Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

  • cr76
  • 11-25-2015, 09:52 AM
Dorfy, Dulce, foxy, yummy in a battle royals cockfight!!! Now that's te PPV EVENT OF THE YEAR.
POV event of the year...FTFY
These last couple pages tho! LOL
Got ME thinking....

Cock-fight, hooker style, heh.
New acronym HCF (Hooker cock fight?)

I'm down.

Just sayin....

why do all roads seem to lead back to YUMMY?
Originally Posted by 1057487762
Lol I will fight cock with you any day...

We can conquer cock together any day !!
I'm magically delicious

...also because boardman has been utr as of late. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Yes you are I'm addicted best part is when you spray me with glitter

" she who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten "
Dammit...time to change up my sig line!
boardman's Avatar

...also because boardman has been utr as of late. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Not anymore, descriptive YM, DM fantasies tend to get my attention.

Great threAD!
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chicagoboy's Avatar
I hope he didn't forget his 'safe word'.
notanewbie's Avatar
I hope he didn't forget his 'safe word'. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I hope he didn't forget to record. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I hope he didn't forget to leave out the safe word. Originally Posted by chicagoboy


Don't worry, the duct tape will take care of those pesky lil "safe word" issues...

We're all going to be chugging Vodka right before, right?
Shot glasses or straight out the bottle? I forget....
Bottoms up!

Dorfy, Dulce, foxy, yummy in a battle royals cockfight!!! Now that's te PPV EVENT OF THE YEAR. Originally Posted by cr76
I feel like a very honored Gringa for that!
The sour cream in the taco.... Mmmmmmm.... Taco's.... Lots & lots of taco's...
Did I mention I love to eat Latin food?
Titty shots
Originally Posted by notanewbie
Lol poor kitty
2intexas's Avatar
Mother-of-fucking-pearl. The popcorn ran out a long time ago, but this is still going on. God help me, but I've read all 862 posts over the last couple of weeks. Two things stand out: 1 - Dorthy is playing some of you fucktards like Heifetz played the violin; 2 - rduke is one seriously obsessive motherfucker. He may hold the individual record for most consecutive posts in a single thread without being interrupted by anyone else.

As Clark Griswold once said, "Holy shit, where's the Tylenol?" Originally Posted by 2intexas
Wink Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Pretty sure wink means she thinks you just kissed her ass.
I am not saying she is correct or even balanced for that matter. Originally Posted by rduke4923
No ass-kissing involved; I reckon that "wink" means that she agrees with what I said.
No ass-kissing involved; I reckon that "wink" means that she agrees with what I said. Originally Posted by 2intexas