The "providers with NO Tattoo's" super thread

burkalini's Avatar
We all have reasons for that which we find disdainful. My tat below was gift from my daughter for my 40th birthday. I LOVE IT!! I have another delicate rose tattoo in front, which one must visit in order to view up close and personal. My skin is not rotting off my bones because I have a couple of well placed artsy designs added to my very womanly soft skin.

I've known many who miss out on really good books, because they are only capable of judging said books by their cover alone. Why make an effort to ruin these great books in the eyes of others who might actually enjoy books that show originality and imagination, while promoting the only kind of book one might personally prefer, and some might view as boring or lacking in imagination, perhaps they are just afraid of needles or whatever? Ladies without tattoos rock, but so do ladies with tattoos. No need to dis one publicly, because you prefer one privately, which is what some of the creative ladies might have felt was done here.

But what do I know? *\_(**)_/*

Ya'll have a great weekend!

Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Just another stripper tatoo
My favorite quote is from Kim K.,
"You don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley."

Hi All!
After starting my thread about being burned out on all the tattoo's on provider's these days, I've heard from quite a few guy's who feel the same way.....and who actively look for providers with No or minimal tattoo's.
A few guy's have even commented that they are willing to pay a bit more for a girl with no tattoo's.......

So if you are a provider who does NOT have tattoo's.....or has no more than say one or two small ones....not on the body but on an extremity like the foot or ankle.

Please post a link to your showcase on this thread so guy's looking for girls sans tats can find you!!!!!!

You could says that this thread is the "backlash" to the tattoo craze....I suppose somebody who loves lots of tats will start a thread for "really tatted up providers and that will be the backlash to my backlash...LOL!

Mods....would like this thread to become a sticky if possible! Originally Posted by Lucky 1
burkalini's Avatar
Ladies and gents of the purest skin tribe....'-) (I can't help myself) '\_(**)_/'

I apologize for jacking the thread...sometimes I do get bored and my wit gets ahead of me. Also, I used to enjoy posting in the forums until the adversarial made it an actual stressful and no longer fun thing to do.

There are those here who enjoy drama, those who enjoy and get my sense of humor and understand that I am "playing the game", if you will, which is something that quite often works for me. Please know that I often feel a symbiosis when others behave in a certain manner here and often feel they too are "playing a role" on purpose and in order to join in, whether it be adversarial or not. It does quite often happen, believe it or not. Some of you are so serious, you actually can not see it, and that confuses someone like me, who does have quite a vivid imagination and loves to play. Those I poked here should not take it personal, as I am so often advised when someone actually is an ass. For me, this is fodder on a drama ridden SW Board and I do understand that for some of you, this is very serious biz, and maybe I should contact you PM before responding with my own personal twisted wit and mayhem making type of drama for the masses to view and be entertained by.

Lighten up gents and don't take yourself or others too seriously here on this board. I view this as my advertising haven...and I greatly appreciate ECCIE!!!! I'm here to have fun, and I for one, have always been the fun one, unless I realize someone is unable to read between the lines and it actually becomes serious drama. At that point, my bad. So, I apologize to those who unwittingly played here with me. I have not and would not ever purposely hurt, even the tiniest fly. I mean NO harm. Seriously.

Back to your regularly scheduled programs......I'm actually gonna go have some fun. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to find new friends. '-)

PS: I do not actually feel imminently threatened in any form or fashion, the drama just happened to unfold. However, some of you, do kinda scare me with the seriousness of what I find as fodder and an opportunity for me to advertise. What's up with that? <~~rhetorical '-) Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

It's impossible to shut a lid with holes in it.
Why mess with perfection?
I have some but simply simone in houston does not and rockin robin in longview doea not bith ex strippers
Solitaire's Avatar
No Tats... No piercings
cinderbella's Avatar

No tattoos here, don't drink alcohol or even soda, non smoker, vegetarian and no drug use of any kind. Wicked smart, raised an honor student who goes to college on a full scholarship. I am fortunate to have great regulars and enjoy nice friendships with many of them over the years. Some of my clients have tattoos, gives us something to talk about. To each their own, I'm sure I'm not every guys ideal fantasy either. There will always be someone who doesn't like something.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Just another stripper tatoo Originally Posted by burkalini
Never been a stripper, but love to strip for gents. Also, never saw mine on a stripper. My Bestie/daughter got the exact same one when she took me for this one on my birthday. Nor have I ever seen the first one I designed, on the other side. Pretty and tiny single rose bud. That's an ouchie area to get one!

Gotta tell ya, no gent ever looked away in disgust while trippin' over his tongue upon seeing me in a bikini. I'm hard pressed to believe that tattoos are tasteless, or even horribly offensive. I'm not a big fan of full body art, but like I've stated in the past. I can see beyond things such as beer bellies, buck teeth, crossed eyes, etc. I see beneath or around what seems to stop others.

Btw, if you're gonna go to the past to find stalking material, have at it. I prefer to remain in the present, but do yo thang, hon. Ya got a couple thousand posts you can pull quotes from at least. Have fun! I have tons of other writing I am happy to sell ya if ya like. Poems, short stories, fairy tales, etc.....
No tatts here... Originally Posted by VegasJen tats...xoxo

My favorite quote is from Kim K.,
"You don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley." Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
Good one....I like "Ink is for paper"... lol

Why mess with perfection? Originally Posted by HeatherDAngelo
+1 Exactly....

I love this thread....
Hey Handsome guys, I am a provider with no tattoos. I would also like to add that I also do not have peircings, I do not have a substance abuse problem, drugs or alcohol nor do I have a gambling problem. My only addiction is to good sex, always chasing that high Originally Posted by April Cox

Love this! And ditto!
No tats here. . .not one. I do have my ears pierced.
burkalini's Avatar
Never been a stripper, but love to strip for gents. Also, never saw mine on a stripper. My Bestie/daughter got the exact same one when she took me for this one on my birthday. Nor have I ever seen the first one I designed, on the other side. Pretty and tiny single rose bud. That's an ouchie area to get one!

Gotta tell ya, no gent ever looked away in disgust while trippin' over his tongue upon seeing me in a bikini. I'm hard pressed to believe that tattoos are tasteless, or even horribly offensive. I'm not a big fan of full body art, but like I've stated in the past. I can see beyond things such as beer bellies, buck teeth, crossed eyes, etc. I see beneath or around what seems to stop others.

Btw, if you're gonna go to the past to find stalking material, have at it. I prefer to remain in the present, but do yo thang, hon. Ya got a couple thousand posts you can pull quotes from at least. Have fun! I have tons of other writing I am happy to sell ya if ya like. Poems, short stories, fairy tales, etc..... Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

One line does an extensive reply every time
Monica13's Avatar
2 tattoos one on each ankle 6[/URL]
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
One line does an extensive reply every time
Originally Posted by burkalini
Hey.....I'm kinda wordy, or haven't ya noticed? Ya must like my words....ya keep coming back for more.....I noticed.