the *OFFICIAL* welcome back TARA thread!

  • grean
  • 11-09-2017, 09:54 AM
wait wait wait - he title says BANNED again. Is she fucking already banned again?? Originally Posted by corona

Well fuck! I saw last night you could pm her. Today you cant.
DentBick's Avatar
That has to be some kind of record.
corona's Avatar
No shit
TheEccie214's Avatar
Your math is as bad as your spelling (ironically you called me a retard which of course I RTMd).

This is November and your last post was in August.

11 (November is the 11th month of the year)
- 8 (August is the 8th month of the year)
= 3 (11 minus 8)

You’ve already proven my point that you’ve not changed. We get rid of suriam and get you back. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
My work here is done.
Randall Creed's Avatar
There's got to be something else going on. Nothing in her most recent posting history warrants a ban, unless there's something in PM's that did it.

It's odd to me the extent a particular audience goes to get these bans on her. Unless she's outing people or some other evil diabolical mastermind, I don't get why people want her banned.

Talking shit to each other is just part of the appeal of the board. If it was all utopic harmony and lovey-dovey kiss-assery going on all the time, this board would die a slow, painful death.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 11-09-2017, 11:25 AM
It's odd to me the extent a particular audience goes to get these bans on her. Unless she's outing people or some other evil diabolical mastermind, I don't get why people want her banned. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I've never tried to get her banned, but, with one exception, she annoys me more than any other person with a presence on ECCIE, so my RTM trigger is set very light with her.

Didn't even get a chance to do that this time, though.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, because, ignoring her is just too fucking hard.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 11-09-2017, 12:10 PM
Yeah, because, ignoring her is just too fucking hard. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
As opposed to what? Clicking the RTM button and helping clean up the site?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-09-2017, 04:04 PM
wait wait wait - he title says BANNED again. Is she fucking already banned again?? Originally Posted by corona
Ban #11! She sounds like ATF material for those special men in here.
pyramider's Avatar
Hi Tara!!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-09-2017, 07:46 PM
My work here is done. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
she's probably banging on the computer screen for catching the #11 ban. Back to BP she goes to ripoff more old men by just giving them HJ's LOL
PeterBota's Avatar
Holly retard. Lmao
Boltfan's Avatar
Welcome back...
chicagoboy's Avatar
March 2015
Welcome back, Tara. We wouldn't want you to get banned again, so please try not to post anything too cunty. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
September 2015
I guess I need to re-post this every six months or so: Originally Posted by chicagoboy
November 2016
What he said. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
November 2017
What they said.

I’ll take the ‘Over’, again. It paid off so well the last time, I feel like I’m playing with house money. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
What those guys said.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Here it goes again , just saying :-)