I have neither the time or the crayons to explain it to you.
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Funny you say you don't have the time while posting here again and I'm sure you will post something again soon and again later. For a person without time you do spend a lot of it here. As for the crayons, I know you're old and all but there are plenty of devices that make the need for crayons irrelevant. Maybe have someone show you how to use them. Your old ugly ass needs to get use to technology.
Also you can't explain it because if we are talking about the money thing... you can't explain how you're stupid and talking about taking money that we didn't have the right to from the start.
If you're talking about you calling Obama unpatriotic and people like you complaining when others call Trump racists. You can't explain that either. There is far more instances of Trump being a racist than Obama being unpatriotic. So yeah if you think it's ok to call Obama unpatriotic, it's more than ok to call Trump a racist.