Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

TG Your geography fucking sux. Houston is a bit of a shithole with your New Orleans migrants.

I don't care what you are. I know you fucking suck Dorfy for life juices. No way you can deny that shit. pour another drink

My overalls are too tight? I don't wear overalls. May be you do. And these days rocker style clothing is in style or are you stuck in the 80s? all you Midwest fucks like overalls

Shit get with the times. And fucking stop talking like a fucking hooktard.
don't know how hooktards speak in Ferguson, but you inform me genius....

Geez...you must be the most retarded fuck ever. Your fucking diction is soooo HOOKTARDISH It's NOT EVEN FUNNY.
its pretty funny from here.....but you think I live in Houston, no I live in DFW, might want to check out all the companies relocating here.....our economy is fuckin booming
but im sure they're building prisons s fast as they can in Ferguson.......


Jelly? WHO THE FUCK USES THAT BESIDES A FUCKING HOOKER? Guys use it just be condescending not as a real word... geez. FUCK YOU DON't sound like you have any experience. You have to be a 30 year old hooker.
better stick up for the chubby whore, if you cash in enough cans, you could gas up the mini van an come see her.........

HEre I'll help you with the conspiracy... MAY BE YOU WERE PASSED DOWN FROM ANOTHER HOOKTARD TO DORFY... can we do that?...
need help with the caps lock cornfed? I suspect the boones farm may have taken effecty

You're just an overused MANhandle that just dropped into the most retarded HOOKTARD's hands ever. Good luck trying to get out of that one , fucker.
quit while your behind.....you aren't smart enough to be on the Houston board

Why don't you go see a hooker of your choosing who can vouch for your existence.. you are on a hooker site you know. It's just the thing to do. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
I use P411, this handle is just to own punks like you.....hey happy thanksgiving though
Ouch! Alphabet frog man killed it! .. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
yeah he's a real witty guy, except I took him apart......your a sad hooker...to expect cornfed to be your white knight.....I thought you had more game than that....lol
still all jealous over Dorthy.....grow up, not out.....there seems like there's a clever side to you...use it, NOBODY, likes a bitter bitch on a hooker board.....sometimes when youadmit defeat, your adversary shows you some compassion........or you could wait for the Midwest batman to try and come up with something, cuz yeah.....that won't happen
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Tony are you stuck in an echo chamber? You like hearing yourself talk while hell that I am rains upon you?

you are a fucking retard. Plain and simple.

Caps Lock was so I could emphasize certain phrases. I wanted to make sure you with your dimwittedness would be able to see them since they were truly of import. And I wanted to make it easier for you to get the main points.

Right. you use your P411 account. And you're here without PA to do what now? You sound like a joke. No you are a joke. I've never heard of a man who joined a hooker board to be an asshole. I'm an asshole and I don't just act like an asshole for the board. I contribute. What the fuck have you done lately fucker?

Keep up the stereotyping... guess you must be a racist and homophobe and what not.

See? I'm not even trying. You just keep lobbing slow balls to me and I just keep hitting them out of the park. Why do I bother with a shit like you? Even an aborted fetus has more purpose than you. or even a crack whore. At least she serves a purpose giving guys jollies for a cheap thrill. you? I cannot begin to wonder what your purpose is. Well, you did state you like to own punks like me but you're not even good at that. So I'll keep pondering.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
yeah he's a real witty guy, except I took him apart......your a sad hooker...to expect cornfed to be your white knight.....I thought you had more game than that....lol Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
White knight? When did I defend Sweet Dulce? She can fucking fight on her own. She's handily bringing you down as well as your alter ego without any help at all. So stop your hooktard talk.

Geez like I've said before. This is like arguing with an idiot. The idiot doesn't know he/she has been beaten. It's like how do you win when the loser isn't aware of shit.

Go crawl back into the hole in desert whence you came. You are quite unfit to be a part of the world.
White knight? When did I defend Sweet Dulce? She can fucking fight on her own. She's handily bringing you down as well as your alter ego without any help at all. So stop your hooktard talk.

Geez like I've said before. This is like arguing with an idiot. The idiot doesn't know he/she has been beaten. It's like how do you win when the loser isn't aware of shit.

Go crawl back into the hole in desert whence you came. You are quite unfit to be a part of the world. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
your a dullard, your responses fall flat, i'm sure your a badass dealing with the Missouri Mennonites.....but this is adult talk...you know people that earn a real living. I live in Frisco TX,,,,,google it cornfed......you keep tryin,, but don't feel bad way more intelligent dudes than you have been beat up in Houston......go home have a turkey sammich.....and kiss your pig
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Sad... by spewing out more of your shit you're just doing the work for me.

But please continue on about your worldliness and how Frisco is the top of the world. You should go around the country so more know of this great wonder that Frisco is.

