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Whispers's Avatar
Obviously it doesnt apply to WHISPERS..as he is allowed by the MODS to do as he pleases and say what he wants even if he meant it as being Racist....Seems like the more Juvenile you can act on this board the more the MODS will allow you to cross the lines of Civility...IF you don't think just backtrack some of Whispers posts..is obvious to all.. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Maybe you ought to step up and offer to be a MOD... They need some help I hear....

or perhaps you are too busy licking a lot of puss?

Which would be understandable...... We all enjoy our free time....

Feel free to look at my posting history.... There are about 7000 posts here and on ERAPS spanning 10 years........... If I had any intent to say anything with a racial overtone you would certainly find other examples in my posts or replies....

Feel free to look..... The comment was not meant in a racial manner....
nuglet's Avatar
Speaking of a Hooktard.. Welcome aboard Whispers. You just can't get along with anyone without resorting to insults and racist comments. Makes me wonder about your family line. Only one person comes to mind about wanting to "cleanse" the race.. related?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The race card crap is BS it doesn't take but a little bit of brains to see that it was not a racist comment.

We have established whispers likes to hear himself talk who cares all you idiots that sit there and rant about like to hear yourself as well.

White Knights need to be put in there place as not a credible source of information for the honest reviews or comments on honest reviews.

If you like strippers over indies or whatever else that is a preference. Oh ya, I think there are a lot of Adult entertainers in all categories were once 19 yr old HS dropouts.
The big difference is age catches up to ya so you have to bash the younger ones to make yourself feel better. Just saying that could be you.

That being said I like this shit it is funny to watch how much drama one can stir up! All the same ones fall for it every time.
Whispers's Avatar
Speaking of a Hooktard.. Welcome aboard Whispers. You just can't get along with anyone without resorting to insults and racist comments. Makes me wonder about your family line. Only one person comes to mind about wanting to "cleanse" the race.. related? Originally Posted by nuglet

I get along with a lot of folks nuglet..... certainly not the PussyWhipped LapDawgs like yourself..... OR opinionated wenches like KLK that want to try to tell me or anyone what or how we are going post....

Do they not let youpost on the wuss board yet?

Come on old man... Is that the best ya got? You've tried juvenile and fat so far.....

Cleanse the race? Shit man you really are going way off on a tangent.....

Got get the wifey to check your Depends man....
nuglet's Avatar
oh, good one son... get one of your strippers to check your dick, I know with that overhang, you haven't been about to see it without a mirror in years. You need to stay indoors today. the sidewalks are slippery and if you fall down, and don't have your Life Alert with you, you're stuck. Like a turtle on his back..
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Nuglet did you stay in the birth canal to long during delivery?
How about a provider appreciation thread lol.
nuglet's Avatar
Nuglet did you stay in the birth canal to long during delivery? Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
oh poor baby, did daddy whispers call and give you marching orders? I know it's tough when you can't think for yourself. Be sure to wipe the brown off your nose before going out in public.
austinkboy's Avatar
The race card crap is BS it doesn't take but a little bit of brains to see that it was not a racist comment.
We have established whispers likes to hear himself talk who cares all you idiots that sit there and rant about like to hear yourself as well.
White Knights need to be put in there place as not a credible source of information for the honest reviews or comments on honest reviews.
If you like strippers over indies or whatever else that is a preference. Oh ya, I think there are a lot of Adult entertainers in all categories were once 19 yr old HS dropouts.
The big difference is age catches up to ya so you have to bash the younger ones to make yourself feel better. Just saying that could be you.
That being said I like this shit it is funny to watch how much drama one can stir up! All the same ones fall for it every time. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

+ 1

KLK, Whispers is not racist. He slams everyone equally if he thinks they deserve it. (btw, i am borrowing a quote from you in my sig block unless you object)

Whispers, I think you wanted to bait a WK and maybe a few "hooktards" and ended up snagging a shark.

So I think this controversy is somewhat about different camps circling the wagon, but instead people seem to be talking in circles. There is nothing wrong with people enjoying hobbying their own way. Who says you have to choose between the "indie" camp and the "stripper" camp? I look at it from the standpoint of who is the girl I like, and would love to get in the sack with, not whether she is an indie or a stripper.

The great thing is that for each hobbyist, there are likely many providers that play in that space, and for each provider in a particular space, there are likely hobbyists that are looking for just that. Whether it be variety that you are after, or more of a regular favorite girlfriend or boyfriend that you are after, Eccie and other boards provide the space in which to get good information, find the partners that you enjoy, and play safely as your life permits. If you are not finding what you are looking for, then don't ruin it for the rest of us.

