YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Okay 3 more really random questions: Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Three really random answers:
1. Sometimes
2. It depends
3. Find the next one

Hope that helps. Sometimes it is really simple, but not so helpful LOL
Three really random answers:
1. Sometimes
2. It depends
3. Find the next one

Hope that helps. Sometimes it is really simple, but not so helpful LOL Originally Posted by austxjr
LOL...do you realize how far back I had to go to remember my random questions??? I had to devote way more than 30 seconds of thought to the task! Ouch! :-*

Thanks for chiming in...Hehe
fun2come's Avatar
I had my cock slave do a search ... and that lazy SOB used copy/paste
I had my cock slave do a search ... and that lazy SOB used copy/paste Originally Posted by fun2come
Yeah what's up with that?! Lazy cock slave SOB...smh

*here's me pretending to be following this conversation, but non-chalant with Vodka/Red Bull with several twists of lime in my hand...citrus succubus, remember?*

Ya dig? No? Me either...
June 19, 2013

1. How old were you on your first date and what was the experience like?

2. If you were able to live the age of ninety and retain either the mind or the body of a thirty year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?

First date was a movie date to see Rock Around The Clock. My mother drove me to pick her up and then drove us back. I was 14 and the girl was a school mate.

I am 73 and I still could not decide on an answer to the second question. I suppose if I were to just make a WAG it would be to have the body I had in my youth.

I did hold together this evening to survive Dallas.
Listening to...

I am 73 and I still could not decide on an answer to the second question. I suppose if I were to just make a WAG it would be to have the body I had in my youth.

I did hold together this evening to survive Dallas. Originally Posted by tucson
To be fair sir...your mind seems just fine, lucky man

...Actually more than fine...just downright dirty and full of awesomeness!

DallasRain??? I still haven't had the pleasure...I'm training for her like she's a one-woman marathon...just in case I am called up to bat.
fun2come's Avatar
Yeah what's up with that?! Lazy cock slave SOB...smh
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Yes, shake my HAND that lazy SOB cock slave
Dee brought me the glass I for got at the party I love it. My family will wonder what the hell it is.
It says Most Likely to Cum.
spice-is-nice's Avatar
1. First, and only, date in high school, age 16 was to a high school dance with a smart classmate who was probably as clueless at me. I did get embarassingly obviously turned on dancing with her 1 year older sister.

2. Not a choice I'd want to have to make, but I'd definitely choose having my 30 year old mind.

Keep 'em cummin YM.
Dee and I were discussing you at dinner and wondered what a double with you would be like. I don't think I would survive.
I just had a "Rosemary" sandwich. It was delectable.
June 17, 2013

1. Do you think you are good in bed sexually? NO.

2. What sorts of things would you do it if you could be as outgoing and uninhibited as you wished? Do you usually initiate friendships or wait to be approached? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I already do some of those things. Just wish I remembered more of them heh. I wait to be approached because I get somewhat anxious regarding friendships, especially with women.

June 19, 2013

1. How old were you on your first date and what was the experience like?
I don't recall dates per se....more like hanging out in groups, etc. I guess officially maybe 13-14, movie at the mall, it was fun but no real connection since I was so young.

2. If you were able to live the age of ninety and retain either the mind or the body of a thirty year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I guess this depends on if you have a dementia dx. A 90 year old's mind can be more sound than a 30 year olds...
I just had a "Rosemary" sandwich. It was delectable. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Sounds tasty!
fun2come's Avatar
June 19, 2013

1. How old were you on your first date and what was the experience like?

2. If you were able to live the age of ninety and retain either the mind or the body of a thirty year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
1. I think it must have been as a baby. My Mom took me into the bathroom, undressed me (more like unwrapped me) and then put me in the bathtub and washed me and rubbed me dry. Ah, those were the days. Getting food stuffed in your mouth, not having to wipe your own ass.... What a Lady !!!!

2. Mind over matter (or in this case body).