TG Your geography fucking sux. Houston is a bit of a shithole with your New Orleans migrants.I use P411, this handle is just to own punks like you.....hey happy thanksgiving though
I don't care what you are. I know you fucking suck Dorfy for life juices. No way you can deny that shit. pour another drink
My overalls are too tight? I don't wear overalls. May be you do. And these days rocker style clothing is in style or are you stuck in the 80s? all you Midwest fucks like overalls
Shit get with the times. And fucking stop talking like a fucking hooktard.
don't know how hooktards speak in Ferguson, but you inform me genius.... must be the most retarded fuck ever. Your fucking diction is soooo HOOKTARDISH It's NOT EVEN FUNNY.
its pretty funny from here.....but you think I live in Houston, no I live in DFW, might want to check out all the companies relocating here.....our economy is fuckin booming
but im sure they're building prisons s fast as they can in Ferguson.......
Jelly? WHO THE FUCK USES THAT BESIDES A FUCKING HOOKER? Guys use it just be condescending not as a real word... geez. FUCK YOU DON't sound like you have any experience. You have to be a 30 year old hooker.
better stick up for the chubby whore, if you cash in enough cans, you could gas up the mini van an come see her.........
HEre I'll help you with the conspiracy... MAY BE YOU WERE PASSED DOWN FROM ANOTHER HOOKTARD TO DORFY... can we do that?...
need help with the caps lock cornfed? I suspect the boones farm may have taken effecty
You're just an overused MANhandle that just dropped into the most retarded HOOKTARD's hands ever. Good luck trying to get out of that one , fucker.
quit while your aren't smart enough to be on the Houston board
Why don't you go see a hooker of your choosing who can vouch for your existence.. you are on a hooker site you know. It's just the thing to do. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec