This place has seriously gone to shit

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I do know. And you do not know weather it's true or not. Not the place for the epistemlogical foundation of my claiming to know.

The EBHTA bill referenced below will pass the US Senate very soon. Payment processors are avoiding doing business with hobby sites in anticipation of passage. Hobby sites strip hobby language from their pages to attract payment processors. But it isn't working.

As to why the site isn't scrubbed, it's due to a short supply of volunteer moderators willing to undertake the responsibility.

Originally Posted by Bflexible
No offense, but in all your screen copies you posted, I do not see where there is any proof of a staff member stating the only reason for the new rules are to get a credit card payment processor to come on board. Yes, what you say may or may not be true, but I doubt it as St. Chris has surely seen what you wrote, as he has commented twice on this thread, yet he did not confirm it.

When someone says they know something to be a fact, it is totally absurd and foolish for people to just take them at their word on the internet, especially with the disinformation and assumptive thoeries on this board, then trusting it as gospel. It is common sense to ask questions when someone makes a bold statement as a fact. So again I ask, how do you know that getting a new credit card processor is the sole reason for the new rules?

As I said, there are lots of porn and other adult oriented sites that have always been more graphic in videos, images and discussions than this site even before it shut down in April, but oddly enough, accept credit card payments, can you explain that? Since you have inside access, maybe suggest to the owners to find out what cc processor those sites are using.

In the last couple of screenshots that you posted, saying banks have cut access of payments to faciltators of human trafficking. Are you suggesting that is the reason ccbill cut ties to Eccie and now, since you know, they are trying to clean up their act here to attract another credit card processor?
Bflexible's Avatar
So again I ask, how do you know that getting a new credit card processor is the sole reason for the new rules? ... Are you suggesting that is the reason ccbill cut ties to Eccie and now, since you know, they are trying to clean up their act here to attract another credit card processor? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
No offense taken. That is what I have said... it's the only reason for the new rules that I know of... perhaps there are others. I know it is true, but I'm not obligated to prove it to you, nor are you expected to believe it. There are definitely other members that know it's the reason, too. It's not very interesting to me to discuss it. I hope the site gets a new processor so I can purchase Premium Access. That's the extent of my interest.
TexTushHog's Avatar

I'm not a mod, so you can take what I say with a grain of salt....but I'll try to take a stab at it.

The answer is: there's no reason. Nobody said it can't. There's no rules against ISOs that I know of. That forum will be back. It's not back yet because I think they're more focused on getting each of the cities back online first, but after that I'm sure the ISO forum will make a comeback.

I have a question for you now....

If what you're saying is correct and I put up an ISO forum right this very moment, 90% of the complaining in Dallas will stop???? Originally Posted by St.Christopher
It certainly should. I see nothing else wrong. Some will bitch about SESTA/FOSTA, but nothing can be done about that until EFF’s suit proceeds. But some folks would bitch if you hung them with a new rope.
pyramider's Avatar
Eccie has always been a sesspool of trolls that is mainly due to their disinformation, cyberstalking and cyberbulling that is allowed to run rampant on this site. It has never ONLY been about genuine info sharing. For a long time, it has been about dick cliques, agendas and vendettas. Also, there is absolute proof that it is not the post that gets a member points/warnings or nothing, in actuality, it is the poster posting that determines the mod action/inaction. However, believe it or not, there is some honest intel on Eccie, you just have to wade through the bullshit (theorized assumptions, fake reviews to gain PA, ect).

Yes, it was very shitty of the owners that they pulled the plug back in April making this site go dark for a few months without advising the members, although I think that some did get the memo IF they were special enough. The new rules are adjustments that have to be done in order for the site to survive the new laws that have been passed. Since you have been around long enough, you know what the site is for and most if not all other people knew what E-C-C-I-E stood for, so who cares if it has been taken down, it does not change things. It is good to have regulars so you do not have to worry about their affiliation, but it is going to be a struggle to see first timers, new to hobbying or not. Thank goodness for P411 for me! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Thank tebow for p411 for you because the ladies have a hard time tracking down your previous handles, is it 5 or 7 over the past six years? Wasting providers time, stalking, trying to circumvent screening, and what else?

You are one of the biggest trolls you complain about.

You do not know that.

Although if you are right and that is their thinking, then why not scrub the whole site before they even came back up? The Coed forum has lots of threads dating back years about stuff that is currently against these new rules, and if someone wanted to they could bump them to the first page. Plus, there are lots of porn sites and the like on the internet that accept credit cards and they are certainly more graphic in imagery and posts than what Eccie has shut down. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

If icky had done that how many more months would the site have been down? Six months to a year?