How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

Yssup Rider's Avatar

No one on the left want to answer that basic question?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
Answered as nauseum.
ICU 812's Avatar
It's been answered; maybe not as directly as you wanted, but nobody is saying open borders is good, great, nor that it's making america great again; That's a false conclusion you and others are touting. LEfties here don't think that asylum seekers are necessarily bad, as our country is one that thrived because of diversity and immigration. We are all in agreement that it should be done LEGALLY and not just jumping the border. Not sure anyone is supporting that. Further- the assumption that these border crosssers are going to change the dynamic and voting roles is a ruse at best. Just saying. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Excysting stute law and international agreements already provide for asylum seekers to apply either at a US embassy or consulate in their home country, or to the government of the first country they enter after leaving their own home.

Everyone at the border who crosses and asks for asylum is jumping the line on everyone else back home who is doing it right.

When my father was born in Hungary, his grandmother applied for a travel visa at the US consulate in his home town of Szeged. Seventeen years later on he was allowed to travel to New York where he livred with sn uncle. As a resident alien he registered and re-registered at a local post office every year till he turned twenty one and went through the citizenship process.

Half the family that remained in Eastern Europe did not survive WW-II, the Russian occupation that followed or the revolution in 1956. His mother was allowed to leave in the mid 1960s and went through the same resident alein-to-citizen process.

On my wife's side of the family, the story is much the same with variations in detail, and with Venezuela as their country of origin.

Everyone crossing our border and claiming asylum today (or just running into the desert) is jumping the line on everyone else who are following the established procedure as I have described it above.

This alone makes their entry illegal. As a sovereign nation, we have no obligation to accommodate them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
It's been answered; maybe not as directly as you wanted, but nobody is saying open borders is good, great, nor that it's making america great again; That's a false conclusion you and others are touting. LEfties here don't think that asylum seekers are necessarily bad, as our country is one that thrived because of diversity and immigration. We are all in agreement that it should be done LEGALLY and not just jumping the border. Not sure anyone is supporting that. Further- the assumption that these border crosssers are going to change the dynamic and voting roles is a ruse at best. Just saying. Originally Posted by eyecu2
That anyone posing to this forum wants asylum applicants to do it legally is laudable. We are on the same page there. We agree then that things should be different.

Yet, the folks who actually matter in the current administration apparently think that the unrestricted mass entry of millions of foreign nationals from every country on earth is what we, as a Nation, should have as an everyday occurrence. There is no plan or effort on the part of the executive branch to" control the flow".

That this influx is becoming a burden to our major cities demonstrates that the sheer numbers alone are not a positive factor. Social services, schools and the overall quality of life for US citizens is being eroded every day.

And so, I invite anyone who supports, encourages or defends the current situation to explain the Biden administration's continued facilitation of this uncontrolled, unlimited tsunami; the mass entry of foreign nationals into our nation.
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Answered as nauseum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

And yet the spiral downward continues and history shows those policies are always a failure.

Putin/Biden and Democrats really no difference.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please clarify. Which history book are you reading (ahem).

I asked in another thread who among us would fall the Putin’s latest bit of misdirection.

Seems you have.

Or are you rage whining again?

eyecu2's Avatar
And yet the spiral downward continues and history shows those policies are always a failure.

Originally Posted by farmstud60

There was a bipartisan bill sent to the floor and Trumpy told Johnson to kill it. What you fail to see is that there are solutions at hand, but they aren't helping Trump politically, so they are being discarded.

It's like hitchhikers thumbing for a ride, but only by girls driving a red Ferrari!

Beggars vs choosers vs blamers...

The definition of the GOP
ICU 812's Avatar
No new legislation is necessary to shut down the influx of foreign nationals from the current 5,00 to 10,000 per day to a fraction of that. What was done before can be done again, and quickly, through administrative actions. When that is done, we can look at codifying thode4 actions into statute law.

Yes, we probably should revamp the work visa programs for skilled workers and so on, but that can come after the border is under control.

Meanwhile, everyone who is here in contravention of Interntional agreement and our existing immigration laws must return to their country of origin and wait in line.
txdot-guy's Avatar
No new legislation is necessary to shut down the influx of foreign nationals from the current 5,00 to 10,000 per day to a fraction of that. What was done before can be done again with administrative actions. When that is done, we can look at codifying them into statute law.

Yes, we probably should revamp the work visa programs for skilled workers and so on, but that can come after the border is under control. Originally Posted by ICU 812
What you seem to think is that if 10,000 people come across the border and request asylum then they are automatically granted asylum. What they get is a court date. Because of the large backlog of cases present the asylum seeker is granted permission to stay in the country until the case date arrives.

The new legislation would have given the border patrol more flexibility to immediately deport people without a mandatory court date. It would also have given the border patrol money to detain more illegals than they can now afford.

And lastly it would increase the number of immigration judges so they could get a handle on the immigration backlog.

Why wouldn’t you want our republican senators and representatives to vote for this bill?
They don't want it because trump says no. That's the only reason.
VitaMan's Avatar
And so, I invite anyone who supports, encourages or defends the current situation to explain the Biden administration's continued facilitation of this uncontrolled, unlimited tsunami; the mass entry of foreign nationals into our nation. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Do you think this issue just began in January of 2021 ?

There was a bipartisan bill sent to the floor and Trumpy told Johnson to kill it. What you fail to see is that there are solutions at hand, but they aren't helping Trump politically, so they are being discarded.

It's like hitchhikers thumbing for a ride, but only by girls driving a red Ferrari!

Beggars vs choosers vs blamers...

The definition of the GOP Originally Posted by eyecu2

that bill was the definition of total stupidity that says it solves something but did nothing to change to the border situation.
ICU 812's Avatar
Simplistic. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Does not contribute to advancing the discussion.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Answered as nauseum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Permit me to ad to your nauseam. If the Dimocraps have all the answers, how is this the reality?
US debt interest payments surge past $1 trillion yearly pace, worsening concerns about massive borrowing
  • US annualized debt interest payments crossed $1 trillion in October, according to a Bloomberg analysis.
  • The cost of debt has doubled in the past 19 months as federal deficits balloon.
  • High interest rates have made borrowing more expensive, adding pressure on US debt....