Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

Tony are you stuck in an echo chamber? You like hearing yourself talk while hell that I am rains upon you?

I'm a fucking retard. Plain and simple.

Caps Lock was so I could emphasize certain phrases. I wanted to make sure you with your dimwittedness would be able to see them since they were truly of import. And I wanted to make it easier for you to get the main points.

The main point is you need to go back to kansas

Right. you use your P411 account. And you're here without PA to do what now? You sound like a joke. No you are a joke. I've never heard of a man who joined a hooker board to be an asshole. I'm an Cupcake and I don't just act like an cupcake for the board. I contribute to cupcake eating whores What the fuck have you done lately fucker?

Keep up the stereotyping... guess you must be a racist and homophobe and what not.

But talking about New Orleans migrants is not racist?

See? I'm not even trying. You just keep lobbing slow balls to me and I just keep hitting them out of the park. Why do I bother with a shit like you? Even an aborted fetus has more purpose than you. or even a crack whore. At least she serves a purpose giving guys jollies for a cheap thrill. you? I cannot begin to wonder what your purpose is. Well, you did state you like to own punks like me but you're not even good at that. So I'll keep pondering. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
Lazy Modtards, takin vacations n shit....

Saving this line for posterity.... lol

Thought you thought ol' DM was full of shit?
You didn't know she was like....
The Numero Uno Pendeja Throat Puncher of Houston (possibly all of Eccie?)

Tricks love them some Dorfy.

She makes them get all in their feelin'z- go stalkeratzi & shit....
If it weren't so damn creeper-mode, it'd be epically hilarious, however...
It does point out that some of these Doods aren't as stable as others...

She has her devices, as we ALL do.
What works for her, may not work for others, but hey it's OBVIOUSLY working for her.
I ain't mad.
Dorfy talks about fishin' and all ya'll always thinks she's talking about fishing...

Ya'll mad.... lol

Yes, I love me some DM.

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
A2theb2thec's Avatar
LOOKS LIKE TONY HIT A NERVE Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Ah yeah. you guy sure do think alike for being supposedly two distinct individuals. And as I explained to your biological twin, I was only applying emphasis so "his" retardness would spot the major points. But sadly the points were lost on "him" and yes on you as well.

And I'm not going at it with hammers or tongs. I'm going rogue, bare knuckle baby.

Prepared to be FISTED. Tony I know how much you like to be. Dorfy has been very open about that.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They're not the same person...Just FYI.

And Tony may may feel some weird desire to stick up for Dorthy late at night, but he's not a chick...I don't know the guy, but he's been around long enough that I know he's not a chick.

I wonder who the fuck you are though when you've been around for only two seconds and you talk a lot of shit like you know something.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
When I have said I wasn't racist shit for brains? And new Orleans migrants encompasses all the downtrodden so sue me if most are black. Or may be you're racist thinking the poor are mostly black when in fact most poor are white. Do the math. 70% of the pop is white so guess what if 10% is below poverty it still is way higher than the poor coming from the fucking black pop being only 13% or so in total.

So yeah, logically you're racist by assuming my comment was racist. And I would be a classist since I made the poor out to be a bunch of hobos. WTF do I care? It's how you take the insult. I say shit that's real. It's called not being PC. Something your alter ego will never understand in a million years. Fucker may live that long if this shit board can actually stay up that long. I'm pretty sure that useless piece of shit is just being tossed around from one hooktard to another and may be shared amongst hooktards. But presently it's being hogged by the hooktard in question. congratulations, you have a steaming pile of shit that has accrued so much more shit from all that you have done so far. I feel for the next in line to inherit the lame Tony Gambino. Whether that s true or not, the fuck is a big wuss and a piss poor debater or whatever he wants to call this shit he plays. He and you should just go back to doing something else really since you guys both really suck at it. Saying that you don't doesn't really stop you from sucking, comprende? I have a feeling that this is all lost on you.

So please go on with your shit for brain comments since that's all you are good for besides may be going down on guys or gals. But I think most would prefer you to keep your mouth closed and busy with pleasuring others not yourself.
Ah yeah. you guy sure do think alike for being supposedly two distinct individuals. And as I explained to your biological twin, I was only applying emphasis so "his" retardness would spot the major points. But sadly the points were lost on "him" and yes on you as well.

And I'm not going at it with hammers or tongs. I'm going rogue, bare knuckle baby.

Prepared to be FISTED. Tony I know how much you like to be. Dorfy has been very open about that. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
A2theb2thec's Avatar
They're not the same person...Just FYI.

And Tony may may feel some weird desire to stick up for Dorthy late at night, but he's not a chick...I don't know the guy, but he's been around long enough that I know he's not a chick. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

The fucker talks like a chick. Fucker insanely is behind the retarded chick one hundred percent of the time. They finish each others' sentences and fights. Dude. I don't care what the real story is behind this shit but it's fun to fuck with them/her.

I don't know how many are behind this fucking account but so far the only one I encountered talks like her and acts like her. Their style is remarkably similar. It's like I'm basically talking to one person when I speak to them separately.

So, your input is appreciated and duly noted but not changing my attitude towards them. They seem to appreciate the attention and I like to make them go in circles so why fix what's not broken?
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Pfft Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
No I think you heard it but obviously you never listen so that is why you keep getting yourself in the same shit. No need to thank me for pointing out the obvious but you are welcome dipshit.

Pffftt... who else do I remember using that fucking lame phrase? Hmmm... I wonder.
No I think you heard it but obviously you never listen so that is why you keep getting yourself in the same shit. No need to thank me for pointing out the obvious but you are welcome dipshit.

Pffftt... who else do I remember using that fucking lame phrase? Hmmm... I wonder. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec

Deez Nutts Used That Phrase When Exiting Your Asshole!
A2theb2thec's Avatar
Pfft Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

Deez Nutts Used That Phrase When Exiting MYAsshole!
Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
There I corrected it for you. Apparently your memory is shot as well. I'm not the one who uses that phrase. You do. So only you would know personally what makes that noise. I have personally not had that experience and no I don't do anal. Thanks for inquiring.
I have personally not had that experience and no I don't do anal. Thanks for inquiring. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec

Butt butt butt...

......One fella could have himself a "reverse Gangbang." Originally Posted by cr76
I simply call that heaven. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
A2theb2thec's Avatar
YummieMarie.... wow you sure made an ass out of me. What will I do next? Come out of the closet as a secret gay catcher?

Anyhow.. did you not catch the reverse part of the gangbang?

And sadly the logic doesn't work well. But nice try. Better luck next time.

Hey but anything to make Dorfy laugh, am I right? You're queer for Dorfy, we all know and it shows.
  • cr76
  • 11-27-2015, 04:36 PM
Well Yummy has never held back on her feelings for Dorfy's Cha-cha. But the reverse gamgbang referred to girls taking turns riding the baloney pony ;-)
Dorfy is one of those people you either love or hate. You've clearly stated where you stand, don't get upset if her friends stick up for her when you come in blindly insulting her.
Blindly I mean, you attacked her from multiple directions not informed of any. Strategically, you've created you're own demise.
Good luck with that.
Dorfy needs no WKs, she fights her own battles. If you've noticed she more often than not comes out on top by days end. This saga should have an interesting if not predictable finish.
Like I said... Good Luck a2.