We're Going back in

TheDaliLama's Avatar

They were all Muslims....no Christians . Originally Posted by WTF
For all you know it could be my dirty laundry.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The sad truth is that we're losing in Afghanistan as well. President Barack Obama, the first president to lose two wars, a general, and an ambassador. And he still has two more years to fuck things up.
I will go on record that I have not read all the post on this topic so if I say something thats already been stated then forgive me. I personally have deployed 11 times (and a 12th coming up in April 15) I'm so done with this war. This is going to sound harsh, but what we should have done was occupy the fuck out of Iraq after the first war. Whatever happened to "we beat you...now we own you" instead we spend BILLIONS in the war and BILLIONS more rebuilding all the shit we bombed.
I will go on record that I have not read all the post on this topic so if I say something thats already been stated then forgive me. I personally have deployed 11 times (and a 12th coming up in April 15) I'm so done with this war. This is going to sound harsh, but what we should have done was occupy the fuck out of Iraq after the first war. Whatever happened to "we beat you...now we own you" instead we spend BILLIONS in the war and BILLIONS more rebuilding all the shit we bombed. Originally Posted by txboi2013
Thanks for your sevice!
LexusLover's Avatar
....but what we should have done was occupy the fuck out of Iraq after the first war. Whatever happened to "we beat you...now we own you" instead we spend BILLIONS in the war and BILLIONS more rebuilding all the shit we bombed. Originally Posted by txboi2013
I thought this was a start ...

.. and pay the tab out of the reserves.

And, yes, thank you for your service.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As a first Gulf War veteran I have to agree but at the time I was a bit appalled by all the men being killed by us who didn't want to be there and just wanted to escape. We should have hit the Republican Guard with everything we had.

At the very least (in a nod to Hollywood) we could have driven an armored column right through downtown Baghdad complete with flags and music with gunships in the air. Let Hussein claim that he won the war after that.
LexusLover's Avatar
As a first Gulf War veteran I have to agree but at the time I was a bit appalled by all the men being killed by us who didn't want to be there and just wanted to escape. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I doubt there were many on any side present who "wanted to be there," but there were plenty of opportunities to withdraw from Kuwait and leave it alone, just like there were plenty of opportunities to cooperate with UN inspectors, disclose WMD material and munitions, and accommodate their destruction.

But since WWII this country has gotten the reputation of not finishing. Today it is being confirmed as we post yet again, and there will be a higher price to pay.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-12-2014, 08:01 AM

But since WWII this country has gotten the reputation of not finishing. Today it is being confirmed as we post yet again, and there will be a higher price to pay. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You old people are not willing to pay any price. You call on the young to die and pay for your wars.

Some of you folks act as if Bush Sr. did not finish the job. He did. In fact you idiots do not understand that he left Saddam in charge so we would not be having the problems we are now having in Iraq. Plus is was a great counter balance to Iran. Saddam had no WMD's in 2003 just like the elder Bush intended. The fuck up was to try and shift the blame on 9/11 from OBL to Saddam.
We did, George W. Shrub.

Thanks for asking!
LexusLover's Avatar
We did, George W. Bush.

Thanks for asking! Originally Posted by bigtex
Which is why the guy you voted for 2x's continued his policies in foreign and domestic affairs, until he got his "center piece" (or as his VP said the "Big Fucking Deal") legislation passed .... and then had to play to the "base" to get installed a 2nd time with a whole bunch of lies!

I think by the polls ... YOUR MAN has now taken 1st place in that category.

Thank you for being such a good steward of the trust. \

Now all you got is race baiting and name calling to deflect his incompetence.
LexusLover's Avatar
You old people are not willing to pay any price. Originally Posted by WTF
How much do you need to go join the ISIS, LITTLE BOY?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You old people are not willing to pay any price. You call on the young to die and pay for your wars.

Some of you folks act as if Bush Sr. did not finish the job. He did. In fact you idiots do not understand that he left Saddam in charge so we would not be having the problems we are now having in Iraq. Plus is was a great counter balance to Iran. Saddam had no WMD's in 2003 just like the elder Bush intended. The fuck up was to try and shift the blame on 9/11 from OBL to Saddam. Originally Posted by WTF

Seems like everyone always forgets that it was the Democrats that were beating the war drum against Iraq long before GWB or 9/11.

I was for invading them back when the Clintons and Algore told me Saddam had WNDs.

But when the going got tough...all of the sudden "They were lied to".
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Now all you got is race baiting and name calling to deflect his incompetence. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Won't it be nice just to be called a sexist again?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-12-2014, 12:22 PM

I was for invading them back when the Clintons and Algore told me Saddam had WNDs.
". Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Nothing holding you back from going over there now and sign up to fight with the Iraq army vs. ISIS!