Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

is kameltoe harris thinking she's goona get a promotion?

HedonistForever's Avatar
but I am sure you will respond with an answer that makes absolutely no sense to anyone but you. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Well, there's me and about 3 million other viewers on a daily basis and about 70 some odd million Americans (that voted for the Republican) that he makes sense to. There are those people who complain about an artist that sells millions but it makes no sense to you, therefore it is crap. The reason Tucker moved into the number one spot over every other "commentator" ( I won't refer to him as a journalist so as not to upset you) on cable news, is precisely because more and more people are hearing what he has to say and agree with him.

If you have been keeping up with the Twitter files being released ...everything of a political nature has been released from the last 6 years This isn't a news reporter making up a story they heard, these are the conversations, short that they may be, between "government", sometimes Departments, some times individuals like Adam (shit for brains) Schiff and Dianne Feinstein, not asking but telling Twitter to take down posts, saying they are being generated by Russian bots meant to hurt them. Twitter's response? "We see no evidence that Russian bots are involved in this". But did that stop Schiff and Feinstein from making that accusation? It did not.

Now, before VM jumps in and complains that I have veered from the original topic that I started by the way, my reason for writing that, was to give you an example that Tucker and Fox News, are the only way you will ever know about what I just wrote. I guarantee you that not a single other media source, broadcast or cable, will tell you exactly, word for word, what is in these Twitter files. But, I guess how this could be a real buzz kill for the Democrats since they were the ones making all the demands, well, let's say a generous majority of Democrats were making the most demands. We hear what those in and out of the CDC were saying to each other on Twitter for pete's sake.

But, I'm told there are people who really don't give a shit about any of this. I don't know what other reason there is to be here other than trying to make sense of what the fuck our government is doing, but I guess there could be other reasons, who knows.

You don't have to agree with everything Tucker and Fox says, hell, you don't have to agree with any of it, but isn't hearing another opinion, sometimes 180 degrees opposite opinion worth doing? Like some of us try to do here?

Tucker will have YES, a different version of that same story you are hearing from your chosen media, if you listen to a counter opinion, now you have enough to have an "educated" opinion, which I respect.

But hey, "I know what I know and will not be deterred" even when the facts come pouring out on what corporations and the elites, government and social, have been saying to each other, offering their opinions that they would strongly suggest Twitter and Facebook adhere to or suffer the wrath of the now defunct, Ministry of Truth. Raise your hands, how many of you thought that was going to pass muster?

Can anybody tell me which media other than Fox news, is broadcasting this deep dive into really understanding what happened in the last 6 years. Twitter releasing literally every thing anybody of importance had to say on any political topic. It answers so many questions. Cut and dry, no BS ........ and nobody but Fox news watchers seem to care one bit, what was being said may have influenced your vote to go in a different direction. This is one of the most consequential revelations in our nations history, that we can now put it all together, in context and you'll only do that by listening to the only channel, that will not give you the truth, that's hyperbole I'll admit but they are giving you a much different story and damn it, the truth of what happened and what was said to get us to where we are now, is damned important. And from where I sit, there are far to many of us who don't see this opportunity to hold the ones that got us here, accountable for what they said and did when they knew damn well, like Schiff and Feinstein, just to give two examples, they were peddling BS, but it was "their BS", important to both political parties apparently.

If you are not hearing, reading what all these elites were doing and saying, sometimes making policy on the fly, such interesting co-coordinating going on there, huh? Then you can't have a possible clue if the people you put your trust in, have been lying to to you about everything of any real importance.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
HF, the correct answer is: his car has nothing to do with anything. That took 8 words. It did not require a novel. And please don't take my post out of context and quote my whole post and leave out my point just because you have late night happy typing fingers, and you want to go off on a rant. If I read all of that shit, I bet it had little to do, (if anything to do) with the entirety of my post. LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-16-2023, 03:59 AM
Well, there's me and about 3 million other viewers on a daily basis and about 70 some odd million Americans (that voted for the Republican) that he makes sense to. There are those people who complain about an artist that sells millions but it makes no sense to you, therefore it is crap. The reason Tucker moved into the number one spot over every other "commentator" ( I won't refer to him as a journalist so as not to upset you) on cable news, is precisely because more and more people are hearing what he has to say and agree with him.

. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
So you think 3 million koolaid drinkers are the majority?

No damn wonder you think Trump won in 2020!
Precious_b's Avatar
So you think 3 million koolaid drinkers are the majority?

No damn wonder you think Trump won in 2020! Originally Posted by WTF
Pointed out on another thread there are about twice that number who watch one of the ones I view. Of course they ignored the fact that foxy has their toes in the *fake media* too.

And you don't see them saying that more votes where found when recalls where issued.

Just goes to show more fact deniers choose koolaid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HF, the correct answer is: his car has nothing to do with anything. That took 8 words. It did not require a novel. And please don't take my post out of context and quote my whole post and leave out my point just because you have late night happy typing fingers, and you want to go off on a rant. If I read all of that shit, I bet it had little to do, (if anything to do) with the entirety of my post. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So you think 3 million koolaid drinkers are the majority?

No damn wonder you think Trump won in 2020! Originally Posted by WTF
Pointed out on another thread there are about twice that number who watch one of the ones I view. Of course they ignored the fact that foxy has their toes in the *fake media* too.

And you don't see them saying that more votes where found when recalls where issued.

Just goes to show more fact deniers choose koolaid. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ How dare you!!! I'm offended you would insult my intelligence like that to think I would ever watch that clown. I think I wasted more than enough time yesterday watching the Cowboys and the Lakers... if I am going to waste my time watching mindless shit, I prefer to waste my time watching sports and not Fucker Carlson for even two seconds. At least the games are real and not made-up bullshit.
Precious_b's Avatar
^^^ How dare you!!! I'm offended you would insult my intelligence like that to think I would ever watch that clown. I think I wasted more than enough time yesterday watching the Cowboys and the Lakers... if I am going to waste my time watching mindless shit, I prefer to waste my time watching sports and not Fucker Carlson for even two seconds. At least the games are real and not made-up bullshit. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Was the game at least on a foxxy affiliated station?


VitaMan's Avatar
How about Tucker Carlson running for the Republican nomination for president ?
Precious_b's Avatar
How about Tucker Carlson running for the Republican nomination for president ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
I'd second that nomination.

Wacky for campaign manager. That'd make him a shoe in.

How about it wacky?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

the NOTAM incidents .. random coincidence .. or not?

US NOTAM Disruption Caused By 'Personnel Failing To Follow Procedures'


the next day ... Canada's completely separate NOTAM system fails ...

Canada suffers same mysterious air system outage as US, delaying more flights


nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Power outage forces Philippines to suspend flights, shut airspace


cyber terror attacks or 3 major random systems failures in less than 3 weeks?

what are the odds?
dimocrats have trojan horsed the doj, fbi, irs, cia, epa, homeland security et al

they have infected and corrupted almost all departments of the government, i cant think of one they havent.

they work to outlaw being conservative

when biden says his idiotic things, like jim crow 2.0 or talks about "white supremacy".... those arent just the idle political ramblings of a liar

they corrosively ignite action by these departments, these political lies become marching orders for the departments to try to bolster and make real

like corrupting fbi statistics to report incidents as " white supremacy" incidents.... when they arent

or investigate parents

or the doj filing targeted but worthless lawsuits

simple trespass gets you locked in solitary in the slammer as you wait for trial

or all manner of things such as the collusion with big tech etc

or the 51 "intelligence officers" who claimed hunter's laptop had all the earmarks of russian disinformation

one of them owned up to the sly lie the other day...douglas wise a former defense intelligence agency deputy director:

"all of us figured that a significant portion of that content had to be real"

tucker exposes these things
VitaMan's Avatar
If Tucker Carlson ran for president, he would end up like Dan Quayle.....complete mush.
Precious_b's Avatar
If Tucker Carlson ran for president, he would end up like Dan Quayle.....complete mush. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Tucky for Prez!
Come on wacky and pick up the gauntlet!
Tell us you will be his campaign manager!
He can control and broadcast on ALL MEDIA!
Let him breakout of that measly ~3mil viewers of 100+mil usa viewers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Progressive nonsense in Norway. 3 years in jail for saying "Women are women and men aren't"
