Challenges for Escorts

GotCondomz's Avatar
Wow... why does everyone get so It's a opinion and if you don't like that's on you. Where does it say I Hate women?

WOW... seriously, please get some help. I am sure there is a reason for your hatred of women but there is medication and people to talk to. Please, I am dead serious... after reading more of your posts...please get help. Originally Posted by lil_michelle
lil_michelle's Avatar
Wow... why does everyone get so It's a opinion and if you don't like that's on you. Where does it say I Hate women? Originally Posted by GotCondomz

I agree it is your opinion and you do have a right to it. I think it's more the attitude that seems to be behind it. However, I don't think either of us want to go back and forth to no avail so I apologize for being antagonistic.

I wish you well
GotCondomz's Avatar
Words on a screen..just words on a screen. It's how you choose to interpret it. No attitude behind at all.. and thank you, my apologies to you as well..and any others that felt disrespected..wasn't my intentions.

I agree it is your opinion and you do have a right to it. I think it's more the attitude that seems to be behind it. However, I don't think either of us want to go back and forth to no avail so I apologize for being antagonistic.

I wish you well Originally Posted by lil_michelle
lil_michelle's Avatar
I love happy endings
junesetx's Avatar
I've been a provider for 18 yrs and I love it. It suites me. I like and enjoy men and I like to travel. The money is a plus. It enables me to travel and live as I want to without dipping into my other income. I enjoy being my own boss.
I don't care what other's think about me being a provider because I'm being true to myself. I'm a strong woman and I don't live by what other's think I should do with my life.
I find it easy to see different men because I found out long ago that looks don't really make the person. Hell my husband was not a good looking man but I still loved him. He was so handsome to me when he smiled and his face lit up. They used to call us Beauty and the beast. How that hurt his feelings. I've known some really beautiful people that were mean and ugly in their behavior. So again looks don't matter to me, it's the person inside that counts.
I love the one I'm with, while I'm with them, thats just me. The hobby keeps me from being lonely and I get all the sex/loving I need or want. I can say yes or no as I choose. I love to flirt and tease as well as please. Again, thats just me.
And for those that say it's just about the money, well get a load of this...I don't have to work if I don't want to. I have an income for the rest of my life and all I have to do is live and breathe. So try telling that to someone else, I'm not buying it. It's not just about the money.
It seems to me that the people in the hobby are here because it fills a need we all have, each one different. Who has the right to judge any of us? Be careful, you open yourself up to being judged as well.
Worry about your own life instead of ours. If we're happy, let us be. Why try to fix us if we don't feel that we're broken?
The stressful part about being a provider is how people think they have the right to judge us and tell us how to live our lives. You have a life to live, go live it and let us be.
Just my 2 cents...
Max, thank you for your suggestion on joining the powder room. I've been in this buisiness for over 2 years now. In the past 2 years I have had almost a zero outlet. With the exception of a few previous clients that became pen pals. Not having an outlet can really bring you down. As stated earlier, this is a double life for me. I don't mean to make anyone feel sorry for me, I'm just stating a fact. Yes, I came across as harsh in a couple of my posts and again I feel bad about that. I understand, the last thing any woman needs in this biz is any more crap from ANYONE.

Also, I know how you all could see me as a troll, but really I'm not. As a provider, I am UTR and low volume. I don't live on the boards and my entire life is not the biz. These boards can be damn right funny as hell as well as mean.

I guess it was hipocritical of me to say none of you could enjoy this line of work, when I admitted the clients treat me better then any past boyfriend I had. Some have suggested a PIMP is makng me do this. Well, honestly, that is not the case. I'm just an independent provider who suffers from burn outs. There are many benefits to being in this biz. I mean, the money is the major benefit, to me anyway. Some have suggested it's time for me to quit. But really, it's not that easy. I mean, I have quit before, but when you have a nice pool of regulars, people you alreay know, then it becomes almost preposterous to quit. Plus, I do need the MONEY. I need it. Just like WE ALL need money. I don't think I need professional help. I'm not crazy or going to harm myself or anyone else. We all have issues. My personal issue is mustering up the courage and energy to meet with clients. I have anxiety. Let me be honest with the ECCIE audience, since you are a bunch of open minded souls and why should I lie? Well, I suffer from depression, not just anxiety. Staff edit, personal medical info CC. Now, I know more comments are going to come, and say "hey you need professional help!" Well, I'm already partaking in professional help as well as medication.

Some of the clients, in all their hierarchy, sit there and ask me why a "nice, pretty, amazing, smart girl like me is an escort" To which I respond, I'm here for the same reasons you are. As a matter of fact, I'm not married, and you are. I'm single and owe no one anything. Why are you here??

Anyway, I've gone on to explain how men treated me like garbage. How in many ways the clients are better then boyfriends, etc etc. I've also opened up about my depression expecting an understanding ear. But do you know what happens?? The men fall for me, hook line and sinker. I guess they see me as a lost soul, as a damsel in distress. And personally, I think men are attracted to the damsel in distress. Everyones got their theory about the bitter one (just like that song). Am I nuts? I don't think so. Pimp? No pimp here. I'm guilty of not having an outlet. And so I've come to the Eccie audience as my outlet, because if I continue to open up to the clients they will fall for me. I do not want that.

Ok I think thats all I have to say for now. Peace and be safe.

Lets be mindful of how much medical info gets released here, CC