Slut Test

79% that is good i think lol.
I scored 71%. Kinda middle of the road. LOL


Oral Lovin I'll be glad to be your Slut TUTOR just because I LOVE your name!!

Hell yeah!!


Guest081910-4's Avatar
And under the Italian Princess, that will improve my score very soon!
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Holy Shit, I got a 77. Man oh man would my old man be proud
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm screwed 37%, is there a continuing education program I missed? Originally Posted by tramp76137

I scored 80%.....we need to get together again, may have to temporarily change your name from Tramp to Virgin until we have a few more meetings....LOL

verygood69's Avatar
LOL We need to meet I scored 79.
OMG - 91%

I thought I was a good girl . . .
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
OMG - 91%

I thought I was a good girl . . . Originally Posted by rn_sweetie
sweetie.....with that score, have no doubt.... You ARE Good!

verygood69: LOL We need to meet I scored 79.

Not sure if that was meant for me, but if so....PM me....let's see if we can bring you up to an 80%....'-)
tramp76137's Avatar
Thank you M A X, I am in need of educations it appears! Or is it just practice?
Jacrny2000's Avatar
68% Slut
Damn. Im kinda disappointed.
airlineguy12's Avatar
89%, Always knew I was the one not to trust around your girlfriend..... I have to give most of the credit to being an athlete in college, that opened up way more doors than I ever could have without it. Groupies are the best, god bless them all.
Maybe I need to schedule an appointment. Do you think you can tutor me and help me improve my "B" average of 83%?
Tutoring is always an option!