Trump wins again!!!

Little Monster's Avatar
How about that Virginia...left wing racist and a rapist underling!!
Every state that has run by a Democrap is a financial MESS!!
Pleaseeeeeeee tell me one state that has been run for any length of time by the Democraps that isn't a financial DISASTER... Originally Posted by bb1961
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  • 02-07-2019, 07:18 AM
The VOTERS in all states vote for the candidate of their choice and the candidate with the most VOTES wins ALL the electoral votes for that state. Popular vote still counts. Electoral votes are a factor of popular votes.

I would certainly expect you to believe that ALL 50 states will vote for Trump. Pollyanna. Unfortunately you have nothing to base your opinion on other than your feelings. Right now Trump's net approval in Michigan and Wisconsin is -12, -6 in Pennsylvania. -7 in Arizona, another state he won in 2016 but is turning blue. So I don't know how you can say those states are "leaning" toward Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Because she says what she feels is the truth , not the truth.

She is one of those Trump supporters who Trump was talking about when he said he could murder someone on Times Square and his supporters would not care.
themystic's Avatar
Trump wins another Investigation. Awesome!!

Winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never said that was the truth. And no, I would not support Trump if he murdered someone. But that's not gonna happen so keep on dreaming.

Because she says what she feels is the truth , not the truth.

She is one of those Trump supporters who Trump was talking about when he said he could murder someone on Times Square and his supporters would not care. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 02-07-2019, 10:21 AM
I never said that was the truth. . Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
My apologies. Trump is way behind in those states as of now....and I'd bet he never catches up. If not, He will not be reelected.

Many of you are going to be surprised because you keep reliving 2016. That bit you in the ass in 2018 and will do so again in 2020.

. And no, I would not support Trump if he murdered someone. But that's not gonna happen so keep on dreaming. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ok, my apologies again.

Will you still love him if he does not lower the debt like he promised or lower healthcare costs like he promised?
bamscram's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
Now more investigations into well EVERYTHING somebody some time some where did something wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ridiculous is getting old
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  • 02-07-2019, 01:55 PM
Now more investigations into well EVERYTHING somebody some time some where did something wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ridiculous is getting old Originally Posted by rexdutchman
You probably want to go back to the Benghazi investigation
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Now more investigations into well EVERYTHING somebody some time some where did something wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ridiculous is getting old Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I happen to agree. Let's judge Trump based on his accomplishments, or lack thereof, as POTUS. If he can convince enough people to vote for him in 2020 and he wins, so be it. If not, so be it.
themystic's Avatar
Now more investigations into well EVERYTHING somebody some time some where did something wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ridiculous is getting old Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I thought Republicans loved investigations. remember Benghazi, white water, etc? Fuck Trumps punk ass.
Well maybe you can.....once you grow a dick.

I thought Republicans loved investigations. remember Benghazi, white water, etc? Fuck Trumps punk ass. Originally Posted by themystic
themystic's Avatar
Well maybe you can.....once you grow a dick. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
How bout I just use yours LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Ha! I have a collection of dildos and a strap on - be my guest.
themystic's Avatar
Ha! I have a collection of dildos and a strap on - be my guest. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
for trump ill need one that pees also. after he gets pegged you know the rest of the story ..........
rexdutchman's Avatar
100% Speed racer ,However that's over a lot of peoples heads ( also Benghazi why not , there investigation back that far soooo )