For those who need proof of election fraud....

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
did you watch Ruby (purple shirt) was doing? she scanned the same batch of ballots 3 times.

you can't tell? you really have myopia. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
TRUMP’S CLAIM: That workers scanned some batches of ballots multiple times.

STERLING’S EXPLANATION: When a scanning machine encounters a problem, it stops, but a few ballots get through while it’s stopping. When that happens, workers take the ballots and scan them again so they’re counted properly. This is standard procedure, and the ballots aren’t counted twice — and if they were, the hand recount Georgia conducted would have shown it.

“That audit showed that there was no problem with the machine scanning,” Mr. Sterling said. “If somebody took a stack of ballots and scanned them multiple times, you would have a lot of votes with no corresponding ballots.”

Audit officials in Georgia did 3 recounts. The last was a hand recount. All 3 confirmed the original results.
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Democrats talking about election integrity in 2018;
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GA SoS Raffensperger: “New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents [for an open records request] will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue.”
GA Star News: Chain of Custody documentation is missing for 24% of ballots from the 2020 election in Fulton County, GA.
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bambino's Avatar
At the time, we could just speculate about what the innocent election worker did with the EMS data using the laptop.
However, thanks to GREAT REPORTING from Mimi Nguyen Ly of the Epoch Times, we have a statement from Gwinnett County spokesman Joe Sorenson that the innocent election worker was “filtering” the EMS election data using a laptop because Excel is not authorized for use on the Dominion machines.
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Before the innocent election worker Heider Garcia took his position as Tarrant County Elections Administrator, he was in management at SMARTMATIC.
He worked at Smartmatic for nearly thirteen years.

Here he is on video;
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Bambino has been hard at work. However. . .

As of today, well over 7 months after the election, there is no proof that there was election fraud close to significant enough to overturn the election in any state. A few minor cases.
Bambino needs a job. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
bambino's Avatar
Bambino needs a job. Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Nah, I don’t need a job. I’m semi-retired.
bambino's Avatar
Bambino has been hard at work. However. . .

As of today, well over 7 months after the election, there is no proof that there was election fraud close to significant enough to overturn the election in any state. A few minor cases. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
NCSWIC Originally Posted by bambino