Do you recommend that we do everything that the police dispatchers tell us to do? Even God allows free will but the police don't! Did I say that Martin was a hardened criminal? No, so you owe me a traction. What I was saying according to Martin's facebook page he imagined himself a up and coming badass. If he had put Zimmerman in the hospital or morgue it would give him street cred. He would be looking for his next challenge rather than turning himself into the police.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I recommend that you listen to someone in a position of authority who is trying to give you sound advice. A person has free will up until that time it impacts another person's free will. IMHO, Zimmerman's actions impacted Martin's free will to simply walk down the street. Had Zimmerman listened to the police dispatcher he would not be in the trouble he is in. Zimmerman's responsibility was to report such incidents, not follow anyone.
I assume you think I owe you a "retraction", not a "traction". No you did not state that Martin was a "hardened criminal" but you did state "the unknown perp would still be walking the streets looking for his next target." Or looking to do something criminal. Again, there is nothing Martin did prior to his meeting Zimmerman that would indicate such actions.