With all due respect, Sir (I do understand your not speaking to me, but, being of an opinionated nature, I feel the need to respond), I do not understand why some people in our society, (if the shoe fits, wear it) wish to continue to bring up the "race card", when they feel the need to "attack" the "other side". Maybe if looked at with an unlocked panorama, it might be seen, that it is not the color of one's skin, that is the issue, but quite possibly, "the mindset", which I did study quite extensively in my schooling.
There are 2 types of mind sets to be considered, the "fixed mindset" and the "growth mindset", unfortunately many in our society and our sub-cultures are stuck in the "fixed mindset, for the so called victim and the perpetrators of those victims, it is used as simply a scapegoat, so one does not have to move on and can remain being the victim, oh, it soo much easier than the change, (change is always challenging, whether good or bad). Now, for the unwonted mindset of "growth", meaning to move forward, and not allow the past to impede upon our development as humans or even human race (simple case in point might be the Wright Brothers, for without their mindset of moving forward and flying, we wouldn't be where we are today in the exploration of space).
Unfortunately though, whether it purposely, or for the edification of ones own purse strings (think Al Sharpton) or unknowingly, being made to feel guilty by our media, about what happened a 100 yrs or more ago, the perpetrator of the so called victims are certainly not doing them any favors, they are keeping them "locked in chains". As said earlier, "the victims" don't know how to move forward, and when one cannot express themselves, that expression comes out in ways that are usually violent/name calling etc., in nature. It is only with ability to grow, can one truly express and be understood. When that is accomplished, we have a person satisfied with a certain level of achievement, hence, no longer a need for name calling/violence etc.
So please think before you call one a racist, it has absolutely nothing to do with the color of one's skin, (that "fixed mindset" is amid all races) it is the mindset that we should be doing battle with.
More info onFixed and Growth mindset