So, if you are a WK that feels that the only way to hold on to your girlfriends is by outing other members, or breaking the trust of another, then you need to be dealt with. If you are a provider whose prime and popularity has past, then please, then figure it out, and do it gracefully, do it with dignity, and I would suspect that you will have some loyal fans that will not let you down, but that depends on how you may have treated others...just like anything else in life.

We need to find some common ground here, and go on our merry way, help each other where we can to make this a safer, enjoyable and more profitable environment for everyone. (fade music...join hands and sing Kumbaya). But, lets not stab each other in the back and try to run each others lives, or make our own feel more worthwhile my cutting up others, or insisting that they live and hobby the way we each think it should be. If someone has figured it out and has a magical answer, I would surely like to know.

At the risk of upsetting my current favorite girl(s) to whom I have uttered words of undying adorement and devotion, I will use a former ATF as a shining example of why I don't think it's about what "camp" you are in, just who you like...

Tiffani, now retired I presume (she broke my heart!) started in the Hobby while in enrolled in a major university pursuing a very respectable professional career in the medical field. She started dancing at Sugars (yes she was a stripper...gasp!) to earn money. Eventually, she became one of the top providers in Austin. She "retired" after graduating college, her degree achieved and moved out of state. She came back to Austin (after a year or so?) and ALL her former loyal boyfriends lined up. I have never heard anyone ever say anything bad about her, and I have never heard her say anything bad about anyone, yet she was able to maintain a fairly selective client list. Her name ALWAYS came up in any ISO of best Asian, best spinner, best anything in Austin. I hope she has now moved on to greener, more fulfilling part of her life.

That is all I am saying...
sixxbach's Avatar
Ok this thread has gone way of course again. We are ALL ADULTS here apparently. There is plenty of name calling from ALL SIDES. There are very few here that can claim they have been civil, polite, etc. I think everyone here should look at their own contribution to this thread before casting blame on any one person. I am minority and have a VERY mixed family and with the work I do, do not find anything blantantly racist. I do feel that the quotes should have been left out though. I have edited blatantly racist statements and images before and did not feel the quotes were in that league. If there is an issue with that, please take it above me.

Time to get back on topic please...

WyldemanATX's Avatar
No Nuglet I march to my own drum! I just think you have mommy issues, or maybe daddy issues you seam to really be infatuated with Whispers!

Nuglet has anyone told you that you are as bright as an Alaskan Winter!
knotty man's Avatar
Ok this thread has gone way of course again. We are ALL ADULTS here apparently. There is plenty of name calling from ALL SIDES. There are very few here that can claim they have been civil, polite, etc. I think everyone here should look at their own contribution to this thread before casting blame on any one person. I am minority and have a VERY mixed family and with the work I do, do not find anything blantantly racist. I do feel that the quotes should have been left out though. I have edited blatantly racist statements and images before and did not feel the quotes were in that league. If there is an issue with that, please take it above me.

Time to get back on topic please...

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
of course you do. its your golden boy whispers. nothing he says is wrong or insulting or off topic. but i do believe the last few pages have been DIRECTLY on topic( i.e. what should his next thread be about). heres another thought for your next thread "how far can i (whispers) push this board til til a mod enforces the rules evenly, who do i have to insult or disrespect here"
sixxbach's Avatar
Knotty man,

I suggest you take your issue with me up in private. No one has received a warning or point for slamming whispers or starting a thread against him or vice versa. Whispers has thrown insults to people and members have shot them back with NO PENALTY. SO before you claim anything is uneven, check your facts. Uneven would imply that members have been pointed for insulting whispers in these last couple of threads when that is not the case.

I would highly suggest not disrespecting your VOLUNTEER staff. There are much better ways to deal with this via PM, etc is highly recommended....

nuglet's Avatar
Relax child, nobody's talking to you.

No Nuglet I march to my own drum! I just think you have mommy issues, or maybe daddy issues you seam to really be infatuated with Whispers!

Nuglet has anyone told you that you are as bright as an Alaskan Winter! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Whispers's Avatar
I love the way that anyone that doesn't agree that I am a jerk is automatically considered someone I can control and manipulate.... or a supporter.....

Maybe... They just have the ability to think for themselves and and are man enough to get pussy when they wanted without the need to kiss up to it all the time?


So a thread on finding alternative sources of pussy...... Let get that in the mix....