Who played sports

rikz944's Avatar
I was in a very small town, school only had Football, Basketball and Track, so I did FB & Track, but played on a travel Soccer team and Competed with the Rodeo team (Broncs & Bulls).

And I was pretty competitive with the "Saturday Night all Brewery Squad".

Now I just play hockey. (that's actually a stretch, I just go out on the rink and get my ass dusted).
Guest020610's Avatar
Very small HS, no football; played baseball (3rd base), basketball (guard), track (100 & 220 dash), not a sport, but loved riding horses
bigtom62's Avatar
My high school was the perennial last place football team in FTW in those days.
I played basketball as a Sophomore. Since the school was so sports minded, they didn't even have a full uniform for me. I was 6'6" and weighed 225 plus. I had to wear a boxer's uniform shorts.
The coach suggested I run low hurdles to help my coordination. Not sure what he was smoking that day.
I was without a doubt the biggest guy in the school so I went out for football... Again no uniform or equipment to fit me. I sat in the locker room for 3-4 weeks until I got fed up and just quit.
My senior year the football team got beat by Graham 66-0. We scored 1 touchdown all year if I remember.
Oh well, the ROTC Rifle Team won Nationals for several years running.