The Bills : )

offshoredrilling's Avatar
You cant say for sure.
Its tough to win in this league.
You can whip the best teams ass one week then lose to the worst team the next week
Thats why I dont get upset when they lose
Sucks when they lose a divisional game though and double sucks when they lose to the Pats.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
I'm thinks kick fish ass again mmmm so far

gang I wish the 1st game was in fish land. So the fish could play in the fucking snow in Jan. 7
It sucks they lose to anyone
obnoxiousram's Avatar
And Knox will undergo wrist surgery.
ben dover's Avatar
They need to bring back Tyrone Shoolaces
lilylivered's Avatar
old tyrod was a likable player for sure
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Is the Juice in or out of prison/jail now ????

If loose he could teach the Allen's boys how ta run and not get hurt. Some of the Jill's RB's look ta need that also

off season could teach how ta run from cops and not fuck up the car ya driving
lilylivered's Avatar
Think hes out
dont really care but he should have been put away for good....
Plastic Man's Avatar
yas gonna be visitin ...plastic mans ...neck ...a tha woods thursday night?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the Jills are over.

Odds: BUF-7.5


  • Buffalo


  • New England

"We are what our record say's we are" - Bill Parcells


4 3 0.571198118803-1-01-2-01-2-02-3-00-0-0L-1

the Jills are .500 bums.

lilylivered's Avatar
Game Day!!!
Go Bills : )
lilylivered's Avatar
Superbowl bound : )
Yes toilet bowl bound ��
"chokers"..... President Donald J TRUMP
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Injuries have caused a weird point spread amongst the bookies. I am constantly amused how some folks ignore the actual NFL required reports. The Bookies spreads are based on the actual betting not on the reality.
Anyway 3.5 to 6 all in favor of the Bills. Most are 5.5

For those that follow my game predictions (and why), the dog now has a Bengals jersey, for this weekend anyway.