CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm a Whiny Old Dicksuck. It's one of my favorite ploys. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
FIFY. Just keeping it real, Assup!
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  • WTF
  • 11-14-2014, 08:45 PM
Wrong again. There were WMD's found in Iraq. They may have been old and of not much use but they were there. Maybe not in the quantity and quality that was expected but some were found. So go back to swallowing Obama's dick. Fucking hypocrite. Originally Posted by Budman
That was not what we went in there looking for....we knew they had old shit....we sold it to them!

God Damn, that would be like raiding a Toys R Us Store for real weapons and finding nothing but toy guns! Fucking knew that going in. That was not the justification for going in. .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
FIFY. Just keeping it real, Assup! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Doesn't the court order also prohibit you from ACTING like you're within 500 feet of a church, library, park or Wal-Mart, WhinY?
lustylad's Avatar
Ok WTFagboy, just for the sake of argument let's say Bush lied. How does that make it ok for Odumbo and Co. to tell a whole new set of lies to get the ACA passed? How many times did your mama tell you "Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right"? Your bad behavior is NOT excused by pointing out someone else's (alleged) bad behavior. How old are you anyway? You're like a rotten spoiled little kid in the sandbox. The rest of us long ago learned how to grow up, accept responsibility and defend ourselves intelligently. All you know how to do is cry like a 4-year-old "wah-wah ... but Johnny did it too!" What would your mama say?
flghtr65's Avatar
That was not what we went in there looking for....we knew they had old shit....we sold it to them!

Originally Posted by WTF
+ 1000

Corroded weapons from the 1980's that did not work. Two trillion spent for nothing.
flghtr65's Avatar
So based on your post it is OK to punish 80% of the public to benefit 20%. Originally Posted by Budman
We all need health insurance, not just some of us. If providing affordable health insurance for "people who are already sick" was easy the health insurance companies would have done so prior to the ACA.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is wrong with you people? How can anyone defend this? Do you not understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a free, representative republic when you support and defend leaders who lie and are corrupt? We do not have a government "of the people, by the people and for the people" if our leaders lack integrity. And some of you defend these clowns! It's insane! If America is to survive, we need to weed out these corrupt bastards the minute we discover they are lying or hiding information that should be public. Regardless of their party, and regardless how "good for us" they tell us their programs are.

Without transparency and integrity, we simply elect a different set of despots, and all they do is try to figure out how to implement programs which transfer wealth and power to their cronies. Bizarre, indeed.
lustylad's Avatar
So based on your post it is OK to punish 80% of the public to benefit 20%. Originally Posted by Budman

We all need health insurance, not just some of us. Originally Posted by flghtr65

What a fucktard you are, flighty. You would defend ANY healthcare "reform" that came out of Odumbo's ass regardless of how fucked up it is. You are too chickenshit to admit the ACA has any flaws. We could have covered the uninsured 20% without ruining everybody else's health insurance! The architects of Odumbocare designed it all wrong. They wanted to make it a stealthy income redistribution program too. And then they lied and pretended it WOULDN'T screw up everyone else's insurance - "If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep your plan/doctor..."

How can anyone defend this shit? The ACA is Exhibit I for liberal/progressive Democrat overreach and ineptitude on a colossal scale. If you had any intellectual integrity, you would concede the whole thing was terribly mis-designed, mis-implemented, and mis-represented to the American people. Led by arrogant jackasses such as Jonathan Gruber.

Speaking the truth about Odumbocare doesn't mean you have to give up on helping the uninsured. It's not my way or the highway, asshole. You are too stupid and chickenshit to admit the obvious.

Budman's Avatar
We all need health insurance, not just some of us. If providing affordable health insurance for "people who are already sick" was easy the health insurance companies would have done so prior to the ACA. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Says who? It may be nice to have but we certainly don't need it. The uninsured have been able to get medical care in this country for years.

You fucking libs have confused "need" and "want".
Says who? It may be nice to have but we certainly don't need it. The uninsured have been able to get medical care in this country for years.

You fucking libs have confused "need" and "want". Originally Posted by Budman
They also confuse "medical care" with "health insurance."
MobileFam's Avatar

In a video posted by the Daily Signal, Obama architect and known liar, Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera back in October of 2013 that they wrote the Obamacare law in such a way to deceive the American people:
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”
Gruber pointed out that if they had told the truth about Obamacare, it never would have passed.
“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies.
…If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in [and] sick people get money it would not have passed.”
So they hide the fact that it’s a tax from the American people and from the CBO, but argue it’s a tax in order to win in the Supreme Court. That’s how bad people like Gruber and Obama wanted this bill, that they would do anything to pass it no matter how many lies they had to tell along the way.

http://therightscoop.com/obamacare-a...-to-pass-bill/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I B Hankering's Avatar
We all need health insurance, not just some of us. If providing affordable health insurance for "people who are already sick" was easy the health insurance companies would have done so prior to the ACA. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Mankind has existed for thousands of years without insurance for healthcare, flighty!!!! The whole concept of "insurance" for health is relatively new in human history. Until very recently, flighty, healthcare insurance was one of the reasons motivating people to find jobs that provided either healthcare insurance or the means to buy healthcare insurance. When, exactly, did it become a so-called "civil right" that others must suffer to be taxed to pay for someone else's healthcare insurance, flighty???
Gruber wrote a Ozombiecare comic book so the Socialist/Communists/Marxist/Progressives can understand it... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/080...SIN=0809053977
flghtr65's Avatar
What a fucktard you are, flighty. You would defend ANY healthcare "reform" that came out of Odumbo's ass regardless of how fucked up it is. You are too chickenshit to admit the ACA has any flaws. We could have covered the uninsured 20% without ruining everybody else's health insurance! The architects of Odumbocare designed it all wrong. They wanted to make it a stealthy income redistribution program too. And then they lied and pretended it WOULDN'T screw up everyone else's insurance - "If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep your plan/doctor..."

1. The policies that were dropped is the fault of the health insurance companies, not the ACA. Grandfather rules were put into the law to allow the inferior polices to be continued. The health insurance companies did not want to maintain two types of policies in their system and sent out the cancellation letters instead. There were 240 million policies in force last year in 2013. Three or four million cancellation letters went out.

2. The republicans don't have an alternative plan, other than repeal.

3. If you have an alternative plan, lets here it or STFU.

4. Medicare Part D, that was signed into law by Bush43 is wealth redistribution program. Do you have any problems with that?

How can anyone defend this shit? The ACA is Exhibit I for liberal/progressive Democrat overreach and ineptitude on a colossal scale. If you had any intellectual integrity, you would concede the whole thing was terribly mis-designed, mis-implemented, and mis-represented to the American people. Led by arrogant jackasses such as Jonathan Gruber.

1. Medicare Part D had rollout problems too.

2. As long as our health insurance system relies on companies collecting premiums and paying out claims there will never be an easy way to include high risk people into the system. Prior to the ACA, health insurance companies put a limit on their risk by simply not selling policies to high risk people.

3. I agree that Gruber is arrogant and should not have called voters stupid.

4. The issue with scoring the mandate as a fine or a tax, should not be a big deal. The first year penalty amount for being uninsured is $95.00. This does not change regardless of how the CBO scores it.

Speaking the truth about Odumbocare doesn't mean you have to give up on helping the uninsured. It's not my way or the highway, asshole. You are too stupid and chickenshit to admit the obvious.

The ACA is complex but it is working. The republicans don't have an alternative plan.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The ACA will increase the percentage insured from 82% to 93%. The projections by the CBO are in the link. Go to table 3.
