxes is the answer to everything. Reagan and Clinton were helped by low oil prices. This country is set up on the notion that oil prices would remain low. If you have a solution to fix that little problem , than lets hear it but really this economic theory you guys have been hanging your hat on has got us in a world of hurt. Had you the good sense to get your Tea Party representatives to quit with the no tax BS and compromise, we would stand a great chance to kick start this country back on its feet.

One last thing, do you know how many times Reagan raised taxes? Eleven, eleven times in eight years.