Never claimed to have clairvoyant powers--though to you any logical thought probably seems mystical and superhuman but that's a different matter. I only look at what posters say and what is addressed in the media..
It is clear Z was told not to follow. See, you are pretending you have clairvoyant powers -- because without special 'clairvoyant powers -- there is no way in hell you can claim to 'know' as fact that Zimmerman continued to follow Martin.
Magically a kid teleports to attack him? Ever wonder why he would do so? I was not there, but I have seen nothing indicating the kid chased Zimmerman, so a reasonable situation is the Zimmrman kept following him, because I for one do not subscribe to the teleport option or the one that has humans acting like quantum particles.
Your posts about height and weight are meaningless drivel. Not according to the MSM and those who would lynch Zimmerman; it's been a major part of their spiel from day one -- it's you who is spouting drivel.
They (as with the original post about bench pressing weights) is still a red herring. "He's lighter than what the press reported, so he's inocent!" "No, wait a minute, the kid was lighter so HE must be the guilty one!" You bring up a topic and can't even figure out if heavy is good or if heavy is bad. Oh, I see, now you are saying to be in shape is BAD, and a guy who is not in shape is a victim. By the way, do you know what condition Zimmerman is or is not in? Persoanlly I do not know and I don't care, but you seem to believe that he must be out of shape because that increases his victim status.
As to prejudging, I have done none of it as far as Zimmerman goes. BS, Old-goaT you've done it multiple times in this thread: see above.
As far as the majority of posters on here I don't have to, their comments condemn themselves. The bigots are quite ready to give Zimmerman a medal and declair him a national hero because he shot a thuggish black boy.
If you don't see bias and racial stereotyping in this thread it is only because you don't want to.
And don't waste your electrons telling me that the news media is biased--yep, they sure are. Some overboard one way, some the other. Few care to be objective. But that is not the point of my comments (you don't see me claiming they are any better), but since I'm posting on HERE, my comments are directed to the posters HERE, many of whom look only at skin color to tell who is right and who is wrong--just as they are accusing the press of doing. They just don't agree on which color is which.
You, for example, who say "your ilk" made certain statements when I have never said any such thing. But we have seen on repeated threads that you have zero guilt about putting words in my mouth, do you? You gleefully lie about what I said and go into a childish rant when I call you the liar you are.
On the other hand you ignore when you are called to task based upon your quotes:
IB: "To most rational people, one rape and one shooting is still too many."
Me: "if rational people believe one shooting is too many, and you are fine with the shooting in question, that means you are admitting you are irrational."
IB: Crickets. You are still lost, Old-goaT.
You are too, too funny, Old-goaT!!! Originally Posted by Old-T