Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

Oralist's Avatar
Yawn! Page 63 of the Bitch Fight! Why don't y'all go fuck someone and write a review. Either that, or change the name of the site to ECCBF (Escort Client Community Bitch Fighting).
Wakeup's Avatar
All I want for Tebowmas is for Chris to change the name of the site to Escort Client Community Bitch Fighting...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Tebow, bless us, everyone!
junglemonkey's Avatar
Yawn! Page 63 of the Bitch Fight! Why don't y'all go fuck someone and write a review. Either that, or change the name of the site to ECCBF (Escort Client Community Bitch Fighting). Originally Posted by Oralist

And Wakeup will still be Mod. Ijs
ahhh sweet memories of home.
it wasn't Penn state, but they all look alike from inside a padded cell...
Damn that's a catchy song, I can't get it out of my head now!
I'll teach it to the gang when we go caroling Christmas Eve!
Thanks Yummy! Happy Holidays!

that furry fucktard reminds me of the nut job in the next cell. He never shaved (his back), and couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. But he was quick with a joke, or a light of your smoke...
SWING and a miss... Strike One!
Play Ball!
Can't hit them all clean out of the park, that and Wakeup can't get the ball over the plate... He still throws like a girl ya know.

what part was incorrect? I don't have the advantage of years on the board and can only go by recent observations and an occasional search when the itch needs a scratch.
We're just joking around, kicking around a topic or two.
c'mon give the kid a hint.
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
Hint: He can read your infraction page, and drop the Ban Hammer if you go nuclear.
dearhunter's Avatar
H.H, a private paid for forum is a clubhouse forum and functions as you describe. A restricted private forum is exactly that, restricted and private. Some examples of a restricted private forums are infoshare, the powder room, the spider hole and modtardville. Those are the ones that are common knowledge.

You also do not understand the function of admin. Admin is not the superiors of modtards. They simply perform a different function that requires a different kind of access.

Lastly, modtards would take exception to you calling me a modtard. I am not a modtard in the normal sense. I serve a different function and was given the keys to the kingdom in the dead of night while all the sheep were counting shepherds.

Rumor has it that Wakeup bought his way in..........ijs
Wakeup's Avatar
Goddamn it, dh...
All I want for Tebowmas is for Chris to change the name of the site to Escort Client Community Bitch Fighting... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Even just the header for some hours would do it for me..
chicagoboy's Avatar
Lastly, modtards would take exception to you calling me a modtard. I am not a modtard in the normal sense. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dearhunter is the a-hole Godturd, but his posts bear careful reading.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Useless threAD
dearhunter's Avatar
Goddamn it, dh... Originally Posted by Wakeup
You working on that second opinion?