a music thread for a break. post away.

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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
here's a few 60's era tunes from the Rolling Stones. oh yes they are old aren't they? but still rockin' !!

this one is not a really well known one, but i like it

monkey man - you could say this is the real Stones, at least in part. the late Brian Jones was on his way out of the group and Mick Taylor in.

all of these are on the "Let it Bleed" album, including "Gimme Shelter" so i won't repost it here.

it's Keith on guitar here .. who's says he only knows 4 chords! well maybe he only does know 4 chords, but he a lot out of them!

Midnight Rambler

a rare tune song by Keith .. kinda bluesy, kinda funky

this is a very early TV appearance .. 1964

Little Red Rooster

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  • R.M.
  • 08-02-2013, 06:45 AM
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The Kills rule the Galaxy.

JCM800's Avatar
Thanks WACO your Keith Richards song "you got silver" is badass...fuck!

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  • R.M.
  • 08-04-2013, 06:21 AM
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