The world truly needs more Dorthy Monroe.
Sad... by spewing out more of your shit you're just doing the work for me.

But please continue on about your worldliness and how Frisco is the top of the world. You should go around the country so more know of this great wonder that Frisco is.

The world truly needs more Dorthy Monroe. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
we can do this all night....you telling me how cool ferguson is.....me telling you stay there.....
A2theb2thec's Avatar
we can do this all night....you telling me how cool ferguson is.....me telling you stay there..... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
No. That's what you're doing. You don't realize you're having your own weird internal conversation and I'm just trying to make you realize how fucked up you are.

News flash. It ain't working.

You're completely bonkers man. Dorfy or just a weird sick twisted Dorfy admirer you are one fucked up hooker.

Honest to God. You have major issues. Seek help before you fucking blow your brains out. Man to whatever the fuck you are... truth.
chicagoboy's Avatar
When is Pistolero returning from vacation? Houston Coed needs some sheriff-ing up.
Lazy Modtards, takin vacations n shit....

The world truly needs more Dorthy Monroe. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
Saving this line for posterity.... lol

Thought you thought ol' DM was full of shit?
You didn't know she was like....
The Numero Uno Pendeja Throat Puncher of Houston (possibly all of Eccie?)

Tricks love them some Dorfy.

She makes them get all in their feelin'z- go stalkeratzi & shit....
If it weren't so damn creeper-mode, it'd be epically hilarious, however...
It does point out that some of these Doods aren't as stable as others...

She has her devices, as we ALL do.
What works for her, may not work for others, but hey it's OBVIOUSLY working for her.
I ain't mad.
Dorfy talks about fishin' and all ya'll always thinks she's talking about fishing...

Ya'll mad.... lol

Yes, I love me some DM.

Stop that is the funniest shit I have heard in a while.
Your third person BS is too fucking funny!
You calling out anyone for harassment or stalking is a joke.
You do not win, you lose and that is why you are back.
I get that stings like a bitch but get over it. happy Thanksgiving Originally Posted by rduke4923
says the guy who still can't get over he fact that he was standing on the corner for over an hour thinking he had an appointment with me...

When in fact you never had an address and I wasn't even in town...hahaha
2intexas's Avatar
Quick, more popcorn! Internet warriors going at it hammer and tongs, with a hooktard spurring on her midwest champion. Does the winner get a prize?
^^^^ I'm totally not about getting publicly ragged on, yes this thread is about her and her loser qualities.
Not my cup of tea. Sometimes I really do feel bad for girls that have to whore around, and sometimes I'm like oh well, that is what you get for making bad decisions.
I choose to do this, and I will keep doing it until I get bored of it.
I was the best at my career and got lots of attention for it back in the day, I don't need or want that, I am here to have fun , lots of sex, and enjoy the great financial benifits.. ugh , people like you (Ya'll) make Co-ed so chivvy . Lighten up dude! ..or dudettes. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
I choose to do this to unlike some of your double partners who keep posting more than 2 ads a week and have my finger busy RTMing posts because they can't follow the rules.. your nobody special so get off your high horse..
I don't know if shes back or not, if you read what I wrote, I said who cares if she is back? you do, because your so obessed with her not seeing you, you must post in every thread about her
told ya before....find a hooker that looks like her, book her, call her dorthy, and bam!
winner winer chicken dinner.....OR be a butthurt stalker....a mature so called adult middle aged man that is so obsessed with a 20 something he spends this much time posting to a stooped hooker board.......it up to you duckie......... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino

TG Your geography fucking sux. Houston is a bit of a shithole with your New Orleans migrants.

I don't care what you are. I know you fucking suck Dorfy for life juices. No way you can deny that shit.

My overalls are too tight? I don't wear overalls. May be you do. And these days rocker style clothing is in style or are you stuck in the 80s?

Shit get with the times. And fucking stop talking like a fucking hooktard.

Geez...you must be the most retarded fuck ever. Your fucking diction is soooo HOOKTARDISH It's NOT EVEN FUNNY.


Jelly? WHO THE FUCK USES THAT BESIDES A FUCKING HOOKER? Guys use it just be condescending not as a real word... geez. FUCK YOU DON't sound like you have any experience. You have to be a 30 year old hooker.

HEre I'll help you with the conspiracy... MAY BE YOU WERE PASSED DOWN FROM ANOTHER HOOKTARD TO DORFY... can we do that?

You're just an overused MANhandle that just dropped into the most retarded HOOKTARD's hands ever. Good luck trying to get out of that one , fucker.

Why don't you go see a hooker of your choosing who can vouch for your existence.. you are on a hooker site you know. It's just the thing to do. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec