Facials/facesitting/general dirty girl type play...

TxKev's Avatar
  • TxKev
  • 02-18-2014, 05:23 AM
I need another round of Dallas sitting on my face SOOOOON!!!!!!!
Do u make it to Memphis?? Would luv that beautiful azz to sit on my face!!
DallasRain's Avatar
Do u make it to Memphis?? Would luv that beautiful azz to sit on my face!! Originally Posted by iluvyrasss

Yes babe...memphis this spring!

And kev babe...next month!!

pmdelites's Avatar
dallas and all you other erotic loving folks, i started off looking up "facesitting"

and wound up in Rome :^)
..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexuali...Rome#Group_sex
check out the little image on the left. click the image for a larger view.
and check out the little image at the bottom in the "See also" section
"Threesome in a boat..."

but back to the topic at hand, errr mouth.
dallas, i will cum and sit on your face anytime!
and then you can cum and sit on my face!
Shackle's Avatar
MMMM just thinking of my Mistress sitting on my face.