The Mueller report

eccieuser9500's Avatar
what makes you or anyone else think i ever lived in Waco? it's a handle sparky. let me 'splain where it really comes from ..

as for Baylor ...


now you stop crying and get on topic.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Well raise my rent.

The same thing that makes you, or anyone else, think I'm a hoodrat from Htown. "Le' me 'splain were I's reely frum." 2nd street neighbor"hood" in Spanish. I left my wallet there.

The city's been in the news as of late. Maybe you've heard.

On topic:
I have my bias, yes. But I still round-out my intake. To a point. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
We all have our biases...
Your intake of...Jack Nicholson...a little bazaar
The same thing that makes you, or anyone else, think I'm a hoodrat from Htown. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Where are you a "hoodrat" from??
I believe Fox and other conspiracy theorist are claiming Flynn knew nothing about the Registration his lawyer filed and they are stating it wasn’t accurate.
The same idiots who pushed the Seth Rich conspiracy which is now proven to be Russian propaganda are deceiving the trump party. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Wasn't it the Russian propaganda that deceived the Clinton party...
That fat lying bastard Barr is getting deeper into his coverup the closer Muellers testimony gets. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
He's a fat lying bastard...because he's getting to the bottom of the Clinton coup they say the closer you get to the target the more flak you encounter...stay tuned!!
The New York Crimes is on your side...
Jaxson66's Avatar
He's a fat lying bastard...because he's getting to the bottom of the Clinton coup they say the closer you get to the target the more flak you encounter...stay tuned!!
The New York Crimes is on your side... Originally Posted by bb1961
Well, it’s looking more like a political coup but the Clintons aren’t involved. Putin and his hand picked oligarchs aided by Russian military agents succeeded in a political coup in 2016. No matter how much deep state conspiracy bullshit the trump party spews it will never change the fact that the Russian military attacked the US. That is a fact that will be prominent in the history books.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That fat lying bastard Barr is getting deeper into his coverup the closer Muellers testimony gets. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dems think meuller is a stud, turns out he's a dud

what the Meuller presser looks like.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Where are you a "hoodrat" from?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Did you figure it out? Or do you need another context clue?

Impeachment push freezes as Mueller testimony looms

Mueller has agreed to testify for roughly four hours, split between the Judiciary and Intelligence committees. While the Intelligence panel is small enough that every member likely will be able to ask questions, the much larger Judiciary Committee presents issues.

Nicholson was the best Joker.

A gossamer veil betwixt madness and . . . .
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Did you figure it out? Or do you need another context clue?

Impeachment push freezes as Mueller testimony looms

Nicholson was the best Joker.

A gossamer veil betwixt madness and . . . . Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

light that fuse sparky!!! just go ahead ...


Oh brother, this is too much. The Mueller Report now has become a Legal Document. Nothing in it can be reversed or amended. The Words "No collusion, No Obstruction" are now cut in stone. In order for Trump to be impeached there must be a completely new allocation far removed from anything associated with the Mueller Report and Russian Collusion. Again the Democrats are playing a silly little Political game of "Catch as Catch Can" and they will lose. These people are stupid.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
House Judiciary approves subpoenas for 12 key witnesses, including Jared Kushner

The Judiciary Committee — which will hear testimony from Mueller next week — has been investigating obstruction of justice allegations against the president, but the subpoenas for AMI executives David Pecker and Dylan Howard represent an expansion of the committee’s inquiry to include the hush-money payments.

bambino's Avatar
House Judiciary approves subpoenas for 12 key witnesses, including Jared Kushner

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Maybe GoNadler will subpoena you next. Why not? You won’t show up either.
House Judiciary approves subpoenas for 12 key witnesses, including Jared Kushner

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The Russian Collusion story is a dead issue, the Mueller report facilitates that. Jared Kushner will and should take the Fith. He doesn't owe anybody a thing.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Maybe GoNadler will subpoena you next. Why not? You won’t show up either. Originally Posted by bambino
I want to see 10 years of tax returns and a credit report before I take his hush money.