Random Thoughts

Aw man, Malcom Young of AC/DC died. RIP.

Will you always remember where you were and what you were doing they day 'sky phallus' entered our lexicon? I might.

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Which sport? Basketball won!! Originally Posted by BK
Football...the only sport that matters in this country
If Arkansas wins, I’m cutting my rates in half until the first of the year. That’s how much faith I have in the Razorbacks at this point Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
So, is that just the Mississippi State game,, or win out the rest of the season?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
So, is that just the Mississippi State game,, or win out the rest of the season? Originally Posted by niteswimmer1
The game today
21-14 Hogs headed into 4th quarter - but you're probably safe.
Never a doubt!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Looks like rates stay the same
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I was just informed by some John that girls in NWA are offering BB. He said he saw 3 of them so far. Y’all is nasty
Providers that want guys to follow them on Snapchat would probably get wider viewership if they'd accept their follower requests.

Not sure if "follower" is the right terminology. I'm just a simple caveman. Your modern 'apps' frighten and confuse me...

If I had known it would be this difficult to find liver pate, I would have started looking weeks ago.
  • Sandy
  • 11-21-2017, 08:44 PM
Today was the second time someone came up to me in public and asked if I was Nurse Carrie.
And yes they are now my clients~
Danielle Reid's Avatar
"Your pictures are accurate, right?"

No sir, I took those 8 years ago *eyeroll*
Football...the only sport that matters in this country Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
Used to matter! Its irrelevant these days!!